"" = Talking
'' = Thinking
[] = Status Screen Viewing
<> = Specifying Location or Time or Both
<1st April 125>
Kenichi and his mother were walking down the road to their destination, The Ninja Academy. Kenichi was excited. He has been waiting for this day for a long time. Both Kenichi and his mother walked through the entrance gate of the academy building.
They saw dozens of children with their parents or guardians. Hina brought Kenichi to the academy half a month ago to get registered. All Kenichi had to do was answer a few questions alongside a physical tests. After the invigilator reviewed the test's results, Kenichi successfully signed up as an academy student.
Naturally an entrance fee was also needed though those with incredible physical tests would have their entrance and academic fee paid by the Administrative Division. Kenichi as the son of two Elite Jonin and grandson of the Hokage, had no problems with money. As for Naruto and Mito, their fee was being paid by Hiruzen himself.
Kenichi was then approached by Sasuke, Naruto and Mito who had already arrived. Right now, the entrance ceremony was about to take place. As the time for the ceremony was nearing, the academy teachers instructed the new students to stand in several lines. The parents stood back, watching the children stand in order.
Kenichi, Naruto, Mito and Sasuke stood in the same line, one after the other. Hina and Sasuke's parents also stood together at back while Hina was talking to Mikoto Uchiha, Sasuke's mother.
Kenichi looked around and spotted a few 'familiar' faces from the anime. Kenichi naturally doesn't vividly remember details of the anime anymore. Thus, Kenichi has kept a note book where he wrote all the major events that might happen in the future, in English.
While Kenichi was looking around and thinking, he saw his grandfather walk to the front and stand on the makeshift podium. He was in his usual attire, a white robe and a Hokage hat on his head. Hiruzen then started his long speech. He congratulated all the students to enter the academy while encouraging them to work hard and make the village proud. He then talked about the will of fire.
Hiruzen looked at all the new students before he locked eyes at Naruto and Mito.
Hiruzen thought: 'Minato.....Kushina..... your son and daughter are slowly growing up into great shinobi. I know you will be proud of them.'
Hiruzen then looked at Kenichi, smiled and thought: 'My grandson, you too are showing signs of genius rivalling Minato and Itachi. I am proud of you.'
Hiruzen then turned around and left. Kenichi, Naruto and Hina entered the classroom and took the back seat next to the window. Kenichi started looking around and identified kids who would be part of the Rookie 9, which now because of Kenichi and Mito would have two extra occupants.
Kenichi saw Hinata nervously twiddling he fingers, reminding him of her shyness. He saw Kiba but without Akamaru, making him believe that he hasn't gotten Akamaru as of yet.
He saw Shikamaru and Choji sitting in the middle column, back row. He also saw Shino at the front bench of the room and Ino who was hanging around with other girls, seemingly having fun.
Kenichi then looked at Naruto and Mito who remained quiet, completely different from who they normally are. Kenichi, who has been their friends since childhood, understood that they were only staying quiet to be on their best behavior so that they can make new friends.
Kenichi felt a little sad since, despite his identity, he was unable to change the views of a few villagers. After all, Kenichi is 'just' the grandson of the Hokage. He did get respect from the villagers but not obedience. The only upside to his identity is that the civilians were willing to act amiable when he was around, though this disappointed Kenichi a bit.
Kenichi decided to give them a little advice: "Naruto... Mito... you don't need to act different to make friends. If they won't be your friends just because you act as yourselves then they aren't your true friends."
Naruto and Mito blinked their eyes before nodding their heads. Kenichi then looked out of the window and waited for class to start. After a few minutes, a large man with black hair walked in. He walked to the center of the room and looked at everyone.
Kenichi looked at the man in some surprise: 'Not Iruka? I guess Iruka will be our teacher later.'
The large man said: "Good Morning students. My name is Asahi Kaminari. I am your homeroom teacher. Welcome to the academy. Now I am sure atleast some of you may have been taught how to use chakra and some ninjutsu at home, but here at the academy you will learn how to use chakra and its applications in depth."
Asahi continued to talk about the ninja academy's curriculum for first years before all students started introductions. Kenichi listened to all of them and noted their names, faces and hobbies.
Once the introductions were done, Asahi said: "Now that the introductions are complete, I'll hand out the curriculum for this year. The text books for the year will be provided in the next class."
