The sword that can make Kings

Chapter 101: The sword that can make Kings


It was a weapon that not a lot of people knew about, even in the future. The reason being is that it is a soul weapon. Meaning, the person who becomes its owner is the only sole person who could ever use the weapon and know its information. Moreover, the moment the owner dies, the weapon would die along with him. Simply put, the future of the weapon solely depends on its owner.

In the future, the person who became the owner of Kingmaker was just an unknown ordinary person with no renowned background whatsoever who just happens to be lucky enough to pick it up at the perfect moment. Even though he has such a powerful soul weapon, it didn't make his life any better. As a matter of fact, his life became worst instead since a lot of people felt jealous of him after he told them about the ability of Kingmaker. And because of that, the potential of Kingmaker was never shown on Earth.