Ready To Settle

Days passed, and Rong Yue finally felt that she was ready to talk to her mother.

In the last two days, the tension in the house was sharp enough to cut through glass.

Since she was working on the Jewelry warehouse launch, she would go out early and only come back later in the evening. 

Lu San and Manager Fang Mo also worked even harder than her. 

"Has the food box been sent over?" She asked as she entered the already warmed-up car.

"Yes, Young Miss. It was delivered some minutes ago." The food place was the one that Qin Yichen had arranged to take care of her meals some months ago. 

However, in the last two days, Rong Yue only ate fruits or took tea anytime she was in the office. Although Lu San had no idea what she ate anytime she returned back home, he could tell that she wasn't eating well.