
Sun Kai was not surprised to see it, but he still pointed it out. "Rong Yue is really a genius that's hard to find," 

"But I don't seem to see Tong Yang's name here?" Sun Fan asked. He was standing behind the couch and looking over their shoulders. 

Not only was Tong Yang's name not there, but the gap between the first position and second position was also quite wide. 

Rong Yue - 750

Lu Wei - 721

She had scored 31 points more than the person behind her. That itself was difficult to achieve as the third person had scored 720, only one point lower than the second position. 

But even up until the tenth position, Tong Yang's name didn't show. 

"Xiao Li, what name does the Tong Family daughter use in school?" 

Although the four of them hadn't opened the result page because of her, it was human nature to be curious and enjoy gossip.