
In the evening of winter, Khalid Bhai left his bike with a light mist on his face and his chest floated in the cold air. I am sitting huddled on his back porch in the heat of winter. It's not that cold now, maybe the village area is a bit colder. I'm Ronnie Now studying in Inter first year. I met Khalid bhai a few days ago. Of course, Khalid Bhai is known for writing good stories. Last fall Khalid Bhai came to visit here. I asked Khalid Bhai to show me the oldest and most dangerous palace or bungalow in this area. But the lack of such places around brought me to rural areas a little away from the city. I thought it would be close and maybe I could go back in the afternoon. But evening came. On the road, however, Khalid Bhai said many times that if I go back today, I will come back tomorrow. But I could not go back because of my insistence. I was shocked when Khalid Bhai stopped the bike. The eyes were stuck in the cold wind. Khalid brother called and said;

Come down! I came! Look carefully, this palace is the oldest and most prosperous in this area.

When Khalid Bhai got off the bike and looked at Rajbarir, the village became like a thorn. How ghostly the palace looks in the darkness of the evening. How strange silence prevails around. There is no chirping around. What a quiet atmosphere. A little afraid, I stood behind Khalid Bhai. Khalid's brother laughed at my actions. I bowed my head in shame. Khalid brother stopped laughing and said;

I said before, let's go back. If only there were so many ways for me! Do you see how terrible the palace looks? Let's go back now. I will come again tomorrow. Going inside in this pitch dark can be dangerous.

But I don't want to go back" because Khalid Bhai thinks I'm stupid, "If I go back now, my honor will go up a tree. Looking at my dignity, I said to Khalid brother;

What do you think? Am I scared? Not at all! In fact, cold air was coming from that side, so what? Let's take a look inside. I will not return home without visiting the palace.

Ronnie, you are very stubborn. Now if you go inside this darkness you will not see anything. You can meet a great soul. So I'm saying now let's come back tomorrow.

I stopped Khalid Bhai and insulted his dignity and said;

Do you mean dark? Why do we have mobiles with us? Say you are afraid to go inside yourself.

The rock seems to have fallen into place. Brother Khalid said with a little hair;

ok let's go!

I followed Khalid Bhai towards the inside of the palace. Khalid Bhai suddenly stopped after crossing the gate. I looked at his face questioningly. Without answering, he threw the light of the mobile torch on a signboard standing in front of him. It was written there;

Entry to the palace after sunset is prohibited! The result is death!

Khalid's brother said to me!

Get out of here quickly, I'll come back tomorrow, okay?

I also nodded and agreed. Because I know that there really are spirits out there if something like this is written somewhere. Then both of them started walking fast towards the gate. Both of them were shocked when they came to the gate. Because the gate is closed. But when we entered the gate was open. So what can be done? Who will stop? There is no one here except the two of us.

I looked at Khalid Bhai's face and saw that he was very worried. Just then I saw an old man walking on the other side of the gate. Khalid Bhai didn't seem to see the man. So I grabbed his shirt and pulled it. Khalid Bhai looked at me inquisitively. I gestured to the man without speaking. As soon as he saw the man, Khalid brother started calling;

Is this grandpa listening? Come here for a while. We are in great danger.

Hearing Khalid Bhai's pulse, the old man slowly came to the gate with one step or two. Then he started looking at us strangely. As if we came to steal the palace. Khalid Bhai said annoyed.

Well grandpa we are trapped inside this gate. Now I do not understand how to open it. You must be from this area? Please help us a little?

The man did not answer and started walking down the road.

I asked Khalid brother;

Understand something?

No! Maybe I'm crazy!

The man turned around after going some distance. Then said to us! This gate will not open before tomorrow morning or no power will be able to open this gate. We have to fight till tomorrow morning. I can't know because you are nothing to his tricks.

After saying the words, he started to leave as before. Khalid's brother is looking at me with angry eyes, even if the danger is for me. So seeing his eyes like a tiger, I lowered my eyes like a cat and asked a question!

What will you do now?

What else to do? I can't stand being bitten by mosquitoes anymore. Let's see if we can spend the night!

Saying the words, Khalid's brother moved towards the house! I also followed him. Going inside the palace, the old broken signboard was seen for the second time.

The evening has come long ago. Both of us are checking which room is suitable for living by lighting the mobile torch in the dark rooms. After searching many rooms, I finally found a room with a broken bed. Khalid brother took a mobile phone and brought a dirty cloth from a corner of the room and put it in my hand and said;

Clean the bed a little.

What? Shall I clean? Impossible! I can't, don't forget I'm your guest! So I threw the clothes away.

Don't you? Ok, then you stay alone in this room! I am cleaning some other room, Khabardar, you will not come to my room.

This is Khalid's brother? Isn't that getting a bit excessive? But you are blackmailing me.

This is not the time to think about it! Go get the clothes and get to work.

I went to fetch the cloth from where I had thrown it. Then my eyes stuck on some skulls in a corner of the wall.

Episode: 02

Seeing the skulls in the corner of the wall, I ran and jumped on the bed. And keep shouting;

Who are you, save, save.

Then Khalid's brother gave a loud rebuke.

The speed of the scolding was so intense that I stood silent with my finger on my face. Then he told me;

What happened? Why are you screaming?

I pointed to the skulls hanging on the wall with my finger and said;

I saw what was open there.

Brother Khalid smiled a little and said;

Does it matter? I saw those skulls when I came to this room. They are deer skulls. The kings of earlier days used to hunt them and hang them on the wall as a hobby. You didn't know that much. Girls have more courage than that. However, do the work I have given first.

What a shame. My whole head was cut off in front of Khalid Bhai. Shouldn't have acted so meanly. Now if everyone tells me, then I will not be able to show my face to anyone. In any case, I have to prove myself brave. "I am cleaning the bed and thinking the words in my mind. Khalid's brother is chasing from behind to hurry. After cleaning the bed, we both lie down.

Darkness all around. Someone is standing in a corner of the room. The shadow looks like a girl. The face is not visible because the hair hangs in front. He started coming towards me with his neck slightly bent to the right. I am lying on the bed. I can't even move. Khalid's brother is not there. Where can you go? I can't even speak. The sound is not coming out of the throat. The shadow has come very close to me. Now slowly both hands are coming towards my throat. Two very cold hands came and grabbed my throat. At the first push, my breath is getting stuck. The eyes want to come out of the kotor. Tears began to fall from my eyes. I probably don't have time. The last air in the lungs seems to be the last. I gripped the bed with great difficulty. Then I was woken up by someone's push next to me. The sound of light words is coming to the ears;

What happened Ronnie? Ronnie? Get up! Why are you doing this?

