Blacksmith Guild.

The morning rays shining under the curtain, welcoming a new fresh day.

August slowly opened his closed eyelids, he yawned and got up from the bed. Stretching his arms and legs a bit, he went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth and took a quick shower. After that he went downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning!" a teenage female voice said after he entered the dining room.

"Mmm, good morning lil sis."

The house was empty except two people, because it was monday. Both of his parents to work early in the morning, while the summer break was still ongoing for both son and daugther.

He went to the side and made some cherals, before filling the bowl with milk. He ate his breakfast while chatting with his little sister Alice.

After eating his breakfast, he went back to his room and put the VR Helmet on.


[Welcome back!]

The welcoming intro song played in his mind and welcomed him back to the world.


August found himself the same spot where he logged off yesterday. Just a few meters outside Renia's Herb Shop.

He was about to say to his little companion that he is back, but was interupted by an adorable voice:

"Yawn~.. You finally back.."

"Good morning little fairy" August responded, a little suprised that the fairy is back to normal again from yesterday's event.

"Morning~" Seraphine said.

"You back to normal?"

"Huh~ yes, I just removed the braincells from yesterday's events."

"okay... But how though.."

"Then where are we going now!" Seraphine changed her expression from 'just woke up' to excited and asked him.

"Hmm, the Blacksmith Guild!"

"Alrig-, what? But I wanna go adventuring..."

"Not yet, I need to make prepartions first and I also want to try something.."


[Your relationship with 'Seraphine' has reached Friendship]

[You have now access to 'Share Mana']

August smiled at those messages, after many hours he finally got their relationship to friends status. For some reason it seemed delayed.

August started his walk to the Blacksmith Guild, which located at the west side of Levia Town.

The Blacksmith Guild is an official guild, meaning it's not player-created and are run by the higher echleon of the kingdom. The same goes for the Adventure Guild, Alchemy Hall, Beast Taming Hall and etc.

Guilds can be created by any player with a Guild Token, there are rare, but at the same time common, because this was too lessen the number of guilds and dead guilds.(Dead guilds=inactive guild members) Guilds are created for grouping players for Guild Wars and dungeons.

When they arrived at the Blacksmith Guild, it was filled with pack of players. Dozens of people were tightly crowded in the first floor of the four-stories building. He can see people entering and leaving the building.

August entered the building through the opened two-man sized double door. The moment he entered, coal, burn and the sound of metal reached his nose and ears.

In the Blacksmith Guild, it focuses on blacksmiths, smithing armor and weapons. There have special rooms only for smithing, that gives boost to the player's rate of success of smithing.

Everyone in the first floor stared at the newcomer, he looked skinny and weak, not suited for smithing that requires a strong body. They ignored him as just a fly who doesn't know about smithing.

But there always some anomlies everywhere...

A handsome fit young man in his early 20's walked to August, with his blonde hair and light-blue eyes, he looked like he can easily capture a second glance from young ladies.

"Boy, you not supposed be here. This is a place only for the strong." The young man said in an arrogant tone. He seemed to be the young master type, who liked to look down on the weaker to look good.

"Hmm, thank you for your consideration sir. But I'm only here to look." August said in a quiet naive voice that carried innocence and to fool the young man.

"Oh then, welcome to have a look boy."

August nodded, but cursed him hundreds times that he required to say some nice words to please him.

Because that young man was the Vice Guildmaster of HighOrder Guild, that *cough* fell down in the start of the game. His name is Luke Lewdarm, the son of an high-ranking official in the country, that also lost his postition after the guild fell. He only smelled trouble from afar, maybe it was his newly aquired Danger Sense or just that he liked to stay lowkey.

He walked to the receptionist and saw four beautiful young females working as guides. There was a line of people in front of the females, who looked like they needed their help, especially the players.

He chose the one with the lesser line of people. After waiting a few minutes, it was finally his turn.

"Good morning. How can I help you today?" asked a beautiful woman in her late 20's, coupled with her black hair and brown eyes. She attracted a lot of attention from the lustful men.

"Good morning. I want to book a smith room for two hours." said August, unfazed by her beauty.

'Haha, no one can charm me! I have practiced day and night to stop staring at girls and be unfazed, and not be a weirdo... ugh, brings back bad memories..' August thought silenty in his heart, when he saw the woman seem slightly displeased that he didn't seem interested.

