
"Nothing, it's just that now that I only have myself to depend on, I can't just sit and wait till something comes…" 

Rong Yue said nothing for a while, she knew Wu Hao's family condition, and she remembered that later in the future, things had really changed for him, including his family. 

From his words now, it seemed he had separated from this family right now. 

"I'll listen to it soon," Rong Yue finally said. Even if she was concerned, it wasn't a conversation she wanted to have here.

"Also, the Principal said he has been trying to reach you, the pressure from the universities that want you is quite a lot," 

In just a day, many cars had arrived in City A high school. It was a small city and news travelled fast. 

"Hmmm, I understand." 

She was about to end the call when something crossed her mind, "Wu Hao, it's not okay for my mom to stay alone, can you stay with her for a while?"