With blurry eyes, I noticed that Khalid Bhai was hitting me with the light of the torch. I sat up in a hurry. The shirt is completely wet with sweat. Khalid's brother is still asking questions.

What happened? Why were you shaking in your sleep?

Nothing Khalid brother! I had a nightmare. Thanks for waking me up.

You scared me. And look what you did to my hand.

I looked and saw that the fingernails were actually bitten. Maybe when I grabbed the bed in my dream, I grabbed Khalid Bhai's hand instead of the bed. I said sorry to Khalid Bhai and went to bed again. Khalid's brother also slept. I saw the mobile time, it was twelve o'clock at night. There are still many nights left. It's winter, Bishan, there's nothing to do in the garden. As I tried to understand the eyes, I remembered the dream. How can a dream be so realistic? No need to think about that, sleep now.

As soon as we understood the eyes, someone was looking at us again. The room seemed even cooler than before. As soon as he opened his eyes, it seemed that a shadow had moved from the window. I sat up. It felt so cold because of the wind coming through the window for so long. But after cleaning the bed, I closed the window and slept. Yes clearly remember! But who opened it? Is there any spirit in this palace? The hair on my body stood up when I thought about the soul. As soon as I went and closed the window and came to the bed, I felt that someone walked quickly from the door of the room. I was terrified. What is happening to me? Damn father, if you lie down, you will be saved, so I started to get up on the bed. Nupur's voice started coming from outside the room as soon as he stepped on the bed. I started calling Khalid bhai in fear. Khalid got up and asked with sleepy eyes; What happened? I'm stuck here for you. Now you don't even let me sleep again. If you had a dream then, what happened now?

Let's go there, there is a soul! Outside someone is dancing with nupur. I heard clearly.

What are you saying? Sleep! your head is not right

That's why brother Khalid slept again. The sound of Nupur is still coming from outside. Whatever Khalid Bhai says, it is certain that there are others here besides us. But who is that? Or is the angle incorporeal? Human or incorporeal, however, I must see who is making the sound of Nupur outside. So I decided to leave Khalid bhai.

I took the mobile phone with me. It's fifteen minutes past twelve. I opened the door alone to see who was outside. I opened the door and closed my eyes to see a terrible scene! But the outside is completely empty. There is no one. There is no corner human and there is no corner incorporeal. Nupur's voice is completely gone. I feel very stupid. So I started blocking the door of the room. Nupur's voice started to come again. What a pain! What are these? My head is spinning. Did I start going crazy at night? No matter what happens, I will find out the source of Nupur's noise. I resolved in my mind. So I opened the room door again. Now Nupur's voice is coming from above. Maybe from the roof or attic. So I tiptoed across a few rooms and started climbing the stairs. This time Nupur's voice seemed to be coming from above. Maybe from the second floor or the attic. So I crossed a few rooms and climbed the stairs. What a surprise!

The higher I go, the more distant the sound of Nupur! It seems that this voice is pulling me somewhere far away! So have I stepped into the trap of illusion of a body? I came to the second floor to think! The noise is now coming from the roof. No! I won't go anymore. There must be an illusion here! Who wants to trap me in his illusion. So I started going down the stairs again from the second floor. When I came down, my head turned. I don't understand which rooms I crossed and came to the stairs. lost the way I'm faced with a round puzzle. It seems to come from the left! So as soon as he stepped on the road on the left, Khalid Bhai stood in front of him like a banqueter. I was very surprised, brother Khalid appeared from where in the blink of an eye? But I did not take it into account. Khalid brother held my hand and said;

Where are you going? Our room is on the right. So he grabbed my hand and started pulling me to the right.

What a matter! Khalid's brother's hand seems a little colder than usual! And where is it going? I let go of his hand for the cold and started walking alongside. I've been walking for a long time, but why haven't I arrived yet? It didn't take so long to arrive? Then I felt someone grab my hand from behind. Looking back I was stunned. Khalid bhai pulled my hand. I don't know what to say. Khalid brother came forward and asked;

Meanwhile, where were you going alone? I looked for you in many places without seeing you in bed! And you are wandering alone in such an unfamiliar place? Even at night! What if there is a danger?

What are you saying? Why be alone? You were taking me here! And you were going in front of me, how did you go back?

Are you crazy? I came here without finding you. And I see you walking there alone.

How could it be? So I walked with whom for so long? Who was dancing with Nupur? Why do you want to see it disappearing? Many questions are running through my head.

I touched Khalid Bhai's hand and realized it was warm enough. But the hand of the one I was with for so long was very cold.

Khalid's brother began to chase me to go to the room! Maybe these strange things have been understood a little! So said in a worried voice;

Hurry back to the room! Maybe something bad is going to happen to us! So he started walking to the left. Where I wanted to go first. And that fake Khalid wanted to misguide me and push me towards danger.

After passing a few rooms and approaching the door, Nupur's voice started coming again. Now Khalid bhai also heard Nupur's humming voice. He looked at me suspiciously, because I had said it before but Khalid bhai didn't believe it. But now it seems that Nupur's voice is coming from both sides. It seems to be from the attic and garden. So I said to Khalid brother;

Nupur's voice seems to be coming from both sides. We have to find out the secret of this sound. That's why I say you come to look at the roof and I look at the garden side. "!Khalid Bhai answered sternly.

Not at all! It is the work of some incorporeal force. Who wants to separate us from that beginning. And this incorporeal person was probably taking you in my form. He will want to separate us anyway. So we are losing direction. We need to be together. Because physical energy is twice as powerful when you find someone alone.

In front of the two, his physical strength is a little weak. So we have to fight together.

Khalid Bhai stopped saying the words continuously. I also understood the importance of his words. But the throat is sore. Then the dream that I was held by the throat is not true? A question arose in my mind. I asked Khalid's brother to shine a torch light on my throat. Khalid Bhai was startled and said when he put the light of the mobile torch on my neck;

Aki? Someone's fingerprints are on your neck. How did it happen? Didn't get hurt anywhere?

I told Khalid Bhai about my dream. Hearing this, Khalid brother said;

I feel this physical attraction is strong. He entered your dreams to kill you. We have no easy escape from it. Anyway, tonight we have to survive against him somehow. No need to see where the sound is coming from. All are manipulations of the soul to ensnare us. Now go back to the room.

