The War that Decides the Fate of ‘The  Bridge’  Part 13

Chapter 210: The War that Decides the Fate of 'The Bridge' Part 13

The last place that Wesley took them was a building that seems to be the headquarters of the Assembly of Freedom in the Slumbering Forest.

In front of them was a very tall building with almost a hundred floors.

Honestly, from the first moment they entered this city, this building had already caught everyone's attention as it was the tallest around. Even taller than the chimneys surrounding it.

As they got inside the building, they were instantly greeted by a sight that was different from the scenario going on outside.

There was absolute order and a sense of harmony between everyone.

Moreover, it wasn't crowded. There is more than enough space for people to move around without hitting another person.

They walked through the hallway and were introduced by Wesley to the function of the rooms they passed by.