Chapter 95

" I'm home and thanks but no thanks Ekko, I just want to head straight to bed, ill eat those rice balls in the morning."

Rangiku said as after taking off her high heels she approached Ekko and gently kissed him on the lips before separating.

" That's fine, quick question though why is Cerbie pink...and wearing Tutu." Ekko asked and Rangiku froze.

Waff! { Hey Dad, I had such a great time with mum. And the big sisters at the play park said I slayed that photoshot.}


" Hahaha...Umm, that's a bit of a long story." Rangiku let out an awkward laugh and Ekko couldn't wait to know what had happened.


{Location: Yakushi Inn - Saturday }

Ekko was currently sitting down on the sofa next to someone you would never was Masane the live-in vampire.

Ekko was surprised she left that room of hers but apparently, Cana had a good talk with her yesterday and convinced her to take a small break from writing and just relax.

So here we were now, Ekko was wearing some joggers and a black Adidas hoodie while Masane was wearing some very thin shorts and a bootleg Spongebob top.

"So what's the point of this show again." Ekko asked confused as he had never heard of a show like this.

It was called "The Perry singer show"( Jerry springer show) and for some reason, Masane seemed obsessed with this American TV show.

{ Woooooooooooo!!}

Suddenly the crowd or audience cheered as the host perry singer ran up the stage and waved at the crowd.

" Tyrone said to move forward he needs to leave the past behind him but what does this really entail, Tyrone can you tell us."

The host said standing in the audience while the cameras panned to a gangster's black looking gentleman on screen.

" You know how it is perry, I came here on the show today to get answers and closure..." As Ekko listened he slowly got the picture of what the whole situation was about.

The girl Tyrone was with Shanice had cheated on him multiple times over the past 3 years of their relationship and now he was basically done with her but he had a suspicion that the child she said was his might not be.

Ekko unconsciously straightened his back and lean forward, he was starting to get invested without even noticing.

Though Masane who had noticed Ekko's more focused gaze smirked with a knowing look. Humans have always been social and curious creatures, and drama was something humans definitely liked watching.

As the show progressed things got even more heated as Shanice and her sister ran on the stage and started arguing with Tyrone that he was the father.

Things were escalating so much that even security had to separate the two. Suddenly the crowd all simultaneously let an awww sound as the picture of the kid appeared on the screen.

Even Masane couldn't help but think the baby looked adorable and wanted to pinch its chubby cheeks.' I wonder when I'll become a mother too one day, sigh but I don't even have a lover...'

Suddenly Masane peeked at Ekko beside her before looking back at the tv, though if Ekko had looked in her direction he would have noticed Masanes cheeks reddening.

" I understand that everyone has a story to tell and that you Shanice truly believe that Tyrone is the father of your five-month-old baby." Perry said looking at Shanice.

" Yes, I do." She said with an attitude.

" And Tyrone if you are the father of five-month-old Jalen, will you take up the role of a father and support him and his mother."

"Of course perry, I didn't have a dad growing up so of course I'm gonna be there for my son if he is of my blood." The audience was awed and Perry nodded, that was also the moment that the show went to a quick two-minute commercial break.

" He's got to be the father, just look at the kid's features and then Jalen, they look too similar to not be father and son." Ekko said causing Masane to look at him with surprise before she smiled and responded.

" I don't think he is the father, that Shanice girl just didn't seem honest, plus she showed a lot of signs of a manipulator, I'm not buying her I changed act."

" Mhh, looks like we don't agree on if he's the father or not...want to make things interesting then." Ekko suddenly said with a smile, piquing masanes interest.

" How about this, if I'm right and he is the father you have to do the dishes for the rest of the week, but If I lose and he isn't the father then I'll do any one thing you tell me to within reason."

Masane thought about it for a second before shaking Ekko's hand.

"Deal...!!!" Masane Eventually chose to agree. And right as they did the commercial break had ended and the show began.

" Just before the break we were just about to resolve the problem that Tyrone and Shanice have been going through and in my hand are all the answers the two need."

Perry said in suspense as everyone looked at the DNA Results in nervousness and anticipation.

Ekko and Masane both stared at the tv keenly, waiting for Perry to say the results already. Perry ripped the top of the envelope before slowly pulling out the results.

He quickly scanned through the paper with a look that didn't show any emotion, because if it did it might have given away the results.

" The results read as follows, in the case of Five-month-old Jalen, Tyrone...

You are...NOT the father." Perry said in a shocked tone and even the crowd that was cheering for Shanice gasped as Shanice herself ran off stage with cameramen following her.

( Why are you running, why are you running.)

The sister was just shocked in place while Tyrone on the other hand stood up with relief and even did a backflip while screaming " I knew it."

"Damn! I was wrong. " Ekko cursed.

"Yes! I was right." While Masane cheered obviously happy that she won the bet.

" Looks like you won the bet Masane, so can you think of anything you want me to do for you." Ekko asked while suddenly remembering their role-playing session but immediately shock his head of any lewd thoughts.

There was no way she would ask him to do something like that again...right. Masane had a thoughtful look and was struggling to think of something.

" Mhh, I can't think of something right now but how about I save it for the future, and if I think of something I'll tell you." Masane said as she couldn't think of anything good at this very moment in time and Ekko nodded.

Afterward, the two continued to watch some other episodes of Perry Singer before Ekko got a text from Kai'sa asking if he was ready to start practicing.

" Hey, I agreed to help kai'sa with something yesterday so I need to go, I'll see you later."

Ekko asked and Masane nodded staring at Ekko's retreating back...or more specifically his ass, before returning her attention back to the TV.


{Location: Yakushi Inn dance studio}

Once Ekko Arrived near the dance room he could already hear music playing from the speakers and once he entered he could see Kai'sa already hard at work dancing to the beat.

But once Kai'sa noticed Ekko she immediately stopped the routine she was doing and paused the music before walking towards Ekko.

" Hey, thanks for this, I'm sorry if I asked for help at a bad time. I know it's the weekend and you probably want to relax but ever since our dance together I've wanted to practice more and more since."

" You don't need to apologize, Ok happy to help so what do you want to work on today." Ekko asked.

Kai'sa was just about to reply when the door behind him suddenly opened and a faint aroma of citrus and cloves assaulted his nostrils.

Ekko gulped already figuring out who had just entered." Oh! Ekko I forgot to mention but Evelyn decided she wanted to join our session, I hope you don't mind.

"Not at all." Ekko said but from the way Evelyn was looking at him, he knew a lot of flirting and teasing would happen throughout the session.