I shouted as I opened the door of the room and stepped forward. I lost my feet and started falling down. Then Khalid's brother pulled me up from there by pulling the hatch. I was falling into a deep well. Because what used to be our bedroom has now turned into a well. What a terrible situation. How can it be possible? What was a room just a moment ago is now a deeper and deeper well. My heart is still trembling with fear. I came back from the face of death for a while. Khalid Bhai took me a little away from the coop and asked;

are you okI put my hand on my head trying to calm myself down.;

Hmm I'm fine! But I wouldn't be okay without you. Khalid brother smiled and replied;

We have to pass the night more carefully! This incorporeal person has more intelligence than us. Now he will spread his magic everywhere to trap us. And for tonight we have to overcome all his illusions. I shook my head with my hand on my chest. The inside of the chest is still burning. I saw that it was half past midnight on the mobile phone. I asked Khalid brother;

What do we do now?

I don't know what danger lurks behind any room here. Let's go to the garden instead. Let's see if I can spend the night in an open place! There is less risk of danger in open places.

After several rooms we came to the garden. I went around the garden and saw a swing. Being tired, I and Khalid bhai both came and sat on the swing. It was almost two in the morning. A little distance from the garden, the palace gate is visible in the light of the moon. Which will not open before morning. Misty cold air is coming from all sides. I am shaking in that wind. Khalid's brother is also in the same situation. Khalid's brother gave up on the swing. Bhishan is also getting sleepy. Still, I am sitting with my eyes open. I am keeping an eye on the clock around me. I did not realize when I fell asleep while sitting on the swing due to my body being tired.

Suddenly, I woke up due to some noise.

Looking ahead with sleepy eyes, what I saw was the combination of blood freezing in the body. A cheetah is standing some distance away from me. Gradually moving forward one step or two. The two eyes are bright red. It seems that the fire will burst out of the eyes. Saliva is dripping from the terrible teeth on the ground. It is coming to confess us with its violent paws with sharp nails. I can't speak out of fear. I looked at the other side of the swing and saw that Khalid Bhai was fast asleep. Focusing my eyes on the cheetah, I started pushing Khalid bhai with my hand to wake him up.

Episode: 04 I started pushing Khalid bhai with my hand to wake him up with both eyes aimed at the cheetah.

Khalid Bhai woke up with my elbow and sat up. Then he looked ahead and tried to understand the situation. When he understood the situation, the blood drained from his face and he almost turned pale with fear. I asked Khalid Bhai in a low voice;

What will you do now?

Khalid brother and Birbir said;

Remove the sweater from your body slowly, don't move, it will attack you.

Although I did not understand the meaning of his words, I slowly started to open my sweater like an obedient boy. Khalid Bhai is trying to reach a stick lying next to the swing.

The cheetah now came to the swing and roared. I was scared. Khalid Bhai is forbidding me to move with a wink. But I started shaking. Khalid's brother took the sweater from my hand as soon as he reached the stick and started twisting it. The cheetah started walking around us as if we were under its surveillance. After twisting the sweater on the stick, Khalid's brother took out a lighter from his pocket and set it on fire. . This is my favorite sweater. Although I was a little upset, I kept quiet because of the danger. Seeing the fire torch in Khalid Bhai's hand, the leopard's ferocity increased. Jumped and attacked us. Khalid Bhai didn't dare to move towards him because he had a torch in his hand. But he kicked me from the swing and threw me to the ground. Then Khalid Bhai held a torch in front of me before he put his violent sharp paw on me! Seeing the fire, the cheetah went away a little. Then Khalid's brother pulled me from the ground! I got up and asked him;

How to fight with a tiger with a little fire? " replied Brother Khalid with a slight smile;

If it is not a tiger, it is a soul! But he must be afraid of fire, right?


I mean you think, where will the tiger come from? Even the cheetah again? Unable to directly attack the two of us in original form, he changed form. Taking the form of a leopard...before he finished speaking, the leopard jumped on Khalid Bhai from behind. He threw him on the ground with his paw. The torch fell from his hand on the ground. It happened so quickly that I did not understand what to do. Khalid Bhai is lying on the ground and the cheetah is standing in front of him, salivating. Maybe now those violent teeth will sink into Khalid Bhai's vocal tract. I did not understand what to do, then Khalid Bhai's words came to mind, "'Souls are afraid of fire'" and without delay I picked up the fire torch from the ground. Then I threw it at the cheetah. As soon as the fire torch hit the cheetah, it disappeared into the air. I was very surprised. Fire is the main weapon against the incorporeal. Brother Khalid got up from the ground and said;

If you play well!

I just smiled a little. I didn't say anything because the danger happened because of me. Khalid Bhai's hand only got a little scratch! Nothing else happened. But what else to see here, so I'm thinking! Then my eyes went to the gate! The iron gates are moving away by themselves! I shouted to Khalid Bhai.

See the gate is opening alone, this is the opportunity we have to escape!

Why are you standing? Run!

Khalid's brother started running towards the gate by pulling the hatch by my hand! But before reaching the gate, I felt the sound of water splashing under my feet! I was very surprised, from where water will come in such a dry place. I looked around and saw that there is no water anywhere else! Only this road from the garden to the gate is taking the form of a small canal. Khalid brother shouted at me;

Don't hang around anyway! Keep running!

The water is rising so fast from all around that it is almost up to the knees. I can't move a bit for water. Before we suffocate under the water and die, we have to cross the gate and leave the Rajbari boundary. Suddenly Khalid brother shouted;

Doom! The gate is closing. Hurry and I will reach the gate in a little while.

But I can't walk in this knee-deep water anymore. On the other hand, the gates are gradually closing.

The leg is no longer moving. I stood up. But Khalid Bhai started dragging him by the hand.

Even then, luck did not help us! As they approached the gate, two iron bars closed with a loud noise. We got stuck again. The surrounding water is reaching up to the waist. The two of us stood holding the gate in waist-deep water. However, the danger is not leaving behind. From the direction of the garden, something seems to be coming quickly under the water. Because it is raising bubbles on the water. I shouted;

Khalid brother? Is that coming here?

Brother Khalid could not say anything. His face became pale with fear. It almost came close to us. As soon as we got closer, the bubbles disappeared into the water. My brother And I both looked at each other's faces and breathed a sigh of relief! Suddenly I felt something like a strong shackle twisting my leg. Suddenly I felt something like a strong shackle under the water twisting my leg. I screamed in fear. Khalid Bhai said in surprise;

What happened Ronnie?

Khalid bhai shackled my feet...

