Results Are Out!

After playing for more than three hours, Rong Yue was completely exhausted and hungry. Upon seeing how tired she was, Qin Heng that had rubbed around her all day while they played games together decided that he had played enough. 

"I'm hungry!" He said with a pout as he gave an eye signal to his brother. 

"You are hungry? Let me go over there and get you some snacks," Rong Yue turned to run over there quickly but her arm was grabbed by Qin Yichen. 

"It's okay, he has had enough for today. Let's go home," 

"Little darling, are you ready to go?" Rong Yue totally disregarded his words and first asked the little darling to be sure he wanted to go home and it was only when he nodded twice that she also agreed. 

"Okay then, let's go home." 

She bent down, wanting to carry him but the big boss behind her was faster and lifted Qin Heng up like he weighed nothing.