You Are Not Worthy!

The next day, after having breakfast with her mom, she slung her school bag that had nothing save for her phone, earbuds and some papers. 

Over the night she had been very busy with preparing contracts, it was easy for her mom that knew her well to see that she didn't sleep well.

"You didn't sleep well, do you have to go to school today also?" Her mom asked worriedly as she looked at the slight eye bags under that attractive face. 

"Hmmmm, I won't stay long today and would try to come back early," she promised and then walked over to give her mom a hug. 

Rong Xia watched as she left and said nothing, after a while, she pulled out her phone and dailed a number. 

She talked to the person for about ten minutes and if anyone was listening, they would see that the only thing she talked about was her daughter, after the call ended, her eyes looked at the door with a little bit of hope and sadness before she started to pack the dishes.