I fell into the water before the end of the iron shackle! Khalid's brother could not hold his hand. He pulled the strong iron shackle and took me under the water. After many attempts, he could not stand up. I sank into the water. I can't breathe under water. Throwing arms and legs continuously! There is no benefit. I started looking for Khalid Bhai with my hands under the water. But nothing except grass. Suddenly I felt the shackles twisting from my legs to my waist. Gradually progressing from the waist to the neck. Now the shackle came to the neck and twisted it. He is suffocating under the water and trying to stop breathing again by twisting the shackle around his neck. I am suffocating. The head is pounding due to lack of air in the lungs. I tried to release it by hand, but to no avail. The head turned around. The eyes are also understanding. Suddenly something rang in my hand. That's what I'm trying to figure out. It felt like someone's foot. Then I felt someone trying to pull me up on the water. I realized it was Khalid Bhai. As soon as he caught me, the shackles began to fall from his body. As soon as the shackles came down, I got up on the water and started breathing frequently. I could not think that the air of the world would enter my lungs again. Seeing me, Khalid brother got upset and said;

are you ok

I said itchingly;


By that time the water had risen up to the chest. Just then, the call to prayer started coming from a distant area. And surprisingly the surrounding water started disappearing. As soon as the water disappeared, we felt that our clothes were all dry. In no time everything started to return to normal. I said to Khalid brother in surprise;

How did it happen?

Maybe the deadline is over! Everything has certain rules, maybe this is one of their rules. And everything that has happened to us so far is their illusion. As I told you before, when the incorporeal finds someone alone, they attack him in full form. When there is a second person in existence, he cannot come to his true form, so he resorts to deception, illusion. And what he did with Nupur's voice at first was a sham, and the leopard and this water were incorporeal illusions. And the effect of their power is so much that they can enter the dream. Like it wanted to enter your dreams and kill you.

Baba, I know a lot of things. Don't know why. I know the news of your mission! How did you defeat the evil forces of the world there?

OK, I don't have to rant anymore. Look back, the gate is open. Had a good night with ghosts. Let's go now shall we?

I looked back and saw that the gate was really open. But how much I fought to cross this gate at night. Now we have to return to our destination. The morning light is about to bloom all around. The birds are calling in the trees. The dinner is coming out. As soon as I remembered the food, my stomach started twisting. I ate that afternoon. I chased Khalid Bhai to leave. Both of us walked out of the palace. As soon as I passed the gate, I was shocked. Brother Khalid noticed the matter and said;

what happened

Nothing! It seemed like a gust of wind crossed me out of the gate!

And let's go.

As soon as Khalid Bhai approached that bike, he saw the old man of Kal Sandhya. Looking at us like a ghost. Approaching us, the old man frowned and said;

Are you still alive?

The man's question was burning in my head. I want to play the tabla on my head. When I was about to say something angrily, Khalid brother said to the old man, sweating me;

Why were we supposed to die?

The old man did not answer the question and started walking away, I thought the man ran away. Khalid's brother went and started the bike. I also got up and fell behind. The only regret is my sweater. At some point, I will buy a new one from Khalid bhai. While going home, Khalid bhai repeatedly forbade me to tell anyone about the night's events.

Coming home, Khalid's brother's mother's thousand questions!

Where did Khalid go? Why didn't you return home all night?

Why could not get on the phone? Did you go alone or stay at a friend's house? Where was the baby boy all night? (aimed at me)

I thought to myself that I have grown so much, but still a child? Khalid brother entered the house and said;

Ugh mother will let you enter the house first or not? And if you ask so many questions together, which one will I answer first?

Yesterday afternoon I was out for a walk with Roni when a friend called me and said that his parents are not at home today so he will have a party. He asked me to go, Roni was with me so I took him along. He asked to stay as it was late for the party.

What would happen if you called it? At least I could know!

Now you know? Ugh, I'm very hungry, I'm fresh, let me eat.

Khalid Bhai's mother asked me to come fresh too! I also called her aunty and went upstairs.

I finished eating fresh. After eating, my body felt so tired that I went upstairs and fell asleep. In the afternoon, Khalid woke up to the call of his brother. I woke up and saw Khalid's brother getting ready. I said;

Are you going somewhere?

Hmm! I will go for a walk. You are also going. get ready soon

But where to go?

I will go to the park. Paradise has arrived. Take a look below. Talking with mom.

I also got up from the bed and said;

Wow dola sister came?


I ran down and saw Khalid Bhai's mother talking with a beautiful girl. The face is not visible from the back. So I stood in front. Dola Apu saw me and said: Ronnie are you? When did you come Khalid did not tell me about you!

It's been two days! Why don't I come to your father-in-law's house?

Oh no, I didn't say that.

Khalid Bhai came in between our words. He said to me;

Did Ronnie tell you to be ready? Won't you go?

Hey, no need to get ready. I am not a hero, I will go like this. This is the first time I found you together, I don't want to waste time, let's go quickly. Saying goodbye to Khalid Bhai's mother, I went out to a nearby park with Khalid Bhai and Dola Apu.

The three of us are talking in a branch. But I felt that this should not be the case with Kabab Me Haddi. So I said to Khalid Bhai, you talk while I look around a bit. I like a secluded place again so I sat in a quiet place away from everyone. At first it felt a little good, but slowly it started to feel uncomfortable. I felt like someone was watching me from behind. The surrounding environment is too heavy. The wind has stopped. How alone I feel. It seems that there is no one else in this park but me. I stood up to go back with fear and disgust. Then it seemed that the seedlings of the nearby flowers moved. Maybe it was moving in the wind, so I didn't pay attention. But this time there was a rumbling noise from behind. It seems that someone is biting bones behind those vines. How loud is the sound? I started to get scared. Still, I felt a strong desire to see what was there. I started moving towards the vines one step at a time. I started moving towards the vines one step at a time. As I progressed, the hard beats increased. I was about to move the vines with my hands when someone from behind put a hand on my shoulder. I was startled. I looked back and noticed a girl looking at me with eager eyes. She looks quite beautiful, wearing a white frock, light pink lipstick on her lips, a white tip on her forehead matching the dress, and her eyes are drawn. I had a huge crush on him. But what does such a beautiful girl want from a weak man like me? I don't remember seeing it anywhere before. The girl was shy and said;

What are you looking at like this?

to you!


No, it means nothing! I do not know you? Suddenly put his hand on the shoulder from behind and startled me!

Sorry! I did not understand. In fact, I think I have seen you somewhere. Your face looks familiar. But I can't remember where I saw it. I have been watching you since coming to the park. Now seeing you alone, I thought I'd ask if you feel like it.

I don't know why you felt like that but I saw you for the first time. And maybe you've seen someone like me so you know me.

