Chapter One: Barrier Days

Back again. And I suppose I did enjoy narrating the story. Really wasn't that bad. Oh hey, look, there's Fernspice walking into camp...with only a few herbs. She looks worried. There's Ironclaw, sitting on the outside of camp. He teetered upright as he was starting to fall asleep while sitting up. Nothing interesting tonight. Iceheart grumbled as she woke from her sleep. "Oh, for the sake of Moon Pack what is it?" "I saw bears in the hunting grounds. I'm afraid the pups will not be able to go outside today." Redtail whimpered. "So does that mean I have to fight a bear?" Silversea laughed "Probably." Redtail yelped and dashed straight into the cave. Puppy. Iceheart growled. "I told them last night I heard something! And Moonwing always told you to double check the barrier in case something came through!" Iceheart continued to grumble as Moonwing trotted over. "What's going on," she asked. Silversea flicked her tail. "Didn't you tell the night patrol to check everywhere within the barrier twice? The night patrol must've forgotten to check twice before they came back to sleep." Redtail barked in protest "What do you mean? I checked the edge-" "The edge" Iceheart scoffed. Moonwing sat unamused as the wolves began to argue. Ironclaw had awoken by now and heard Silversea talking about how the night patrol should've checked twice and he just decided to start sneaking away to avoid getting in trouble. He didn't want to be accused of anything. "Well my niece went out last night all the way past our borders! I made sure of it! She's the leader of the night patrol and they all said it was clear! I will not wake them up! They need well deserved sleep," Moonwing protested back. Iceheart turned in disbelief. Rosepup started to panic. "What if the barrier came down? Hunters can kill us!" Silversea sat. "Well, yes. But if you look at the good side, we can finally roam free." "The barrier won't come down and I'll make sure of it," sighed Moonwing as she turned around, "if the hunters do come, ya'll race to safety...I either fight them off or sacrifice myself for the pack," she yipped. Silversea barked "It should be my turn to lead the hunt. While I'm out I'll check the barrier. If somethin's wrong, I'll come back and notify the pack." "Okay Silver, be safe." Moonwing dipped her head. "We can't lose another pack member," she whimpered. Silver nodded and howled a call for the pack hunters. Quickly, she led the pack out telling them Moonwing's orders as they left. Moon dipped her head, watching the hunters leave.