The appearance of Circus and the shocking identity of the traitor

Chapter 308: The appearance of Circus and the shocking identity of the traitor

Kayn might have come from the future, but that doesn't necessarily mean he is fully aware of everything that happened in the second life. As a matter of fact, he even forgot some events that he was involved with. Not to mention, events that he has no knowledge about nor was even involved in the first place.

The scene of Chastine stabbing Old Mayor George was one such event that he is not aware of.

Honestly, he doesn't even know whether this had also happened in the past or that this was possibly caused by the butterfly effect brought by his unaccounted intervention in this timeline.

He completely doesn't know. Even Natas was caught by surprise, so he reckon that the latter also isn't aware that such an event actually happened, or perhaps otherwise.

"I told you, we shouldn't have intervened in how things were supposed to happen," Natas shook his head.