Chapter Five “Send my regards”

It's been months since the war had started, and it did not look good for the elves. We might know magic but in the long run brute force is overpowering.

Using the mountain range might be our only way of winning. My mother is the one currently controlling the army. If it were father controlling, maybe I would be more confident to say what I think, but I don't ever wanna be turned down by that woman again.

War was a game of chess. Checkmate and you win. Give out your plan, your opponent wins. I saw one of the many battles. Blood turned the beautiful green ground into a gory scene from a horror movie. For our world war was uncommon and thought to be impossible.

Humora soldiers drew their swords. Elivean soldiers aimed their bows and pulled out their wands. One clash after another people, not just any people. My people, the enemies' people, are lost to the hands of a disagreement.

So many of my father's people lost. So many of my people lost. The bloodshed was not some little puddle, but a hell shower. Both sides held many casualties.

Soldiers either came home to their families, or they came home in caskets. While my parents planned the army's every move these men were out there risking their necks for their homes.

"Dad." I sat still in the chair. The meeting room was dull brown lined with wide bookselves. The books themselves had not been dusted nor touched in decades. The dust made the room stuffy. I just wanted to be out of there. "If we wait till night then we can get the Lee army to cross the Goldana river and attack the enemy camp."

I laid against the back of the seat "Dad!" "We should be able to cross by midnight, make sure the men do not have any lights or signals that would alert the enemy." I sat up, *Smash* "FATHER!" My fist stung from the impact against the wooden table. My father looked my way, My mother wore a face of shock. "Zera--" "Father I wanna fight." He froze. "Zera, it's too dangerous for you." My mother spoke. "As if you care!" "Now Zera, that's no way to talk to your mother." I place my palms flat out on the table propelling me forwards.

"It's the truth father, That woman you call my mother would never once cared if I took place on the battlefield and died! You might but she thinks nothing but the kingdom! To her I would just be her greatest sacrifice to the kingdom! She wouldn't weep a tear if I died tomorrow!" I let the rage against my mother out. My father's eyes went dull and overcast in dark black shadow.

I had gone too far…

I pulled my hand off the table and sat back down in my chair. My father did not deserve the rage of mine that belonged to his wife. My father did not deserve to be yelled at. My father did not deserve the pile of stress I was now forcing onto him.

"Zera you're not going on the battlefield and that's finally…" I nodded and remained silent for the rest of the meeting. "What if we had the dragons help us?" One general suggested "That would be stupid! We have no connection to the dragon royalty! How could we dare ask them this kind of favor?" Another General yelled. I spoke up, "I'm friends with the dragon twins."

The king and queen of the dragon kingdom- Dragoona -had twins, a prince and a princess. I bumped into them at the royal gathering a few years ago and we sent letters to one another seen then. I was closer to the girl -Frostine- then I was to her brother Frost.

They were exact look alikes if it weren't for Frost's long hair that he usually had thrown into a messy man bun. Frostine was the one with short hair in the family. She had her hair swept to the side covering her right eye. Her hair was extremely wavy making her hair curl into one huge hook at the end.

They both were about the same height with frostine being my height and frost a few inches taller than us. They both had the pale ocean blue color as their mother, but they got their eye color from their father. The gorgeous deep purple that was meant for the painting of galaxies. Those twins were royal models. Even if they were covered head to toe in scales.

"Zera, are you saying that you can get the twin dragons to convince their mother and father to let us borrow some of their army?" The general who shouted asked me. "That's not quite what I meant I was just saying that if we needed help I might be able to get the twins on board with us." The general cheered. "Thank goodness for you and your social skills princess Zera." I awkwardly chuckled. "Haha… yeah, go me."

"Zera you're dismissed-" My father said pointing to the door. "After all you have some letter writing to do." I laughed once more and stood up from my seat. "Alright I'll see y'all later."

I walked backwards out the door finger gunning my hands. My feet thudded against the cool white marble floor. How am I to write

I haven't seen Zaz since the night I stayed at his castle. I get up off the fluffy cloud I'd been sitting on and instead sit down in my desk chair. Pulling out a pen and paper. Writing him a letter was bound to be interesting. You never know when you'll get a response back.

"Dear Zaz, I hope that by the writing you can already tell that this Zera. It's been a few long months of war, and it's been that long since we last saw one another." I pause picking my pen up from the paper.

What is it I wanna say to him? Besides the war is not in our favor, what else was there really to mention. I placed the pen back on the paper and continued to write. Afterwards I put the paper in an envelope, and walked out to the gate. Upon seeing me the guards opened the gate to let me out onto the trail.

The woodland trail was what faced me ahead. The trees all bent and out turned, as if they were arms reaching out to grab whatever came by. The trail itself was made of a yellow sand and dirt mixture. From all the years the sand had now faded to some shade of light brown.

Walking down the trail you could hear some of the people talking in their homes. We lived in trees... all homes but mine were in trees. The post office was not far off the trail. I walked up to the little box that sat in front of the door and I dropped the envelope. Zaz would receive it soon, or so I hope.