Full Moon 2.0


Sadewa understood what they were talking about.


Yes, bones are in terms of human bones. I think there are about two hundred bones in the human body. Sadewa didn't know why he hadn't bothered to pay attention to bones earlier— that bones were so soft and fragile, they were so easy to break and crush in one hand. Suppose Sadewa didn't forget his biology lesson. And thinking about the bone brought Sadewa to the girl in front of him, Hema Lee.

Sadewa was still watching Hema intensely, making Hema lift his face and stare back. For some reason, he suddenly imagined what it would feel like to squeeze or even just feel Hema's bones in his hands. And in his head, he imagined he was clutching Hema, then enjoying every time he squeezed and smashed him to pieces in the confines of Sadewa's fingers.

"Sadewa?" called Hema.

And in the blink of an eye, a second later, Sadewa came back and remembered who he was. His rationality returned and cleared his brain of his animalistic instincts and his thoughts of jumping out of the window and howling.

He was Sadewa Andaru, and he would never hurt Hema Lee. He would rather die than hurt the girl in front of him.

But he wants to hurt the alpha who changed him now. He suddenly wanted to find the alpha and destroy it. He let out a groan involuntarily. Because the alpha bit him and Nakula and made them both beta.

Sadewa hates this. He hates that, for once in his life, and he can't control himself. He was annoyed, and the anger made him growl again for the umpteenth time. He was grateful that he and Nakula weren't in the same room. Because he, as an older brother, doesn't want Nakula to see him on the weak side. If Sadewa is weak, then who will Nakula rely on? Ah, he swore he would tear the alpha that—

"Sadewa?" call Hema again.

It seems that Sadewa accidentally growled again. Sadewa caught Hema's worried expression, and he immediately averted his gaze. "Stay away," he said with another growl. And actually, this was Sadewa's order in the past few hours. He doesn't know how often he tells Hema to stay away from him. At the same time, the rationale can still return.

"No," Hema answered sharply. Which, She doesn't know how many times every time Sadewa told her to leave.

"Hyuck, I could have killed you."

"You're in chains," Hema replied casually, then she picked up her cellphone again and resumed playing the game she had paused. Hema glanced, "and you won't kill me."

"Why not?" challenged Sadewa.

Hema raised her face again, then smiled lopsidedly, looking mysterious. And Sadewa blinked a few times. He felt as if Hema was mocking him or even laughing at him. That is if he caught Hema's emotions right now.

"I won't let you," Hema snorted softly, then changed her position to lie down. "Calm down, wolf-boy, you have a very long night," Hema sings her words.

Sadewa blinked again. For some reason, he suddenly imagined Hema saying that in a different scenario. Like Hema taking over their game—

Okay, what the fuck.

Not only has he lost rationality, but has his teenage hormones gone up too? Fuck full moon. Fuck his hormones. And fuck the alpha who turned him into this. He sounded like a walking hormone sack at the thought of Hema wrapping his legs around his waist—

And Sadewa growled loudly.

Hema raised his face to look at Sadewa again. "You okay?" Sadewa didn't respond; his golden eyes caught a few moles on Hema's face, and his heart rate slowed down. His chest, which had been feeling hot all this time, suddenly calmed down. Huh. Maybe if his mind focused on Hema, he could be distracted from his instincts. So that's what he did.

"So," Sadewa looked at Hema. "What are you doing?" asked Sadewa.

"Hmm, waiting for you to lose control and run wild so maybe I can see your strange form after this. And maybe even take a photo," Hema replied, then chuckled. Hema's two thumbs are still busy on his phone screen. "Haven't you asked hmm... six times?"

"No," Sadewa said, then rolled his eyes.

"Woah, Sadewa Andaru rolled his eyes! I should have recorded!" Hema laughed, then turned around so she was in front of Sadewa. Sadewa was surprised. He can't control many things because of the full moon idiot right now. He seemed out of character.

"I mean, why are you here?" Sadewa repeated. "You know what? I'm tired of answering your same questions over and over again. I was playing a game while waiting for you to go berserk!" Hema exclaimed, then sighed too dramatically.

Sadewa chuckled. "But you still answered it."

Hema rolled her eyes and put her phone away. She then walked around Sadewa's room and looked through Sadewa's collection of books, most of which were encyclopedias.

"Thank you," Sadewa said, then he chuckled again. Hema widened her eyes and quickly turned to look at Sadewa. She forgot about their bond. Her heart suddenly beat fast.

"Um... Do you know? Your heart sounds fast," Sadewa said again. And at that time, Hema also forgot about Sadewa's abilities. She puffed her cheeks. Just let Sadewa hear her heart beating 'boom-boom-boom-boom-boom'. Hema continued her activities by looking at Sadewa's collection.

Then Hema pulled out a book—which was a men's fashion magazine—and sat back in its original place. In front of Sadewa.

"What are you doing?"

