"" = Talking
'' = Thinking
[] = Status Screen Viewing
<> = Specifying Location or Time or Both
<3 years and 4 months later>
<23rd Feb 123>
23rd February is a special day since it is the birthday of Kenichi Sarutobi. He spent his birthday with his family and friends, although he only has two friends. Such a loner!
He spent his day like every birthday boy spends his day, playing and eating. But once he slept that night he gained something during his sleep. He gained memories, to be specific memories in the form of information.
Since memories were gained in the form of information, Kenichi's personality, speaking styles, gestures etc. remained unchanged. He is still the same 4 year old before sleep just with a lot of information and knowledge.
When Kenichi woke up he had a slight headache and so he remained lying on his bed with his eyes closed and waited for the pain to stop which took a few minutes. Once done Kenichi first took a bath since he was sweating during the headache and then sat on his bed.
The first thing Kenichi did was try opening his status screen.
"How do you open it?"
After thinking for a few seconds Kenichi said in a soft voice: "Open Status Screen"
Out came a screen infront of his eyes.
[Name: Kenichi Sarutobi]
[Age: 4 years old]
[Natural Lifespan: 100 years]
[Base Strength (without Chakra usage): zero]
[Base Durability (without Chakra usage): zero]
[Base Stamina (without Chakra usage): zero]
[Base Speed (without Chakra usage): zero]
[Chakra Capacity: Academy Student]
[Kekkei Genkai: Swift Release{0% proficiency} and Yonggan(Dragon Eyes)(First Stage){0% proficiency}]
[Nature Affinity: Lightning(high), Wind(high), Fire(mid), Yin(high)]
[Nature Transformation: None]
Kenichi looked at the screen for a minute: "So it can only keep track of some of my powers. I'm 4 years old without any training yet so it makes sense that I have a zero I guess, though it stings looking at the zero. Can it show me my skills? Close Status Screen. Open Skills."
Kenichi waited but nothing happened. Kenichi then tried using other commands such as 'Open Ninjutsu', 'Open Abilities' etc. but nothing worked.
"I guess it cannot show me my skills. Its not that useful but it will atleast let me know my stats I guess."
Kenichi who now had an insane amount of information about the possible future decided to started training. Knowing that some guy named Kakashi graduated at 5 years old from academy shows that it isn't too early to start training.
Kenichi knows that due to the current 'peace' the academy will start when he is 8 years old so he decided to create a training schedule that he will follow till he enters the academy.
Till his admission into the academy his training will only have two parts. One is the physical aspect such as physical strength, speed, durability, stamina, techniques etc. The other is the mental/spiritual aspect such as academics, Chakra theory, Taijutsu theory, Kenjutsu theory, Ninjutsu theory etc.
The schedule goes as follows, first day physical training and Chakra theory, second day physical training and Taijutsu theory, third day physical training and Kenjutsu theory, fourth day physical training and Ninjutsu theory, fifth day physical training and Genjutsu theory, sixth day physical training and Fuinjutsu theory and finally seventh day physical training and Medical theory.
Each training and study session will start at 6:00 am and end at 2:00 pm after which Kenichi can spend the rest of the day however he wants. However, it is necessary to go to sleep at most 10:00 pm so that he can gain at least 8 hours of sleep.
Getting theory books will not be difficult as having The Professor as his grandfather and an Elite Jonin father makes life easier.
Also after examining his memories and information, Kenichi realized that his universe is an AU and thus the storyline information is no longer as useful as it should be. Naturally Kenichi was not going to evade the 'canon story' as this is not an anime or a fiction but rather his real life. 'Anime Logic' does not exist in reality.
After collecting his thoughts, Kenichi looks at the clock. Seeing that it is 10:00 am, he goes downstairs to have breakfast. At the same time he decided to tell his parents and later his grandfather about the Yonggan to avoid future trouble.