Hmm! It could be. Look, I'm talking so much, but we don't even know each other. I am Jannatul Nisha. This time I gave the SSC exam. The house is in Manikganj. I have come here to visit Phupi's house.

Oh! I'm Ronnie! Rony Ahmed! Now I am studying in the first year of Inter, my house is closed, I have also come to visit a brother's house.

Nice to meet you, but believe me, I have seen you somewhere.

Then I heard Khalid Bhai's voice.

Roni is getting late, and must return home. Hurry up.

hmm i'm coming

Now I said to the girl; ok i'm coming

So I started walking. I came a little way and looked back and saw that Nisha was still staring at me! Does the girl really know me? Or making up stories? If you don't know, why would you lie? Suddenly this girl started running towards me like crazy. I also stopped! Who knows if the girl has a problem! He came close and gasped and said;

I remember where I saw you. I almost see you in this dream. But what does the face look like in a dream? Now tell me why you came to my dream.

I was taken aback by the girl's words. For so long, the real girl was telling me false stories. Bhishan was angry with the girl. Do I appear in his dreams? I said angrily;

Hear that? I have neither the time nor the desire to listen to your nonsense. What have you been saying since then? Little Sundari says that tell someone whatever you want and he will believe. If you think that you are wrong, don't come to convince me. So I started walking fast. The girl also started coming behind.

Listen, I'm telling the truth! I've had this vague dream since childhood. But I couldn't understand the face at all. I dreamed of you last night too. You were in a palace.

I looked back in surprise. The girl has come a long way behind me. Still yawning. I looked around and said;

What did you say? Where was I yesterday?

I don't know exactly but it seemed like something like a palace. There was another person with you.

This time the girl's words turned my head! How did this girl know that I was in Rajbari last night? No one knows this except me and Khalid's brother! But what is he really saying?

Well, I believe you, come now. And please give your number?

Give me your phone, I'm picking up!

After giving Nisha's number on my phone, I called to see if the number was correct. Immediately, a strange ringtone rang on the girl's phone. Which was scarred in the brain. I have not heard this ringtone before, but it seems so familiar. I didn't talk anymore. I said goodbye to Nisha and went to Khalid bhai and Dola aunty. As they approached Dola Apu called out.

Who was the girl Ronnie?

Who... Who... Which girl? Khalid Bhai's wave took away Apu's words and said;

Baba talked so long! And now you say which girl. Well, no need to say. You go home, I am delivering a Dollar to her home. Can you go a little way alone? Or will lose the road again.

Do you baby me? I can go. Who do you come with?

Khalid Bhai and Dola Apu left. I also started returning towards Khalid Bhai's house.

I have walked for a long time. Khalid's brother's house is just a little further. Evening has come around. The road is dark. I'm walking alone. But I don't know how to feel uncomfortable in a park. I feel like someone is following me. I have walked for a long time. A little further is Khalid Bhai's house. Evening has come around. The road is dark. I'm walking alone. But I feel uncomfortable like a park. I feel like someone is following me. So I increased my walking speed a little. However, it seems that someone is following me. I came in front of Khalid's brother's house in a kind of running. Then auntie opened the door by ringing the bell and asked;

What happened Ronnie? Why are you gasping like that? Looks like you ran! Any problems?

No aunty, actually I got scared seeing some dogs on the road so I came running. I'm so afraid of dogs again!

And that's right! Why are you alone? Where is Khalid and Dola Ma?

Khalid Bhai has gone to take Dola Apu home and will come back a little later.

Oh, well you go upstairs and freshen up. Khalid will actually let us eat together.


That's why I came up.

I got fresh and went to bed. Many questions are stirring in the mind. What is happening around me? It started after spending a terrible night in Rajbari! Then again that mysterious girl. Who sees me in a dream. Is this even possible? And the most interesting thing is that Khalid's brother was with me in the palace. But why did the disembodied spirit attack me first each time? First entering my dream, then being distracted by Nupur's voice, tricking me by dressing up as fake Khalid, trying to kill me by throwing me in a well, Cheetah, and finally drowning me in that shackle. Now follow me again. This is not happening with Khalid Bhai. He was also with me."

But what?

No, I can't think anymore, I have a headache. This disease never cure me? Whenever I think deeply about something, I get a headache. But can I never be a good lawyer? Because to become a lawyer you have to think deeply about everything. It seems that my dream of becoming a lawyer like KD Pathak will remain a dream. Maybe it is a TV show. Still there is a lot to learn. I think I've seen more than half of the courtroom episodes of KD so far."

Aunty is calling me downstairs to eat. I came downstairs without delay.

When I came down, I saw that Khalid Bhai was sitting, and Aunty was raising food. Uncle lives outside the country. And Khalid Bhai is their only child. Only aunty and Khalid's brother stay at home. So the house looks very empty. I sat down to eat without thinking about it. My heart was filled with food. Auntie really cooks very well. While eating, my eyes suddenly went to a lizard on the wall. A lizard several times larger than a normal lizard hangs upside down on the wall. The eyes are abnormally large and slightly red. It seems that he is mad with some terrible vengeance. I stopped eating after seeing the lizard. I started to sweat, I have never seen such a terrible lizard before. Suddenly, Khalid's brother's call made him dizzy;

What happened to Ronnie? Any problems? Do not eat, you are sweating again! Feeling sick?

No, actually...

Looking at Khalid Bhai and looking at the wall again, the lizard disappeared. My hands and feet began to shake nervously! I just saw where it went now? I said in response to Khalid's brother's question!

Hmm! I know how the body is shaking. going up

That's why I washed my hands without finishing the meal and started coming upstairs. When I arrived, I noticed that Khalid's brother was looking at me strangely. But has anyone doubted my fear and avoidance? I came to the room thinking. I locked the door after entering the room. My chest is getting tight again and again with fear of the unknown. It seems that I have been caught in a magic net in a very terrible way. Will I get rid of this trap? Don't get a little sleep for now, or the headache won't go away. So I put the body on the bed. I immediately fell into a deep sleep.

A girl is dancing and reading Nupur. A big veil is drawn with a fly on the head. I can't see the face. While dancing, the veil started to move aside from the face. As the flight moved slightly, I saw part of an eye. His terrible red eyes. A mischievous smile at the corner of his lips. I did not understand the meaning of this smile. Now a gust of wind blew the whole flight from his head. A very beautiful woman appeared on the screen. Who has thick black hair from his head to his waist. A dove tied to the leg. One word of the dove is trying to make me drunk. Wearing dancing clothes. Two bright red eyes full of deep mystery. In eyes where the heat of a thousand years' fire of vengeance cools and storms through the blood. And I am sitting and watching these scenes. This time he stopped dancing and took a stick in his hand. He started walking towards me with one step or two. With each step forward, Jhumur jhum is making a sound of his feet and I could not move. I am bound by some invisible delusion. The female figure raised the stick in front of me. The sharp part of the knife flashed in a line of light.

