The War that Decides the Fate of ‘The  Bridge’ Part 74

Chapter 271: The War that Decides the Fate of 'The Bridge' Part 74

Among the five brigades, Kayn realized that he can try and take control of three brigades, respectively the Revolutionary Brigade, Liberty Fire Brigade, and Unity Circle Brigade.

This was great as this means taking control of more than half of the Assembly of Freedom's soldiers. And in addition to Wesley's puppets, even if it is still impossible to bring down the entire Assembly of Freedom, he can more or less still bring about a great deal of damage to the organization.

Now, the only question left is where to begin.

"In the meantime, why don't you return first to deal with your matters while I stay here and continue looking for victims?" Kayn suggested to Maria.

"Alright," Maria nodded before pointing at Wesley and Christopher. "How about them?" Any client who comes here and sees these two would definitely flinch in fear.