Saintess Yuan

Yo! sorry for the delay. Had practicals to do... so busy 1698 words or so today. Lower then normal but lacking ideas soo... here you go.


"System, Buy the EXP Share Item pack."

[Ding! Host has bought EXP Share (Unlimited) from the System Shop. Remaining NTR points:- 3900]

Chen looked at the item description with a smile as he thought,

"Hopefully I can get to 1 million NTR points soon. The next item is nearly as important after all."

[EXP Share:- Item from pokemon world. Those who it's given to will get equal training improvements with Host. It is not a physical object, more of a virtual item.

For each breakthrough Host or the person this is given to makes (Around similar level to host to affect him), they will all consecutively make their own breakthrough.

e.g:- If host makes a breakthrough, all your designated EXP Sharer will make one breakthrough.]

'Now I don't have to worry about Yuxia or Qiao being left behind.'

As submissive he acted yesterday, it was mostly a result of decreased Yang Qi influencing him. Otherwise he was essentially the pillar of his family. He still had the greatest say in all things. Thus he had the responsibility of looking after his wives too.

'Though it might not be bad to try out new plays with my forms. Yuxia sure liked my trap version, even if it still hurts my base forms pride a bit... Oh Well!'

Chen decided to tour the sect today. He walked normally down the mountain as he entered the inner sect public grounds. The inner sect disciples were rushing about going about their day. All off them made way for him as they greeted,

"We pay our respects to Ninth Elder."

Chen nodded in response as he walked around the Sect. He thought of something and asked the System,

"Can I view the affection level of others above their head?"

[Ding! The system has considered your question and adjusted according to host's request. Now you can see other's affection level above their head.

Note:- The Affection level indicates their care for you. The Life and Death level lovers level can mean friendship which can disregard life and death. Romantic affection levels will be colored pink. Platonic friendship indicates grey.]

The market area was the most bustling with disciples both buying and selling things. In the training area only the weaker disciples could be seen. The stronger ones are those with enough brains to not display their strength in front of literally everyone.

After finishing his tour, just as he was about to go back, he noticed a blonde woman. Her hair was golden blonde which seemed to glow with an unearthly radiance.

She had two horns on her head, displaying her draconic bloodline. Her her skin was as smooth as jade. Her eyes showed an innocent radiance, seemingly untouched by the filth of the world. Her kind smile could warm the coldest of hearts.

It was the Saintess of the Sect. Each Sect had their Saintess and Saint Sons. But the Heaven's Sword Sect seemed to have one which fitted the title most perfectly.

She had a huge smile as she approached Chen, "Chen! Want to have another match with me?"

Chen smiled, they were long time friends. One of the few Chen could completely trust. She had the habit of challenging him to a chess match every time she saw him.

"Isn't there a meeting going on?"

The Saintess, Yuan Huian, stuck out her tongue cutely and said, "Who cares, you're skipping too."

"Well I don't have the Grand Elder watching all my movements. Plus I already know what it's about."

Yuan Huian wasn't interested at all so she switched the topic and asked, "So are we playing or not?"

Chen realized that he had nothing to do and agreed. Guiding her to his courtyard, Chen set up the Chess table as they took their seats. Yuan Huian made her move as she asked,

"So what's the meeting about?"

Chen replied as he made his own moves, "Yuxia had a breakthrough to Nascent Soul. You could have just asked the Grand Elder you know? She should have noticed."

Yuan Huian gave him a look and said, "You think she would answer that straightforwardly? Plus I needed to slip away from her so..."

Chen smiled then asked her a bit seriously,

"How was your training going these days? Any progress?" He was after all, a bit of her teacher as much as he was a friend.

She gave him a smug smile and said, "I reached the Peak of Golden Core. I'm going to surpass Yuxia at least in breaking through to Nascent Soul."

"You only have a 4 years deadline then."

"Ma ah, It's more then enough. When I awaken my Draconian Ancestry, I can easily reach Nascent Soul." She said, pointing at her horns.

"Right, have the Grand Elder already brought back the necessary materials?"

"It's going to take another year. Enough about my strength, what about you. Your aura seems more profound then before? Anyways Check!"