I suddenly woke up from the sound of the phone. I looked around and guessed that I was in the room. That means I was dreaming for so long. Father, how can a dream be so perfect? ​​That means he entered my dream again! The shirt is wet with sweat. The phone next door has been ringing for a long time. I looked at the screen and saw that girl's call in the afternoon. It means that Nisha called. While receiving the phone, someone said in a busy voice from the other side;

are you ok hmm But...

I am Nisha! The one who met you this afternoon.

Hmmm but that called at night?

I just had a terrible dream where you were in danger! The corner female figure was moving around you. I thought you might be in danger so I called you. I'm sorry if I offended.

Why not bother? You have done me a great favor. If you had not called me, I would have been in great danger by now. Both your dreams and assumptions are correct. But what happened to me and your dream must have something to do with it. But what is it?

I don't know that either. But I think the danger still revolves around you. If you look around a little!

ok i see But thank you very much!


keep nothing

So I hung up the phone. Then I turned on the light in the room and took a good look around. Seeing that there was nothing there, I turned off the light and went to bed, then I noticed that the window was not fixed. While looking out the window, suddenly my eyes went along the road. In the light of the lamppost, I saw something like a shadow in white clothes walking down. Hands and feet started to get cold with fear. I cleaned the window sill. What was that underneath? Surely something sinister! No, I will not sleep for the rest of the night. Then that spirit will come again in my dream. So I decided to stay up all night. I don't have any games on mobile because I don't like games. So I logged into Facebook. My head started spinning when I entered Facebook. What kind of posts are these?

* He is back, whom I cut to pieces with my own hands two years ago!

* I ate the blood of two people today.

My hands are shaking with fear

Then a message came on the phone. As soon as I opened the message, the phone fell from my hand.

My hands are shaking with fear

Then a message came on the phone. As soon as I opened the message, the phone fell from my hand. Because the message was "

* No one can stop your death Abhishek. Not even Kamini!

A little surprised with fear! Because a question makes me think! And that's it!

"Who is this Abhishek? And who is Kamini? And who will send me such a message?

I quickly picked up the phone to check where the message came from. But after checking the whole phone, I didn't find any message anywhere. But what was wrong with my eyes? Hmm! That will be it. Maybe I'm looking wrong due to tension. Suddenly it seemed that a shadow moved past me. I quickly turned back, but I could not see anything. So I started to calm my mind, it is also a mistake of the mind. Everything that is happening to me is a mistake of the mind. Then from nowhere a piece of blue paper came to my feet. Where did the paper suddenly come from? I still don't know what's on the paper. But there is some doubt that this is a danger signal. Because the signal of many things is blue. For example, the color of poison is blue, the color of pain is blue, and conspiracy is also called blue design. It might be something like that. Afraid to pick up the paper. But I have to see what's on the paper! I picked up the paper without delay. Then I slowly opened the fold to see what was inside or what was written. I was shocked when I opened the paper. This is the same signal as last time. Some words are written in red on the paper. Probably written in blood! But I did not understand what was written. Because the letters look upside down!

Na biga Keuka Nimika Khasheviyo! Fuck it!

I got a headache! What could this mean? Then an idea came to my head. Since the letters seem to be upside down, then what is the meaning of arranging them from the other end! I started reading straight from the end! ;

I'm back! Abhishek Kamini will not leave anyone!

After reading the paper upside down, sweat began to accumulate on my forehead. A question keeps popping up in my mind:

Who anointed this? And who is Kamini? Who came back now?

I put the paper in my pocket. Then the eyes went to the mirror! There is some writing floating on its own but upside down! This time I tried to read the texts without fear.

Icha Rattau? (Want an answer?)

I shook my head and said;

Yes! I want the answer! I want answers to everything. Who is doing this to me? Why are you doing this? Who is Abhishek? Who is Kamini? I want to know everything! All!

Once again writing started to appear on the mirror;

Itaka Rattau! (Only one answer!)

What is that answer? I want to know!

Dibajara! (Rajbari!)

Palace? mean?

Tumri Nema (means death)

Seeing these writings, I was very angry! In anger, I punched the mirror without knowledge! As a result, the mirror fell down. And I cut my hand in the mirror and started to bleed from my left hand holding my hand and sat down! Then I thought that a message came to my phone! Where it was not written upside down? However? Suddenly looking down I saw something being written on the floor with my blood;

Nayh Rattau Rachukibas (Not everything is answered)

Then I heard the sound of knocking on the door! And immediately the writings started to disappear. I have almost gotten used to seeing these for so long. So without thinking about anything else, I got up and opened the door with my left hand. Aunty and Khalid's brother entered the room as soon as the door was opened. Maybe they came because of the sound of breaking the mirror. When they entered the room, they saw the broken mirror, the blood splatter and the cut place on my hand and asked;

How are these Ronnie? How to cut hands?

I bowed my head and answered falsely;

Actually, aunty, I was breaking the cover of my body, but I didn't pay attention to the mirror behind me. So while turning my hand, the mirror got stuck. And that's why the mirror broke. I am so sorry aunty!

OK! The hand is cut a lot! This Khalid, bring bandages and medicine from your room. After a while Khalid's brother brought everything! And aunty put medicine on my hand and bandaged it and removed the glasses and left. Khalid told his brother to stay with me! I was also a little relieved.

After a while Khalid Bhai said to me;

You know, Ronnie, I didn't believe a word you said.

I jumped up and said;


Because your words do not seem like a sad story? I knew that people get up in the morning and break the cover! And you at night? Moreover, I have noticed your unusual behavior at the dinner table. You do not think me stupid! Hiding something you don't want to say.

