A New Bicycle

Darma is still digesting Amir's confession. At first, he didn't even think that his best friend was be a devil worship in the sense of allying with supernatural beings to get wealth. The people in Rancarawa village called the term Nyupang, allying with the devil to be rich.

"I keep tuyul," whispered Amir in Darma's ear.

"You ally with the devil ...."

"Shhh, don't be loud." Amir interrupted by placing his index finger on Darma's lips.

"Nowadays, if we not allied with the devil is so difficult to be rich. How can I be like now? At least I'm still being made fun of by my mom in-laws like you. I don't want to continue to be insulted. I think they don't care what will we do, Our mother and father in-laws only want us to be rich. Do not continue to live in poverty as you are.

Just look at me now. How could Lusi's mother ever insult me again? My mother-in-law now praises me. I'm richman, I have a lot of money, and I have good work in the shop. They just want we like that. They don't want to know how hard we are trying. I'm tired of being a righteous person but still being humiliated. That's why I chose to be like this, "Amir admitted without being direct.

"Ah, I want to go along with that. It's scary." Darma shuddered.

"It isn't scary, Darma. Oh no, you haven't tried it yet. You're already talking about it."

"Well, if you're like that, you have Tuyul. So, the Tuyul's going to suckle on Lusi's breast. I'm scared of sharing my wife's breast with Tuyul. Ajeng's breast is round, big, and tight. I don't want to share it with Tuyul. That's Creepy." Darma shuddered again at the thought of sharing Ajeng's two twin mountains with invisible creatures who would help her business get rich quickly like Amir.

"Hei, Darma. Let's think about it, if you have a lot of money, you can find other breast everywhere. In the district, there are many coffee shops with fantastic waiters. You really don't want to be successful?"

"It's not like that, Amir Mahmud. I feel sorry for Ajeng. I'll be the good one. But, Ajeng, who is miserable, being hit by a tuyul must be sick, Mir. "

"Ok, but you can choose any demons to help you. There are many types. There are stealth pigs, demon snakes or other devil like Pocong and Kuntilanak. So you just have to choose one."

"Oh my God, that's scary, Amir. Just imagining it gives me goosebumps," Darma shuddered, rubbing his arms, Darma rubbed his arms, which were starting to swell.

Moreover, the street was already deserted, so the Kapok tree in front of it looked even more sinister when it was getting dark.

"Do you think that Pak Harto's wealth is not the result of worshiping the devil? That;s real and i think that isn't scary. Doyou want to be a slave of boss of Harto all the time." Amir suppressed his voice, with his index finger pointing at the expanse of rice fields in front of them, which mostly belonged to Harto.

"You're ridiculous, don't make accusations," Darma rebuked.

"Is it true that all the rich people in Rancarawa are the result of worshiping the devil?" He evaded, who did not want to be prejudicial to the wealth of the skippers or landlords in Rancarawa, Rancaekek, or the villages surrounding the Randusewu forest.

"Whatever, I just want to invite you to have a good life! Remember, it is only you who knows that I have Tuyul. Don't say it to everyone, that's our secret."Amir ordered before ending their conversation.

They walked home after a long chat. Really, if it's true what his friend said, While some of the rich people in their environment are supportive, Darma remains in his position.

He didn't have the slightest intention of allying with the invisible beings like some people did. He had often heard that in charity or support, allying with supernatural beings was no longer taboo in Rancarawa and its surroundings.

In other areas too, shortcuts for rich offences like this are indeed chosen by difficult people like himself and Amir. Many people choose the occult path to achieve world success in an instant.

Amir, his friend who used to work with him, has now turned into a rich skipper of a basic grocery store. Amir also openly invites Darma to follow him to be Tuyul worshiper so that it is no longer difficult to live in the world. Currently, Darma still refuses. He does not want his life to be full of wealth, but in the wrong way.

"Darma, Do you know that Randusewu forest had a beautiful demon as a queen. Try to find the Queen, their leader, so that your support is not scary," said Amir before their steps parted at the crossroads.

"I'll know where it came from if the support is good." Darma chuckled, without him knowing that what he saw could be seen by a creature that was not visible to the eye but had been following him for a long time.


At half past five in the morning, as usual, faint voices could be heard from the little mosque where Dewan was practising Pencak Silat, and that's when Ajeng would have found Dewan already tidy and ready to go to the langar with a sarong around his neck.

"Mom, I wanna go now." Dewan grabbed Ajeng's right hand for a kiss. And always, Ajeng replied by rubbing the top of her eldest son's head.

The only son of her and Darma's love, and who knows when Ajeng can get trust again because she has not been pregnant for a long time.

"Oh,Mom. I forgot to say. If Daddy wake up please tell him, I always wait my bycycle, when will it come?" asked Dewan. He lifted his face to meet his mother's eyes.

A new habit that Dewan always does every time they want to go anywhere. Kissing Ajeng and Darma's hands and saying a greeting in Arabic, the meaning of which is unknown to his parents.

"Oke, I will tell to your daddy, be careful and don't come home late." Ajeng ordered to let the council go.

"Okay Mom, Assalamualaikum." Dewan ran out of the house without the slightest fear. Yet the sky was still dark.

The atmosphere in Rancarawa is still quiet. Not a single resident has been active outside the house. Only the chirping of the rooster accompanied Dewan and the other children's steps towards the prayer room.

Children who are without sin and have just learned to know their God from a teacher called Abah Mulyadi by his closest neighbours in Rancarawa. Mulyadi is a new resident who recently settled in Rancarawa. No one knows where he came from.

Mulyadi and his family bought vacant land at the end of the village and built a minimalist house with a little mosque which became a place to practise Pencak Silat for the children of Rancarawa village, who were still clean-hearted and easy to invite to do good habits.

After Dewan leaves, Ajeng usually carries out her routine obligations: bathing, washing clothes, and Ajeng cooking rice. But now she's sitting there thinking about how Darma will get the money to buy a bicycle for Dewan. The breeze that hit her face carried the rancid aroma of Kapok leaves. Ajeng shuddered, horrified to discover her house reeking of Kapok leaves.