Keep Her Away!

The sales that Lyfe made in the next few days was beyond anyone's expectations. Rong Yue decided to set a limit for the amount of people that the aromatherapy section could take in a day to not stress the staff.

Even with that, the waiting list already exceeded a month because after each day, the people that had experienced it would go on to tell other about how magical it was.

In those few days, they had also sold out on three different days and the Song siblings with the other people in the laboratory worked overtime everyday just to get products available.

Rong Yue also had to make more batches of her miracle fluid.

In this new week, Wu Hao and the team that had traveled for the competition came back and Rong Yue had to return to the capital to meet them.

As soon as the flight landed, Rong Yue stirred from her sleep. The exhaustion from running around because of Lyfe was still heavy on her body.