I don't want to force it either. Tell me if you want. good night

Saying the words in one breath, Khalid Bhai turned and lay down on the other side. I also began to think to myself that I still do not know how to tell you? And when the time is right, I will tell you. Before that I have to go to that palace once. As a signal, I am supposed to get the answer there. I will go to Rajbari tomorrow morning, avoiding the eyes of aunt and Khalid brother! Woke up in the morning to the sound of the alarm. I set the alarm at night. I looked to the side and saw that Khalid's brother was still sleeping. Sleep! Because I know this Nawab will sleep till ten o'clock. When I got out of bed, I cried out in pain as I pressed my right hand. I didn't remember cutting my hand last night. A bit of blood came out of the bandage on the right hand. The hand is burning with pain. It doesn't matter to me. Because I have a bigger danger behind me. I have to get out of the palace before aunty wakes up. I picked up the phone from under the pillow with my left hand. I was surprised when I looked at the phone screen. Nisha girl's missed call at thirty five. The phone was on silent so I didn't notice. I don't even know what kind of habit I have of keeping the phone silent. However, I have not counted how much I have been scolded by friends for this. Don't think about those things now, I'll call the girl! Now if I can get out for the time being, I will live.

I sprinkled a little water on my face and refreshed myself. To go to Rajbari, I took a bag like a bag and a small bowl from aunty's kitchen. You can't tell when danger will come from which side, so taking them with you can be useful. Now I am ready. Before going out, I peeked into Aunt's room through the window. She is still sleeping soundly. I came out safely on this occasion.

I came to the road and hired a CNG. Then sitting on the seat I called Nisha. I need to know the reason for giving so many missed calls. Ringing but not picking up the phone. This is the problem of girls. Will call first and then call back again, don't care. After calling twice, he answered three times and said;

Hello Ronnie! I am sorry. Actually I was not near the phone so it was a little late to receive. Please don't mind.

It's ok. I didn't mind. You also called me at thirty-five. By the way, tell me why you called!

Nothing so important. In fact, I don't know why, I feel that your body is not well. Did you get injured for any reason?

Hmm! The hand was cut a little last night! nothing else

Why did you go out with a cut hand?

I did not know what to say in response to the girl's words. I remained silent for a while. On the other side, Nisha is saying hello hello. I said to myself;

How did you know that I went out? Sorry, how did you know?

Have you forgotten about my dream? I used to see you sometimes in my dreams. But after meeting you, I don't know why. Your face appeared in front of me as soon as my eyes understood. I understand your movements. I feel you next to me!

I said a little annoyed;


The girl sighed and said;

What am I talking about? Please don't mind. I was a bit nervous. In fact, I dreamed in the early morning that you were preparing to go out somewhere. Even the events in my dreams are very similar to your real life events. Moreover, people say that dreams come true in the morning, so I mixed two and two and four!

oh ok I'm actually out for a bit of a useful job. Don't stress about me and thank you for thinking about me.

I hung up the phone and started thinking, the girl is understanding my every movement. I also understand that the girl is a little weak towards me. But?

I don't want to think about that anymore. Then the headache will start again, then I will fall into new trouble again. So I sat quietly and rested my head. After a while I reached the destination. I hired the driver and started moving forward. After some distance, the huge iron gate came into view. It is surprising to think that this thing is such a big palace, but there is no lock, no security system at the gate here. Everything is neglected and lying on the dusty ground. I wanted to open the gate by pushing it with both hands, but because I felt pain in my right hand, I removed my hand. Trying to push my left hand but not gaining strength. Then I noticed two more hands beside me. He was also pushing the gate to open it. Even though I was afraid, I managed myself and looked to the side. I was shocked to see. A very beautiful girl is standing next to me. She is none other than Nisha. She looks incredibly beautiful. The eyes do not want to move. He waved his hand in front of my face and said, "What are you looking at me like this?"

I said a little embarrassed;

Where, somehow, if you thought I was looking at you, then you are wrong, change your mind! I'm not that type of guy. Listen here! I clearly saw that you were looking at me, now dressed as a saint! This is the problem of your boys! They try to make themselves great even by making mistakes.

Sorry if looking at you was wrong. Even though you are beautiful, it is one of your kind to make boys' heads turn so much. Now leave the quarrel and tell me why you came here?

to help you I understand your whole point. So I came here.

I don't want your help. I can fight my fight alone. You get out of here.

If I say this fight is not yours alone! I am also involved with it!


mean nothing You will know everything later! And you're a fussy guy. Quarrel or move forward? He came crippled. Can you open the gate with a cut hand? Let's do it together.

I did not say anything else. In fact, the girl's words have enough logic. So both of them pushed and opened the gate. Then I went ahead and Nisha followed me. A little further, I saw the signboard of the first day. On which it was written "It is forbidden to enter the palace after sunset, the result is death. But today I came at the time of sunrise. I am not so afraid. Still I have to be careful. Because no one will write the danger on the signboard and hang it. I am moving forward but Nisha is still looking at me strangely. There is towards the signboard.

I called him and said;

- Pass the day by looking at the signboard? Or move forward?

Nisha didn't say anything. It started to come behind me. When I came to the front door of the palace, my face was shocked. Such a big house? It was night that day so maybe I didn't notice the house. But surprisingly, "The house that takes on a monstrous form at night but is completely normal during the day. My eyes were stuck on a design on the top of the palace. Nisha is looking at that design with a blank gaze. It is as if she has known it for a long time. I am also feeling attracted towards it. But now Our job is not to look at the palace design, but to find out the answers to my questions. I said to Nisha;

Will you go inside with me? Or wait here.

Go inside!

So let's go!

Suddenly you came to you?

No, I mean, y...

Why not, I mean, yeah?

I said without understanding what to say;

I'm going in if you want to come!

So I started walking forward. I looked back and saw the girl smiling. What do I have to laugh at? Maybe I am floating in the sea of ​​imagination. Oh damn, what am I thinking?

Nisha and I searched around the entire Rajbari but could not find any answer to my question. I feel very helpless. More discomfort is thinking about the night. At night maybe those strange events will start happening to me again. Now how can I get rid of these?

The headache is severe. I sat holding my head. Nisha saw me sitting and ran from a distance. He came close and put his hand on my shoulder. And immediately…

Episode: 10

Nisha came near and put her hand on my shoulder. And immediately I felt a jolt in my whole body. Nisha and Chit moved away a little. I jumped up and stood up. I did not understand what happened. For a moment I felt like an electric shock was given to my body. Nisha is also standing far away looking at the hand that touched me. I think he was shocked like me. I went to him and asked;

are you ok

Nisha looked straight into my eyes without saying a word. It's like I've known him for a long time. I lowered my eyes as I felt uncomfortable. But there is no change in him. Standing still in silence. Doubts arose in my mind, did I not miss this girl again? I waved my hand in front of him and said: This girl? Why don't you talk?

What a surprise! Yet there is no response! This time I got annoyed and shook his shoulder. Nisha was shocked when I touched her. He seemed to have no idea I was here. As if he had sunk into another world! After regaining consciousness, he saw my hand on his shoulder and removed my hand angrily. Then he looked at me with angry eyes and said;

What a matter! Why did you put your hands on me? Did you mix politeness with water? What do you think of yourself?

