Waitress Rong Yue

Night came soon and Rong Yue climbed over the wall of The Viridian. While that part of their building was a weak spot, it was also where their technology was layered the most, that way, they would catch anyone that tried to slip in through that part. 

However, Rong Yue already disabled the security so it became a walk in the park for her. 

She checked left and right carefully to make sure there was no patrol officer around and then jumped down. 

"Fuck! Don't tell me that tonight is a sensitive night, what are you?" One man yelled as she was walking towards the front entrance. 

From her vantage point, she saw that they were holding two men back and not allowing them to enter. The scene made her eyes narrow slightly as she took two steps back. 

Initially, she had felt that since she sneaked inside by herself, she could enter without any issues, but from what it looked like, even their security was tighter.