The War that Decides the Fate of ‘The  Bridge’ Part 4

Chapter 201: The War that Decides the Fate of 'The Bridge' Part 4

The one who took Kayn's group to the Daze Village was still Randy. But this time, the latter is going to be part of the operation instead of just waiting at the sideline.

They went through the underground passage and straight to the warehouse-looking entrance of the White Boots Auction House.

The same manager and five receptionists that greeted them the last time welcomed them at the entrance. But this time, because Kayn and the others were no longer wearing a disguise, the six people acted very respectfully.

Contrary to the others though, Kayn still wears a disguise, but this time it's different since Chief Kylo probably recognizes already his previous disguise.

"Greetings, Chairman Jericho," The manager bowed his head ninety degrees along with the five receptionists behind him.

"How's the situation with this branch after that assassination attempt?" Jericho pretended to ask in concern.