
"Hah... Hah..." Ryan kept panting due to all the runnaing.

'The realism of this game is on a whole new level, This feels do real!' Ryan thought.

After running for a while, they have finally arrived at the training area.

"Excuse Sir"

When the soldier turn around and look at them, they feel a chill run down their spine.

"What?" His tone is flat as he ask them.

"Please can you train us?" Ryan asked, this Is a classical line of getting training quest from NPC.

A pressure suddenly descends on both Ryan and Riz.

'What the hell? Is this guy testing us or trying to break us' Ryan struggled under the pressure and Riz is fairing much better than Ryan.

'That's why no one has taken him as a teacher yet' Riz thought.

"It seems you two are not that bad"

"What does that mean?" They simultaneously said.

"You have passed my test, I will be taking you in as my disciples but I promised it will not be easy"


- Ranke: E -> D (because of race)

- Attained tier two mastery for at least a single weapon

'Damn, is not like I choose to play as a demon race' Ryan cursed.

"We can do it" Ryan and Riz resolutely said.

"Alright, follow me to the training ground and we can begin our training"

"Uhm sir, what should we call you?" Ryan asked.

"Just call me Crimson Sword" Their new master answered.

When they arrived at the training ground, they found many soldiers training their skills or sparring with each other and their are many training dummies.


A loud sound is heard as Crimson sword drop a rag filled with weapons.

"You can go chose and then we can start training" Crimson sword pointed at the weapon's rag.

'What should I choose?' Ryan is having a hard time choosing a weapon.

"Let's start with the spear"

"What did you mean by that?" Riz asked, he had already chose a collection of sword.

"If I can, I will try all the weapons" Ryan said.

"What is your reason for that?" Crimson sword interest is piqued.

"I believe that I will have a lot advantage over other people, I might be able to fight in all kinds of scenarios. In an enclosed area, I could used the dagger or sword, In an open area I could use the spear to pierce my opponents or used the great sword to completely decimate my opponents" Ryan explained.

"That's a good reason and it is also permissible" Crimson sword shows his approval.

»Quest updated«

- D -> D+

- Attained tier one mastery for a minimum of 4 weapons.

- Quest duration: 1 week.

'What? I should not have said thay'

"Naturally everything that has an advantage must also have a disadvantage"

Ryan nodded his head.

"The one that practice a sole weapon might be more proficient than you in that particular weapon"

"Pick up your weapons and attack a training dummy each"

Ryan holds the spear and approached the training dummy, he hold the spear a bit and try to find the balance point.

After finding it, Ryan tried to make his stance grounded.

After that he started attacking the dummy but he soon find out that the attack is not as simple as it seems, well the movies made it more simpler than it seems, in ten attempt only about six are successful.

Ryan quickly stop his rest and get back on his feet determine to perfect his moves.


"Hah... Hah" Ryan is totally tired from the training and decided to rest for a while.

Riz is also tired and decided to sit beside him, he kept his large broad sword beside him as he sat.

Riz not only practiced broad sword but he is also determined on training with all type of swords but the Broad sword is his favourite.

'I should probably check my quest logs and see if their is something new'

»Quest log«

- SSS Rank Quest

Quest info: raise your own army and resist the onslaught of players.

- Rewards


'So I will be fighting players soon, this is gonna be hard but am ready for it. I will destroy anyone that dare block my path and rise up the ranks'

Many players are in the beginner's village while Ryan is here busy trying to learn how to fight.

'I bet most of them have not even started training and just buy cheap weapons and directly went to the forest to hunt monsters' Ryan felt quiet proud that he might be one of the top players.

What does that means? It means a lot of money and he is about to get rich soon and get rid of his current poor living condition.

But his quest did not in the slightest seems simple because he might be against the whole players in this game!