Can Have Some Candies

As Luo Yunxi guessed, Rong Yue didn't want to stay in the same room with the four of them. 

Also, she wasn't as famous as the other two. When she entered the room, she was given a card that gave her a number. 

Rong Yue picked one of the extreme seats at the end of the room and read the theme. 

[Loss is one of the greatest and most experience. Use your brush to tell the world why they can recover from their loss.] 

She read the theme three times before closing her eyes. 

As she sat there, Rong Yue's mind was transported to when she had lost her mother. To the time that she had experienced a great amount of pain in the organisation. 

To watching Tong Yang enjoy everything that she owned. Everything that was hers. 

She could easily be one of the people who had experienced the greatest loss. But she had also been unable to recover from it.