Scavenger Hunt

Chapter 145: Scavenger Hunt

"Give me an update on everything," Kayn asked as everyone gathered inside a tent that they'd just built with the assistance of their Mages' magic capability.

Chastine decided to step forward first.

"We've pretty much bought three months' worth of supplies for everyone. These include food, clothes, armor, and also weapons for the Goblins that joined our party," Chastine informs everyone.

"That's good to hear,"

Now their problem with insufficient supply has been solved. Moreover, the under-geared Goblins could finally equip themselves with better gears and armor, making their leader Gnarlak feel slightly relieved that they don't have to worry about such matters anymore.

Previously, they've been using weapons that were built using the limited materials they can find and gather in the Mountain Monkey's Lair. Now they can increase their combat capability and offer more fighting power to the party.