
When Hema said she was going to meet Mahesa, Rasya thought if they would meet Mahesa at home or later after school, not right now – not even she and Shona had time to finish their meal.

And the three of them are now in front of the student council club. Hema now stepped forward, knocking on the door several times. And not long after, the door opened, revealing the figure of Fredy Lee.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" Freddy asked.

Hema glanced at Rasya briefly, which made Rasya now shrug her shoulders slowly. And without answering Fredy's question, Hema pushed Fredy, opened the club door, and entered the student council club room without heeding Fredy's protests.


It was Mahesa's voice.

Hema stopped her steps suddenly, causing Rasya, who was walking behind her, to hit Hema's back and make Shona, who was following behind, hit Rasya's back.

"Why you—" Rasya's words, who were about to protest to Hema, who suddenly froze, now hung up on their own when she realized that the student council club room was busier than usual. There were some unfamiliar faces there.

Everyone's attention is now on the three friends. For Fredy's whereabouts, Rasya knows that he is one of the members. In the room there was also Mahesa, the person they really wanted to meet was now walking towards his sister. And the Andaru brothers, whom Rasya doesn't need to ask anymore, because that's clearly what made Hema freeze and no longer move and make a sound.

"What do you need here for?" asked Mahesa, who was already near them.

Shona pushed Hema slowly, but the beauty in the blue hoodie seemed silent, with her cheeks flushed so much that they reached her ears. Mahesa raised an eyebrow, probing a little as if she found something wrong with his sister this time.

"Speak, Hema," Shona whispered.

But her friend was like a living statue.

Rasya took a deep breath, pushing Hema harder until she lost her balance.

"Hema wants to talk about camping in Central Park," said Rasya, speaking up because Hema was utterly silent. A second after hearing what Rasya said, Hema looked up with slightly widened eyes as if cursing and only got a smile from Rasya.

Mahesa frowned. "How do you know? We're discussing it," said Mahesa.

And yes, it's been answered why more people than usual were in the club room – but that doesn't explain why the Andaru brothers were also there, because they weren't members of the club.

"We've heard from him, and Hema wants to talk about the show, Mahesa," Rasya answered calmly.

Hema turned quickly, "Why me? This is your idea," said Hema.

"Just you, Hema." Shona also pushed Hema slowly.

"I thought you both were my best friends," Hema grumbled.

Shona just smiled. Meanwhile, Rasya had already ignored Hema when she saw Eliza, her neighbor, who is also a student council member, waving and giving her a seat. Someone who had been sitting beside Mahesa is now standing, approaching.

"I'm in charge of the camping. Can I help you?" Sena, the sweet girl with blonde hair of Japanese descent, is now smiling and offering to help.

Shona and Rasya nodded in unison, again pushing Hema forward.

"Can we talk alone?" asked Hema a little quietly. Sena nodded enthusiastically. Her smile still hadn't faded as she now looked enthusiastic and took Hema to get out of the student council club room.

For your information, Sena, the girl with blonde hair, is Mahesa's classmate and their neighbor. Sena seems to be showing some feelings for Mahesa from her recent movements. But maybe she is a little unlucky because Mahesa is not the type of person who is sensitive to his surroundings. Even when Sena gave him food and chocolates on Valentine's Day, Mahesa only thought it was just a form of friendship. Poor Sena.

"So, what are you doing? The three of you never leave the canteen during recess," said Mahesa, looking at Shona and Rasya.

"It's none of your business, Mahesa," Rasya answered sharply, cutting off Shona, who opened her mouth to answer.

"None of my business? Have you forgotten that I am the student council president? You wanted to meet me earlier, and one thing you must remember is that Hema is my sister," said Mahesa.

"At first, we did need you, but now we don't, and I'm sorry our business doesn't include you, even tho Hema is your sister. Give us some privacy, will you?"

"Ouch..." One of the twins Andaru–Nakula–

a little mumble and chuckle.

Sadewa patted Mahesa on the back, and Mahesa now grumbled and made everyone giggle.

"Turns out the rumors were true."

Rasya raised an eyebrow, looking at one of the student council members who made a sound.

"What rumors?"

"Rumors say that you're one of those people who can't be approached because of your sharp mouth," he replied.

Mahesa chuckled softly. "It's not much. At home, it would be worse if she fought with Hema or with Shona," said Mahesa.

Shona, who had been silent, was now protesting. "Why did you involve me? I'm the sanest of the two, Mahesa."

"Well, I won't be sharp-mouthed if people around me act like normal people. Especially you and Hema. You are smart but also idiots," said Rasya.

Mahesa took a deep breath. "See, right?"