Chen replied as he smoothly made a counterattack on the board, "This is a secret from everyone for now, but I reached the Deva Realm. My Physique awakened it's special attributes."

Chen trusted Huian with his life. He could also see that she had a super innocent and cute soul which would never betray her friends. She also had the System's affirmation after all.

"WHAT!! YOUR A DEVA!!" The blonde Saintess practically shouted. She was absolutely shook. Having a Deva was the requirement of becoming a Holy Land ranked Sect.

Their Sext was betting on her to become a Holy Land. She had the Bloodline of an Ancient Dragon, granting her the possibility of becoming a Deva. That is why she never left the Sect in her life. The Grand Elder acts as her personal guard as well as her Master.

Now hearing that Chen is a Deva already felt extremely shocking. She wasn't jealous though, purely happy for him.

"Wait, why are you hiding your strength? Do you still want to assassinate the Sect Master?"

Chen really didn't know why he told her about that plan back then. As great as she is, he should have had a tighter leash to his mouth. But for some reason he never wanted to keep secrets from her.

She was the third most important woman in his life except for Yuxia and his mother after all. He looked at her head to see a grey level showing 98 and a pink one at 59. Additional proofs of her loyalty right there.

"That plan has more importance to it than a mere breakthrough. It's a good thing you don't mind me doing it but can we talk about that less, maybe more silently?"

Huian snorted in disgust,

"Hmph! That man is just a coward. He didn't even let me attack that rapist son of a bitch who harassed me just because he was a Devas son. Our sect can still defend against a Deva so low in rank. Plus, it's not like I'll kill him. He didn't even let me hit him a bit. Hey! You can avenge me now! Go! my avenger!"

She shouted excitedly. That event really enraged her.

'The Sect Master wasn't wrong there though. That Deva was trying to fish for information on Huian. If she retaliated, he'd know that she had a Supreme Rank Bloodline, nearly guaranteeing her ascension to Deva. That would be a true catastrophe.'

Trying to divert the conversation, Chen said, "Anyways, did you find anything new or fun?"

She was always looking for fun things. Once she sealed her powers and jumped from a cliff after hearing about bungee jumping from Chen. After that Chen tried to be careful of his words in front of her. Except, this time he failed miserably.

Her eyes shined with curiosity as she asked, "Hey Hey! Doesn't only men have a penis?"

Chen was extremely confused at her question as he stuttered out, "Wai-wha..What???"

"I said, doesn't only men have a penis?"

She was extremely determined to get an answer.

"Well yes... except maybe some special species or exceptions."

Chen wasn't that sure about it himself. So it was more of a question then an answer. How was he supposed to know?

"So why does Yuxia jie have one?"

Then she suddenly dropped a bomb.

"And isn't sex done by a man putting his penis inside a woman's vaginal hole? Why was Yuxia's inside your butthole?"

Chen was shocked as hell. How did she know? Oh god... This is extremely humiliating...

"How did you see? Or more like what did you see?"

"Oh, I was planning on visiting you so I opened the door of your house. You did give me your formations core tokens. When I realized you two were having sex, I was too curious to go away. I tried peeking, but then I got confused as I seemed to have learned something different?"

She tilted her head as she replied, albeit a bit confused about the incident. As pure as she seemed, it wasn't as if she knew nothing. She was essentially taught all she needs to know by the Grand Elder. She was more of a mother then a Master to her after all.

Chen was extremely, extremely, extremely awkward. He gave her a smile which looked worse then crying, "Well you see Huian, there is something we call privacy..."

She rolled her eyes and replied, "Then lock your doors first. So... why does Yuxia have a penis?"

Her eyes beamed with curiosity yet again. She wasn't going to let him blow over it easily. Chen thought a bit and decided to explain it the best as he could, "Well you see..."

He described the concept of fetish to her and the pleasure aspect of sex. He also described the power of his Physique, not in depth though, enough to understand that he can grant dicks to women.

Huian slowly digested all she learned today. Her worldview was quite overwhelmed.

She thought of something a bit and looked directly at his eyes.

"Hey Chen, What do you say about trying out the sex thingy with me?"