Looking at the curriculum the teacher just handed out, it was composed of reading and writing, mathematics, science, geography, history, chakra theory and physical training. A total of 7 subjects in the first year.
The first class was on reading and writing. Since the batch had both civilian, orphan and clan children, it was easier to start with a simple subject while assessing their language skills and thus be able to help them individually.
Kenichi wondered: 'Let's see if they will teach something new that isn't available in grandpa's library. Although I doubt that would be the case.'
And thus Kenichi continued his training while going to the academy. He always excelled in all subject in the academy. Sasuke, refusing to be second, competed with Kenichi in everything. The second place was usually changing between Sasuke, Naruto and Mito. Although Mito wasn't as fierce with competing for first position, she still competed with Kenichi as well.
Despite the rivalry, their friendship was not harmed. Unfortunately, Kenichi knew that this will only be the case until the Uchiha Massacre. Kenichi wasn't sure how Sasuke will change his attitude towards them.
By the end of the second month, Kenichi noticed something peculiar. His classmates started to pick on Naruto and Mito verbally, since the Uzumaki twins was physically stronger then them. Kenichi realized they were slowly copying the behavior of the adults without even knowing the reason for it.
Except for Kenichi, Sasuke, Choji and sometimes Kiba, no one else interacted with them. The teachers too kept their interactions with them to the minimum. This started to have some affect on both of them. Unlike the anime, the Uzumaki twins did have people who recognized them and thus wasn't depressed but was nonetheless sad and angry.
Kenichi naturally helped them out. Sasuke although a quite oblivious still helped them out. Kenichi could only hope that Sasuke will similarly help out like this after the Uchiha Massacre.
One day during his third month, 10 of upperclassmen cornered Kenichi, Naruto, Mito and Sasuke in the back of the academy. They were the local bullies.
Zilkan, one of the bullies said: "Oh look Daichi!! 4 pipsqueaks who think they are the best."
Kenichi who at the time was enjoying his talk with his friends was irritated with the voice and said: "What do you want?"
Zilkan then said: "Did you hear that Daichi! The kid has some attitude. You freshmen think you are so tough."
Daichi imitated his friends to scare the 4 'kids': "Zilkan, why don't we properly welcome them to the academy."
Kenichi, Sasuke, Naruto and Mito looked at each other before Kenichi smiled and said to the upperclassmen: "Sure, let's celebrate our welcome with a bang!"
Before the bullies could register what Kenichi said, Kenichi, Naruto, Mito and Sasuke started beating them. All four were already near Chunin level and thus beating 10 academy students who could not even properly fight was easy.
Kenichi then walked towards Zilkan, the supposed leader, and held his arm while putting his left leg on Zilkan's shoulder joint saying with a sweet smile: "Senpai, did you know that if I press here and pull, I could dislocate your shoulders."
He then placed his leg on a new spot: "But if I press here and pull with a little twist, your shoulders would break. That would be painful, right Senpai?"
Zilkan immediately broke down crying: "I'm sorry, Please! Let me go."
Kenichi replied back with his signature smile and perplexed voice: "Why should I let you go? What if Senpai were to come back with more bullies later on? That would be troublesome. Isn't it better to put you down right now?"
Before Zilkan could reply, Kenichi continued but this time with a cold voice: "Don't try this again. Don't ever come near us again. If you do... "
Kenichi slightly pulled the arm to prove his point. Zilkan who was in pain replied: "I promise I won't."
Kenichi, who did not want loose ends, continued without releasing his arms: "And if I see you went after our classmates.... I'll pay you a visit you will not like. Are we clear?"
Zilkan, who was still in pain, pleaded: "Yes sir, I won't. Please let me go."
Kenichi released his arm and left alongside Naruto, Mito and Sasuke.
Sasuke looked at Kenichi with a smile: "You are ruthless. I like it."
Kenichi looked at him with a smile: "I'm not into men"
Sasuke wanted to punch Kenichi for making such an embarrassing joke here. Naruto laughed at Sasuke's 'rejection' while Mito smiled, enjoying this company. What the four did not realize is that there was someone who witnessed this scene and that someone was a classmate of theirs.
That someone sighed while saying: "What a drag."