Kicking A Rock

Surprise flashed through his eyes as he took a better look. The trade market was one of the good ways of making money but it was also one of the easiest ways to lose money too. 

With the high risk, only professionals ventured into it at this time of the world. He stepped back but kept looking through her phone to be sure that she was trading right. 

However, by the time the elevator got to the top floor, Rong Yue kept her phone away without even bothering to log out or anything. 

"The new products don't have a lot in stock yet and are less than ten for each one," the manager informed them as he opened the last door on the hallway they were with a password. 

Rong Yue nodded without realizing the man couldn't see her and just followed him in. The manager on the other hand thought they were dissatisfied with such a result and kept thinking of ways to cajole them.