You Still Have Me

Manager Bai nodded and crossed it off his list. From the beginning, he followed all of Rong Yue's instructions, and the Arcade Center was a success. He had no reason to do otherwise now.

"Also, Manager Bai, you have to get a professional and skilled secretary. Then you should also find small managers that can handle each Arcade Center…." 

Manager Bai's eyes opened wide in shock. Was he getting a promotion?

Rong Yue's lips also curled upwards from his expression. "Did you think you would keep managing that same place?" 

"You have three weeks to do a proper handover. After that, you will move to the headquarters and be the executive manager," 

His skills were enough to handle it, and more importantly, Rong Yue liked that he was someone who listened to instructions.

He was easy to work with, so she had no reason to be searching around for someone else.