When August was younger, he was pretty lustful and he was caught staring at many girls in real life and ingame, it got backfired many times because the girls usually gave him a threating glance. He looked like a curious weirdo staring at girls, because of that.

He practiced to not be caught in his stare at girls, especially beautiful ones. Becsuse sometimes can the girl get umfortable, while in the game, it usually meant lower interest and lower rewards.

'A weak young man trying to smith?!' the receptionist sneered in her thoughts, she didn't like that August didn't seem interested in her, while others did the opposite.

"5 BRONZE Coins for one hour in Small Room, 50 BRONZE Coins for one hour in Medium Room and 1 SILVER Coin for one hour in Large Room." answered the woman.

Luckily it seemed that August's training didn't backfired, because the receptionist seemed to be well trained to keep her emotions and thougts in check.

He paid the 10 BRONZE Coins for two hours, leaving him 26 left in his pouch. In return, the receptionist gave him a key with number tag saying; 16. After that he went upstairs to the second floor.

Meanwhile the people at the first floor who saw the skinny guy entering the higher floors, which indicated that he went to the smithing rooms. The crowd was speechless, how can I skinny guy even work with blacksmithing. Especially Luke Lewdarm who saw this, he felt he was indirectly offended for some random reason. Typical young masters these days...

On the second floor, August could see many doors leading to the rooms. He walked to one of the doors that has the sign '16' on it. He opened the door and went in.

The moment he stepped in, the smell of coal and the sound of fire entered his two senses. He could see an iron anvil, a small fireplace and a wooden table

The room was small, a little bit than your average bathroom. While Seraphine was staring at everything with a bored expression.

He walked to the table and brought out his obtained items;

|| B E A R - H I D E || x6

|| S H A D O W - W O L F - F U R || x2

In his grinding session in Reran Grass Forest, he killed a few more bears aswell another Shadow Wolf.

He put both of the items and started his sewing session.

One hour later... After many tries and failures:

[You have crafted Black Bear Leather Armor]

|| B L A C K - B E A R - L E A T H E R - A R M O R ||

[Type: Upper-Armor]

[Grade: E-]

[Defense: 5]

"Huff.. That was pretty taxing" August muttered.

"Hmph.." Seraphine snorted cutely, she has been sitting in the corner for one freaking hour doing nothing. But her face is showing happiness and relief for his success.

August put the black armor on, it felt comfortable because of the leather. After that he put it back into his inventory to hide it.

He went outside the room and went down the stairs. The moment he arrived at the first floor, everyone stared at him, including the young master, Luke Lewdarm.

Luke who saw him, walked to him with a few other people that looked like bodyguards. His walk looked dominering and arrogant to others, but to August, he just thinks this is petty because this attitude will soon crumble.

"You dare ignore my helpful consideration and go against it!" Luke shouted so everyone in the first floor could hear, even though it sounded extremly petty and have zero logic. No one complained because no wanna get their asses in others businesses, aswell offend his background.

"What do you mean? I think you got the wrong person young master" August answered 'truthfully'.

"You dare lie to me again!"

"No, why would I lie to you, the great, mighty, dominering, perfect, best man to ever exist." August said 'truthfully' again.

The crowd became silent, no, they were trying to hold back their laugther. The bodyguards tried to say something to their young master, but Luke stopped them.

"Hmm... Maybe I got it all wrong.. I'm sorry for disturbing your time then."

"Thank you great young master, I have to go now. Goodbye." August said and quickly left the spotlight.

"What a great man." Luke muttered, but because the floor was quiet, everyone heard it.


"HAHAHAHA!" Someone in the crowd couldn't hold it any longer and laughed out loud.

After that, everyone in the crowd laughed together! The laughter of everyone echoed across the entire room. Even some of Luke's bodyguards shoulders were shaking trying to hold back their laugther.

"Why are they laughing?!" Luke exlaimed.

"Young master Luke, they are- are.." Bodyguard 1 said, but was stuttering mid-sentence for some reason.

"Spit it out." Luke commanded.

"They are- are laughing-... about you.."

"Huh.. WHAT?!"

This event would be recorded as one of the greatest events in history. For some odd reason.


