The War that Decides the Fate of ‘The  Bridge’ Part 76

Chapter 273: The War that Decides the Fate of 'The Bridge' Part 76

"That's a very touching story," Wesley smirked. "But who cares? You're a Villain now. That's the only thing that matters. And It is impossible for you to become a Hero again, let alone redeem yourself,"

"I don't hope to redeem myself nor do I even have the thought of becoming a Hero," Maria shook her head. "The only thought that I want from the very beginning is to be free; freedom to do whatever I want, freedom to continue living my life without the fear of dying because of somebody else, and freedom from this place,"

"At first, I thought the Assembly of Freedom can give me that…"

Wesley immediately interrupted. "It's literally in our motto to stay in 'The Bridge', so why are you having problems with it now?"

"Do you seriously think that I care whether we stay in 'The Bridge' or go back to Earth? Regardless of where we are, it doesn't matter to me,"