"QUINCY!!! BECAUSE YOU DID SOMETHING GREAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU WILL WAKE UP LATE. WAKE UP DUMMY!!!" Diana had already decided to walk with Quincy. She wasn't gonna care about any bitch or bastard. She'll rip any fucker who taunts her because the brother they used to blackmail her wasn't a weak ass.

"WILL YOU GUYS SHUT THE FUCK UP AM TRYING TO SLEEP HERE" Henry shouted from his room as a warning signal which they understood well.

"Fuck can't someone sleep in peace. Who the fuck created school, coz it's a bother." Quincy grudgingly walked to the bathroom and showered.

Some minutes later, he came downstairs wearing his uniform.

"So why did you have to include me in your early waking up? Fuck it's annoying."

"You're going to school with me big bro hehehe"

"Since when did I start going to school with u damnit.."

"Since now bro. Come on let's go"

Quincy couldn't refuse anymore. He doesn't need his past memory to tell him wah wi happen if he refuses to follow her. It's gonna be hell on Earth. Quincy didn't even know his sister was in the same school as him because they never met after, before or during school sessions.

As they reached the gate, every student that saw Quincy immediately gave way. Even Diana was shocked. Was my brother a mafia boss without me knowing?

"What the fuck is with this line up huh?" Quincy roared.

"I wanted to meet you." Lynn walked forward with some boys behind him. Diana's shock was now doubled. What did Quincy have to do with the Mad dog, Lynn? That psychopath? She decided to leave them alone to talk in private, but Quincy held her hand.


"Don't you trust your brother? I did promised you to take you to your class, and that's what I'll do. Okay?"


At the same time, a huge porche car entered the premises and Amaya came out along with three heavy bodyguards. Quincy wasn't fazed by that, he had seen much more than just that.

"What were you saying? Why did you wanna meet me"?

"Join m..."

"No. I don't do gang shits. Neither am I a violent student. So it's a no. Let's go Diana."

Diana was just looking at Quincy with shock. Mad Dog invited him personally but he just disregarded him. Was that something to look calm about?

"Uhmmm Quincy? Wait up..." Amaya ran to Quincy but Quincy just continued walking. In his past life, girls was one of the things you needed to avoid to live peacefully. He didn't want to have any problem.

"Come on..just wait up. It won't take much of your time, I promise." Amaya sounded like she wanted to cry. Of course Quincy would turn around.

"I have to drop my sister off at her class. After that, I will deal with anyone that wants me. So for now, wait a minute."

"It's okay big bro. I can..." Quincy pinched her hand slightly and signalled her to follow his lead.

Lynn stood there observing Quincy before bursting into laughter.

"I haven't seen such an interesting guy since I started this school. I love it. It will be fun breaking you Quincy hehehe" Lynn just continued laughing hysterically.

After these words left his mouth, everyone went stiff and if the atmosphere became cold. The fear in Diana's face was obvious but Amaya didn't seem to mind. She had already known what Quincy is capable of. Quincy stopped his movement and turned around with a wide grin.

"Hope you can back up these words with action huh? Coz if you don't, don't expect to leave with light punishment hehehe. Am not that merciful sunbae hehehe". He turned around and continued walking without turning back.

Lynn had many black lines in his face despite the smile he was trying to show. He smirked and turned around, going into the school, but this time, there was no smile, just a pained expression of anger.

"We aren't gonna have any peaceful days again"

"He may have beat Taejin, but will he be able to touch the Mad Dog? That guy is too fast."

"I might not come to school from now on. I don't want to be in the receiving end."

"Is this the guy Sir wanted to make a guard?" One of the guard asked Amaya.

"Yeah he is. What do you think?"

"Hmmmm he's not convincing enough. Let's try talking to him first. We will know how good he is."

"Don't worry. U guys won't be disappointed" Amaya smiled and looked Quincy's way. The bodyguards looked at Quincy with a with a frown before escorting Amaya in.


"Diana!!! Diana!! Fuck didn't you hear me calling? You want me to fucking rough you up?' Xie Xijuan, the girl that had been bullying Diana came to her desk. "Because your brother is some hot stuff, you think you're shit? Seems like you don't know who I am. No matter what I do to you, your brother won't do anything to me. I'm the daughter of the congressman after all. Now fucking get me some cash."

Diana looked at Xijuan with an angry look before standing up. She walked up to her, clicked her tongue and went past her.

"DIANA!!" A vein popped as Xijuan yelled her name in anger.

"Don't fucking call my name with that dirty mouth of yours. You want some money, go meet your fucking Daddy or is he so broke that he can't give you some money huh? You can't use my brother to threaten me anymore and if you think you scare me, dream on bitch. The next time you fuck with me, am gonna bleed you. Filthy trash." Diana just walked pass the angry and fuming Xijuan. All the girls in the class were in shock. Did this girl eat something that made her this bold? Or were they really threatening her with her brother?

"Diana hehehe... you're gonna regret messing with me. I will first deal with that brother of yours that you think is all powerful, them am gonna rough you so bad, that you won't be recognized by anyone."


Quincy was sleeping in the class as none of the stuff interested him. Amaya walked up to him but did not say anything. She then sat down on his locker but said nothing. Quincy on the other hand just kept laying down. "Come on Quincy, you know I wanna talk to you.."

"Did I stop you? Say whatever you wanna say."

"Uhmmm..the thing is that..." She hesitated a little bit before finally steeling her mind to tell Quincy. "KPD company wants to offer you a job as a bodyguard."

"Say what now?" Quincy shockingly took up his head.