Rasya turned to Nakula, who made a short comment and looked at her. A second later, a big smile appeared on Nakula's face when they looked at each other. Rasya blinked. Her cheeks felt a little hot, and now averted her gaze.

Rasya caught Shona's gaze at him, now grinning, making Rasya shake her head slowly. Shona just smiled, supported her chin, and glanced at Nakula, still looking at Rasya with a smile.

Ah, someone has a crush, huh?

Not long after, the door opened again. Sena entered the room, followed by Hema. Rasya raised her face, gave Hema a short chink, and got a quick nod from Hema. A smile grew before. Finally, Rasya now stood up, walked over to Hema, and dragged her out.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Shona immediately got up to follow them, ignoring Mahesa, who was grumbling again.

"You ungrateful little sister."


Nakula and Sadewa went to the locker and put their books. The class was over, and Nakula couldn't wait to go home. He threw himself on the bed, hugged the bolster, and fell asleep.

The first day of the new semester was exhausting.

"Will Fredy come with us?" Nakula asked Sadewa who had started his jeep. Sadewa shook her head.

"He came home with Luke." Nakula nodded.


Nakula turned to hear Sadewa calling his first name, then raised his eyebrows. Sadewa poked his head out the car window, and Nakula saw what Sadewa was pointing at.

Nakula smiled.

"You like her, huh?" Sadewa watched the cute little teenager across the street waiting for Mahesa and Hema with a resting bitch face that looked adorable.

"I don't like her. She's just... unique," said Nakula.

"Uh-huh, sure buddy, sure." Sadewa then started his car and got out of the school parking lot. However, Nakula still couldn't take his eyes off the figure of Rasya, who now looked like she was tilting her head up and stomping her feet in annoyance.


Sadewa glanced at Nakula and smiled. Nakula can refute or deny as he pleases. But who is he kidding? Sadewa is his twin brother, for fuck sake. Sadewa knew Nakula more than Nakula himself. And the last time Nakula showed this expression was in eighth grade. Before the girl named Chou Yena moved back to her home country, Taipei. And yes, Nakula had a crush on her back then.

They went home in silence, enjoying the music they played in the car.

Arriving in front of the yard, Sadewa and Nakula jumped down from their jeep and entered the house. Realizing that Prabu had not yet returned home, his car had not been parked in the usual place.

They changed their shoes to home-made cloth sandals in the doorway and headed straight for the kitchen. Their stomachs were both rumbling.

Don't blame their hormones, okay? They are still teenagers in their infancy.

"Are you guys home?"

Tania was standing in the kitchen doorway in her house clothes.

"Mom doesn't work?" Sadewa, who had sat down and taken the plate and chopsticks, glanced at Tania. Meanwhile, Nakula rummaged through the fridge, looking for cold juice.

"My work is done faster."

Tania is a shift on-call nurse. Her job is just waiting for the phone and assisting the operating room when needed. So if there is no operation, Tania will not work. Meanwhile, Prabu is the head of Crime Scene Investigation at the NYPD-New York Police Department. In other words, Prabu is a detective.

Tania went to Nakula, who didn't find cold juice, and opened the hood of number two on the top right, then took out the orange juice and gave it to Nakula, who mumbled a thank you.

"Ah, yes. Mom, we need your permission." Sadewa opened his bag and took out a paper, and Nakula also took his.

"What's this?" Tania asked, reading the paper carefully.

"Camping permits this weekend. But actually, everyone is required to come. So it was just a notification," replied Nakula.

Tania reads for a few seconds and then returns it to her twin sons. "Well, just be careful. Only in Central Park, right?"

Both nodded.

"Okay. What do you guys need for camping? I'll buy it for you," Tania got up and took out a post-it and a pen that was accidentally stuck to the fridge door.

Sadewa and Nakula looked at each other. Nakula scratched his head. "Uh, I don't know. We don't know what to bring yet." Sadewa replied after drinking the juice.

"Okay then. Finish your meal, and think about what you'll bring later. Then tell me. I'm in my room, okay?" Tania kissed the heads of her two sons and left.

"So..." Sadewa started.

Nakula groaned and dropped his head on the table. "Don't start, Sadewa." Sadewa just smiled, and his eyes formed crescents. "What?" He asked innocently.

"Ugh." Nakula groaned and took a sip of his orange juice. "I know you won't stop talking about it until I admit it! But I told you I don't like her," Nakula explained.

"It's okay if you like her, Axel." Sadewa patted Nakula's head affectionately. Nakula glared and pushed Sadewa's hand away.

"I don't like her! Fuck off!"

"I'm your twin, for fuck sake—"


Tania shouts from her room. Nakula and Sadewa looked at each other and then burst out laughing.