Introduction Phase (1)

"|| In Queue... ||"

August slowly waited for the queue and was transporting him to a place where he is gonna set up his status and stats.

After a few moments he finally got the message he had been waiting for. Even the queue still goes down fast even if it's launch day.

"|| Transporting 'Player' ||"


The pitch-black space vanished and was replaced by a beautiful garden filled with flowers, trees and a blue-clear sky. He was standing in the middle of the garden and silently admired the nostalgic view for the second time.

"I'm back..." he muttered.

August breathed in the fresh air that didn't have a hint of pollution. The fresh air relaxed his mind a bit from the allocated stress of everything that happened in the span of a day.

Suddenly a small figure started getting materialized in front of him. When the figure finally materialized, August could see a small fairy, with small wings coupled with long green hair, round ocean-blue eyes and pointy ears. Her size was about the same size as someone's head.

She looked into the direction where August stood and examined his face and body. First she showed a neutral expression, but soon turned into surprise, later into various different emotions and expressions.

August was shocked for a split second, not because of the fairy sudden appearance. He already knew it beforehand, instead it was the kind of look the fairy gave him. Pure curiosity and  eagerness could be seen from her expression, her cute face and her green eyes.

Fairy are one of the many friendly races that you can interact with, but it's very rare for someone to interact and talk with fairies after the introduction. They usually live peacefully together in the forest and elves. Fairies, even though they are small, have a high mana pool and resonate very well with mana. They are also one of the few races called "Mana's Favorite".

In the introduction, a fairy would be materialized from thin air in front of the player. But normally the fairy's expression would be the typical neutral. But there have been moments where the fairies show some curiosity with players, and those specific players have shown power to great things.

But right now in front of August, there is a fairy showing pure curiosity and eagerness. This shocked him to the core, he wondered maybe she saw through his transmigration. But he doubted that, because mostly everything disappeared/reverted when he got transmigrated except his knowledge. Unless she can read minds, but that's highly unrealistic.

"Welcome honored Traveler!" said the fairy while flying with her wings in an excited and adorable voice that would melt any human's heart.

"Honored, what do you mean with that?" asked August, he was confused and speechless. There hasn't been any incidents with fairies calling players 'honored, not even the 'pro' players(by fairies who showed curiosity)'. He wouldn't deny that it would be a good thing being called honored by a fairy, but at least he wanted to know the reason behind it. Because this never happened in his past life.

"Hmm? You don't know huh?" asked the confused fairy.

"Please elocolabrate"

"I can sense you have a high affinity with Mana! Our race heavily favors people with high affinity with Mana!"

"Huh, But I don't have a high affinity with Mana" August questioned back, because he never had high affinity with Mana to begin with, his affinity Mana was C grade.

"Hmm, you don't? Well, we fairies can easily sense Mana, so I'm sure I'm not wrong. But first let's configure your status, before we continue the affinity talk."

"Eh, alright" August blankly nodded, he was still speechless by the fairy's sentence about the Mana affinity. But he would find out about it after his configuration with the status first.

"#$&@" the fairy talked in some unknown language, it seemed she was activating August's personal system.

Suddenly a window light blue-ish popped in front of August's face.

"|| Welcome Player ||"

[Please name your character]


August murmured his name, and the system immediately recognized his words and showed a screen with the name:


[Confirm] - [Deny]

August clicked 'confirm' and afterwards got another message.


[Choose your class, Player August]

[Swordsman - Archer - Mage - Tank - Hunter - Priest - Thief - Spearman - ... - ... - ...]

Dozens of different classes appeared in front him

August, like his past life, picked 'Swordsman'. He became pretty good with the sword because of his fast reaction speed due playing shooter-games and stuff.



"|| S T A T U S ||"

Name: August

Race: Human Male

Class: Swordsman

Level: 0

XP: 0 / 10

HP: 100 / Strength: 15 / Agility: 15 / Magic: 10 / Mana: 10 /

AP: 0

Titles: None

Pouch Coins: None


(Active): Inspect(LVL. 1), Inventory(LVL.1)

(Passive): None

Everyone gets ten points across all of their attributes. But because of August picking the Swordsman Class, he got five free attribute points in strength and agility.

In order to level up, you need to farm xp(experience) by completing quests, killing monsters, bosses, etc. You get more xp from harder quests or bosses/monsters. But the difficulty of leveling up becomes harder every level. 

Attribute Points, in short AP. There are points that players can apply to attributes to increase their prowess. Every level up, you gain five AP to apply. But HP cannot be applied, only by leveling up can it gain one each level.

Titles are well titles bestowed to players who achieved something. The titles give boosts to players according to the title itself. For example, the title called Goblin Slayer is bestowed to players who have slain a lot of goblins and they get boosts like extra damage against goblins.

Skills are the name manifestation of the skills, for example, Inspect can inspect monsters or items status/information. You can level up skills by increasing the proficiency by using it a lot and practicing. The max level for skills are 10 before they evolve into a superior version. They are passive and active, passive being skills that are always active like regeneration. Meanwhile active are skills that need to be activated, like Fireball.

Well enough of our status info dump.

"Congratulations on your status as an honored traveler!" said the excited fairy.

"Thanks," August said and nodded slightly.

"Now time for our affinity test!"

The fairy took out a white ball from thin air that seemed ordinary, but it's actually the Affinity Test Orb. It tests the user's affinity to the world's elements.

"This orb has been crafted and gifted by the gods themselves." said the fairy.

August for some reason felt the fairy flexing the orb, but shrugged it off due his imagination. He slowly walked to the flying cute fairy and touched the orb with the palm of his right hand.

It suddenly glowed, before showing the status only visible to only August and the fairy.

"|| A F F I N I T Y' S  G R A D E ||"


[TIME : S]




The screen showed August element affinity. The fairy was shocked and speechless upon reading the affinity list and grade, she underestimated him even though she sensed the high affinity with time, but the person in question himself was even more shocked. His past life he only had Lighting Affinity and Water Affinity with D and E respectfully, they were useful enough for him .

But now, he has Time Affinity, an extremely rare and powerful element plus S Grade in Mana Affinity. Not many players have S affinity in Mana or even Time, coupled with having both in the same person. But that's not where the most shocking thing is, he didn't even have Time or have high affinity with Mana in his past life. But now, here in front of him is the affinity list.

"What." August could only utter one single word, he was so shocked he couldn't move a single finger, still touching the orb with his palm.

Meanwhile the fairy was staring at the affinity list with a pondering expression, seemingly in deep thoughts.

'I didn't expect him to have an S grade affinity with Mana, I thought he would have at least an A grade, not many of our kind have an S grade affinity, it's impressive.' the fairy thought to herself.

'But to add Time Affinity with an S grade, he is a weird one huh, maybe this is really fate!'

Out of nowhere an unexpected message that shocked August even more popped.

[You have acquired Title: Governor of Time]

"|| G O V E R N O R  O F  T I M E ||"

[Type: UNIQUE Title]

[Effect: Increases your affinity with 'time' by three whole grade.]

Suddenly the screen changed, due to August still holding onto the orb. The screen changed into something that shocked both beings till their jaws dropped to the floor.

"|| A F F I N I T Y' S  G R A D E ||"








"The fuck" X2

August and the fairy was staring with their mouths wide. Silence perpetrated the place after their curses.

'EX grade?!'

August was so shocked and speechless he didn't even realize the seemingly cute, friendly and innocent fairy beside him just swore. It was probably the first ever curse a fairy had said in history, but it totally makes sense why she cursed.

The silence continued until something broke it. It was the orb itself that started cracking.





Hope you enjoy the chapter!