The girl's words made her angry.

Oh hello, keep your mouth shut. I've been calling ever since, no response. Forced to touch you. And I did not bring you here. Sorry to bother you, please take a moment.

Nisha was about to say something in response to my words when a huge vase standing on the floor fell to the ground. Both of us were startled by the loud sound of breaking the vase. Nisha got scared and hugged me. I feel sorry for the poor thing. He spoke so loudly to me. Now it's my turn. I pulled him away with my left hand and said!

Shit! What are you doing? Do you have no dignity? Learn some politeness. Or mixed it with water and ate it?

At my chatting words, the girl first turned red and then turned black with shame and humiliation. She stood there with her head down. I went towards the vase without paying attention to it. How can such a huge vase fall like this without any wind? It seems that someone could not control his anger and broke it! But there was no one here except me and that girl. But who can do this work? Any soul or body? May be! Because this palace becomes the abode of spirits, ghosts, ghosts and incorporeal beings at night.

But coming here did not help me. I did not find the answers to my questions, but will I go back? Or look for a little more? What happens when you go back? Rather than that, let's look a little. I started looking around where to go. Then I looked at Nisha. The girl is still standing in the same place. Tears are falling from the eyes. I can't bear to cry again. I don't know why Bishan is falling in love with the girl. This has never happened before. I went in front of Nisha and said;

Hear that? Will cry. I can't stand someone's cry. So, shut up.

My words did not enter his ears. Tears do not want to accept any dam. Crying but not making any sound. I don't know why I feel pain somewhere in his tears. I took out a handkerchief from my pocket and held it in front of Nisha. Then I said in a soft tone;

I am sorry! Here is the handkerchief. Please don't cry anymore. I didn't understand. sorry sorry sorry

He cried and said;

Me too I insulted you without understanding. In fact, I was in a daze. Later I realized my mistake.

It's ok. Now think what can be done without standing here. Come here, there is no benefit to us!

Well, say something?


I have heard from my childhood that there are some secret places or secret vaults in these palaces. Maybe in this house too. Maybe find the answer to your question there! What do you say?

Hmm! You have said the right thing, but the question is "Where can I find the secret ax? Everything here is unknown to us.

Hey, I can find it! Let's stop the chatter now.

I and Nisha started looking through all the rooms again and from the beginning.

"The Secret Ax"

It will be a little difficult to find its name. And by overcoming this difficulty I have to reach the goal. I've been looking for a long time and I'm still confused.

I came to a dark place at the very end of the south. I looked at Nisha and saw that she looked quite tired. Her face looked devastated. Tired, he sat on the ground. I also came near him. I was going to sit next to him, but then I got stuck in something like a strong handle. And immediately Nisha screamed loudly. I stood up and noticed in the darkness that Nisha was nowhere around me. Darkness surrounds me. Chest clenched in fear of the unknown. Where did Nisha go? I called her name several times. Only my words started echoing again and again in the whole palace. Not being able to see Nisha anywhere in the darkness, I turned on the mobile flash light. In the light of the mobile phone, I noticed that a very big road looks like a tunnel right where Nisha was sitting. Looking back I saw something like a thick stick leaning forward. I got my foot stuck in it and that's when it seemed to move forward. So I pulled back to put it back. Suddenly there was a loud banging sound. The voice came from where Nisha was sitting. So I put the light of the mobile there. I was startled by the light, because the tunnel was closed. That means this tunnel can be opened and closed by this rod! And Nisha was sitting in the tunnel and with the stroke of my foot this rod went forward and then the tunnel opened. And as soon as the tunnel opens, Nisha falls down. Nothing happened to the destruction of Nisha? I have to go down the tunnel now. Hastily, I gave the punishment forward again. The tunnel opened again. And without a moment's delay, I stood in front of the tunnel. Then I peeked inside the tunnel. Nothing can be seen but the darkness. Forced to turn off the light of the mobile phone. The last trace of the soft light of the phone was lost in the deep darkness. Only the first few steps of the stairs could be seen in the dim light. Does this mean that stairs are used to go down? Without delay, I stepped on the stairs and entered the tunnel. How the stairs went down. As I go down, darkness and an uneasy silence engulf me. And Vapsa wants to make the body sick in one heat. I am feeling a lack of oxygen in such a closed state. However, I am moving forward with a strong mind. After going down for about five minutes, I reached the end of the stairs and stepped onto the parallel floor. I came down so low, but where is Nisha? I could not see him anywhere on the stairs. So where can it go?

Thinking, I started moving forward. After a few steps, I saw Nisha lying on the floor. I rushed forward to him. I started checking the pearls in my hand with fear to see if anything happened. Thank god nothing happened, Pearls is still running meaning only loss of consciousness. But now how to return knowledge? Meanwhile, I am about to lose consciousness in such a crowded environment. I gave the name several times to regain consciousness;

Nisha? Nisha got up! Nisha? We have to go!

No response. So what to pull? No father will be angry again like then. Better stay here and I'll take a good look at this secret hatch. Maybe there is a solution here somewhere. Leaving Nisha there, I started looking around with the light of the mobile phone.

There seems to be two inches of dust all around. The surrounding walls are filled with pictures and frames of only kings and queens. A huge one on one side

Ark. Some swords hanging on the wall. I do not understand how to find out the answer?

So I decided to look at the pictures of kings and queens. The first frame photo reads "Raja Khandaka Vikram" next to which appears his queen. Then three more kings and queens respectively. The second king has his name. Raja Khandaka Pratap". The name of the third king is "Raja Khandaka Rudra". The name of the last king and the name of the queen made my head spin. This is the name for which so much! " Raja Khandaka Abhishek and Queen Kamini Khandaka. I didn't pay attention to the picture because of seeing the names for so long. This time I paid attention to the two pictures. Looking at the picture of King Abhishek and Queen Kamini, I almost stopped shivering for a moment. It can't be anything. I must be looking wrong. I wiped my eyes and looked again at the two pictures. No, there is no change, the two images remain the same. How is that possible? A picture of me exactly like Raja Abhishek's picture. The only difference is that some of the old-time kings' costumes are worn in the picture. And Nisha's picture is placed in the place of the queen's picture. In her picture, the queen's clothes and costumes are taught. How everything inside the head feels confused and empty. What to do now? If I say these words to someone, he will think I am crazy. Rather not with two pictures. I removed the work frame from the wall. I quickly filled the bag I brought with me. Suddenly there was a creaking sound behind.