"Didn't we already go through this phase earlier?" Hema seems tired too. Sadewa shook his head. "No, I mean the magazine. You sat in front of me, who was only inches away, not trying to get away from me, who almost became a monster. Instead you—"

"Looking around, maybe there's an inspiration for the prom," Hema replied. "And please don't think too highly of yourself. You're not a monster. You're a seventeen-year-old teenager who fell to a terrible fate? I don't know," Hema shrugged her shoulders.

"You're thinking about prom? We've only just started the school year," Sadewa said. He was ignoring the pounding of his chest at Hema's words. For some reason, Hema, who denied that he was a monster, made Sadewa happy.

"Alternatively, I thought about prom because the seventeen-year-old boy in front of me fell to a fate that—"

"Okay, I get it," said Sadewa.

"Mhm." Hema returns to his magazine.

Suddenly Sadewa felt a burning sensation all over his body. Sadewa turned to the window, and the full moon shone brightly in the sky. As if mocking Sadewa to stay in his rationale. He didn't want something feral in him to take over his mind because suddenly, Sadewa's mind was foggy, and he couldn't control himself.

"Hema, leave!"

His voice came out along with a low growl in his chest. He didn't know the effect was big enough that he felt his stomach churning. And it felt like it was ripping his chest and his throat was sore.

Hema looked unsure for a moment. Then she threw the magazine she was holding and slowly approached, sitting across from Sadewa. But not close enough for Sadewa to be able to reach it.

"I'm not going anywhere," Hema said seriously. "I'm staying here."

Sadewa could feel his skin itch and burn a bit. His heart was pumping at high speed; he could feel the skin on his back looking stretched and ready to tear at any moment and the sweat on his forehead wet Sadewa's hair. He had to be able to hold on to it as hard as he could.

"Hema," Sadewa's breath faltered. "Shit,"

The terrible thing is that Sadewa doesn't know whether he begged Hema to leave or stay with him. The corner of his heart wants him to break down in front of Hema and show his weak side. But he still held on with all his might.

Because if Nakula can afford it, why can't he? He should be able to. He must be able to for Nakula and Rasya, also for Hema.

Hema looked at Sadewa, who was watching Hema. And suddenly, Hema's eyes widened. Sadewa, unable to digest what was happening, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his eyes. Feels burnt.

Sadewa gripped the chain tightly around his wrist and then banged his head against the wall, making Hema gasp which was caught by his very sensitive ears. Sadewa covered his ears and screamed in pain.

The only thing he could do, Sadewa thought, was to curl up to hold back the pain and keep his body the same. The chain grabbed Sadewa's wrist and hurt him, but he didn't care. He just wanted to block all the sounds that entered his ears.

He reached for Nakula's emotions in the next room but couldn't. His head felt dizzy, and sweat was pouring all over his body. And again, Nakula may also be calming down. He couldn't add to the burden on Nakula.

"Sadewa, focus on my voice," Hema said quietly. "Please, just focus on my voice."

Sadewa took a deep breath. "Gosh, I want to die. Just fucking kill me, Hema. I want to die," Sadewa's voice was hoarse, and his breath was cut off.

"No, you don't," whispered Hema. And Sadewa could feel Hema's fingers running through his hair, gently massaging his temples and brushing away the hair strands.

"Stay away!" Sadewa roared very loudly. His voice was mixed with growls, and he thought he heard a lion roar.

Worse, the sound came from his throat.

"I'm not going away!" Hema screamed back; she lost her temper at last. "Sadewa, you won't hurt me! You can't hurt me!"

"Why are you so sure?" Sadewa exclaimed.

Hema squeaked, and the squeaking sound was so strong it felt like Hema was screaming right in his ear. "Because you are Sadewa Andaru! You are one of the people who can control yourself the most! I know you can do it!" and Hema sighed.

"I'm your omega," he added more quietly. "You're not going to hurt your omega," Hema paused. "Right?"

Sadewa blinked once, twice, three times. Oh, yes. Sadewa forgot the bond between himself and the girl surnamed Lee in front of him. Moreover, it was Hema. Hema Lee is one of his precious omega. And he couldn't possibly hurt the omega of his pack.

Suddenly Sadewa's heart slowed down. And Sadewa caught Hema's two brown eyes that seemed to glow in the moonlight. It was as if her eyes were saying, 'it's okay, and we were able to calm something feral inside Sadewa, like medicine. Sadewa could hear Hema's heartbeat and he closed his eyes. Focus on the rhythm of the heartbeat. Then opened his eyes again.

"There you are," Hema's smile grew. "The colour is back. Not gold."

"You're smiling," Sadewa said. Hema shrugged her shoulders briefly. "You too. And you have canines," Hema replied.

"Oh shit."

Hema laughed loudly. "I think only Nakula likes to swear," he said between laughs. Sadewa shrugged. "Compared to me, Nakula is indeed more often."

"Are they all right—"

And Hema was silent for a moment because they heard a very strong howl. Theo's howl. Sadewa stiffened.


Rasya stood there looking at Sadewa and Hema in turn.

"Guys, we're going now!"