The bodyguard was so upset as well as the fellow bodyguards that were there, but they couldn't cause a scene there. They said want their goddess, Ae-Cha to have a bad day.

"I will repeat what I was saying. When did this stalking begin? Am gonna ask a lot of questions that I will need urgent answers to. So..." The air suddenly became heavy "Don't lie to me."

This was fucking scary to everyone. Just how strong is this guy? The bodyguards now knew they would not take this probational high schooler for a joke. If they want to face him, they would go all out on him.

Ae-Cha looked at Quincy with a sexy smile. "It started a month ago. It recently became very serious."

"Hmmmm....Okay. I think I don't need to ask anymore questions." He left.

"Strange guy hehe." She smirked.


The day was over for Ae-Cha. She went outside her dressing room and met Quincy standing outside with all other guards looked at her with an angry face. She entered her car as the four guards including Quincy entered the car with her. Quincy and the bulky guy at the back, one in front and the other that drove the car.

They dropped her and were off as their work was only to guard her during her working hours.

After some time, Ae-Cha was on blackouts with a nose mask, sneaking out of her house.

"You don't even know how to disguise yourself to avoid suspicion. Who sneaks out on blackouts?" Quincy stood backing a pole. He hid well that he couldn't be figured out. Ae-Cha was shocked.

"Wh....what are you doing here?"

"Am doing my work here. My job ain't to escort you but to figure out who is stalking you. Where were you headed?"

" I need permission to go eat?" She harrumphed.

"U didn't tell you to ask for permission. Just asking a question. Hope you're aware that there's a camera in your dressing room."

"Wh.... WHAAAAT!!!!"

Quincy smiled. "I guessed right. You weren't aware of it. For the stalker to have the means to do that, this can only mean that your stalker is closer than you imagine." He observed her angry expression as she looked pained. He smirked as her walked in front of her.

"I think you know who your stalker is. He has been stalking you so much that he is even observing us right now."

Quincy beckoned her to stay silent as he gestured at a point where a black car was seen at a point with someone inside.


"Hehehe...I guess this case is solved. So what do you wanna do?" Quincy seemed to be observing what was happening with a weird smile.

Ae-Cha just turned around and went back into her house in anger. Quincy turned and walked towards a convenience store. He was buying some kimbaps when a huge man walked up to him and tapped him.

"The boss is calling you."

Quincy looked at the black car. The man that was sitted was now clearer.

"Okay. Guide me to him please."

Quincy followed the mancho quietly as they reached the black car that had been observing him for some time now. He smiled and entered the car when the door was opened for him.

"Quincy Mchernz. Probational guard at KPD." The man on suit said with an angry expression.

"You sure did your assignment well."

"Focus on your job and don't interfere with what you don't wanna be involved with."

Quincy looked at him with a puzzled expression. "Aren't I doing my job? Catching the rat bastard that has been stalking my client? That's my job ain't it?" He smiled while looking at the guy in front of him who wasn't reciprocating the smile.

"Hehehe... You are a smart one I gotta say. Plus you gat strange guts. You will be outta the picture by tomorrow. Take this time to set yourself right. You won't want me to act right?" The young man gave a taunt while smiling at Quincy, who just continued smiling.

"I guess it was a nice chat heh. I will be on my way now." Quincy left the car as his eyes expression took a 180° change from a smile to rage. He had a devilish expression as the aura around him began to be deadly.

The bulky bodyguard noticed the change in environment and turned to look at the leaving high schooler but decided let it go. He thought it was all a hallucination.


Ae-Cha was sitting in her dark living room, staring at the window. She began reminiscing on the days when she used to have fun and freely go outside without worrying of anyone harassing, stalking or disturbing her. She suddenly heard a knock on her door.

"Huh?" She glanced at the clock and saw the time. It was past 9.

"Who would come here this late?"

She opened the door, with shock written all over her face, she saw a familiar face.

"Will you starve yourself became of your stalkers? This is the last thing to do and my work today is over. Eat up so u won't die of starvation." Quincy turned around and was leaving when he heard a little sound.

"Thank you". He paused with a smile before he continued leaving. He just raised one of his hand with a wave.

"What a strange guy hehe.."


Someone was still observing the Quincy and Ae-Cha with gritted teeth.

"Once he leaves the place,make sure he never used his legs. Also make sure he never smiles. I have had enough of his smiled. It's fucking annoying."

"Rest assured boss."


Quincy sneaks his was home but on reaching the stairs, Diana stares daggers at him. He just smiles wrily at her as he gives her a light wink before going past her.

"Your food is on the table Quincy. Tch coming home by ten."

Quincy looks her her with a lovely smile and hugs her. "Thanks sister."

"Hey... Get off me." She puffs while going to her room. Quincy goes down a mind sees a set of covered plate with a note on it.

"Stupid late brother, I have been waiting to eat with you." He smiles and eats his food.