Chapter 14: The love triangle begins

"Googie?" Yoongi asked waking up in his boyfriends bed still wearing the maid dress but the cat ears and handcuffs have been removed. "Wakie wakie." Yoongi shook Jungkook's completely knocked out body. "Mmm-mmm" Yoongi giggled at Jungkook's soft, almost unnoticeable snores. More like heavy breathing. "Wake up sleepy head." Yoongi said then pinched one of Jungkook's nipples. "Mmm?" Jungkook mumbled barely even half awake. "Hahaha." Yoongi laughed slightly then sat up to throw his left leg over Jungkook's waist and pinch the other one as well. "Mmm!" Jungkook hummed annoyed still not completely awake. "Come on! its already..." Yoongi paused to look at the clock then read "9:34 A. M."

"I don't wanna stop..." Jungkook mumbled again not awake yet and still in Dreamland. "You have to wake up." Yoongi smiled and rested both his hands right over Jungkook's nipples. "Fuck... I love... your lips..." Jungkook mumbled again making it clear to Yoongi that he was dreaming about the night prior. "You dreaming about me?" Yoongi asked moving his hips a bit, the way he was sitting made his bum rub over Jungkook's exposed dick. "Ahh yes Yoongi..." Jungkook moaned in his sleep. "Wake up idiot!" Yoongi said hopping a bit on Jungkook. "Kitty hyung?" Jungkook mumbled this time opening his eyes slightly but closed them soon after. "Don't go back to sleep." Yoongi chuckled and hopped again. "Hmm... hyung?" Jungkook finally opened his eyes completely and woke up. "Mmmmmmmm." Jungkook let out a long, grumpy groan. "Why did you wake me up? that was such a nice dream, you wore such pretty ears and cute dress, it was heaven!" Jungkook said not noticing what Yoongi was wearing. "I'm glad you liked my outfit." Yoongi leaned down and lied down on Jungkook's chest. "Oh?" Jungkook asked grinning finally awake enough to look at his boyfriend. "Was I not dreaming??" Jungkook asked and held Yoongi's waist. "If you dreamt about it you most've liked it a lot." Yoongi said smiling then accepted a kiss Jungkook had asked for by puckering his lips.

"I loved it so much." Jungkook said closing his eyes and licking his lips as if he was talking about his favourite

food, or desert😏

"You... don't do that!" Yoongi said with red cheeks, Jungkook's plan was to fluster Yoongi and his plans worked completely. "You regret it?" Jungkook asked with a smile but deep down he was about to cry worried that Yoongi did. "Well... it... it felt really good... the way you reacted, and the way it made me feel. I liked it a lot." Yoongi said making Jungkook feel things he didn't know he could feel. "You have no idea how happy you make me hyung." Jungkook said then leaned in to kiss his boyfriend again.

"Are you ok?" Yoongi asked and Jungkook replied immediately. "Of course." "No... be honest with me. Please." Yoongi begged but Jungkook lied again. "What are you talking about? I'm perfectly fine."

"Jimin and Tae told me about all the times you cried in their arms. And what you said to them." Yoongi replied after a lot of hesitation. "Those snitches." Jungkook said under his breath but yoongi was close enough to hear what he had said. "No, it's not just them. I noticed it myself too." Yoongi defended his brother and friend while Jungkook got upset. "What? What did you notice huh? I'm fine." Jungkook said then pushed Yoongi off of himself and tried to get up but Yoongi took a hold on his waist and held it tightly from behind.

"You're too happy when I say I love you, I'm proud of you, you did good, literally anything, it's like you think I don't want to be with you. You start to act weird or possessive when someone flirts with me. You get sad and even cry if I get shy when you flirt with me in public. The worst thing is, you never let yourself cry in front of me and either make an excuse to leave or wait until you're alone. I don't like it when you lie to me Googie. It hurts and tells me you don't trust me." Yoongi explained some of the reasons he thinks Jungkook is not fine.

"Yoongi," Jungkook said in a firm and fierce voice grabbing his boyfriends wrists and forcing them off his waist, "That's enough. I already told you I'm fine so drop this bullshit." Jungkook added in the same rude and scary sounding voice. "Don't talk to me like that Jungkook!" Yoongi ordered pulling his hands away from Jungkook's grip. "Did you forget your manners?! I'm worried about you and this is the treatment that I get! What the fuck?!" Yoongi scolded, he'd had enough of being disrespected even if this was the first time. He had to put jungkook in his place before he gets used to being able to treat Yoongi any way he wanted, Yoongi didn't want to go through it again. But Jungkook suddenly had an idea that would definitely get him in a lot of trouble.

"Did you forget your place?! You're just my bitch, I can treat you and talk to you however I want to!" Jungkook purposely raised his voice and Yoongi was left stunned. "You fucking asshole! Who taught you to act like this?! Are you trying to piss me off? I'm not "just your bitch" I'm your fucking boyfriend who loves you more then anything in this and any other world! Can't you see that at all?!" Yoongi started crying while Jungkook just got more naughty.

"Well, am I supposed to feel sympathy? It's not my fault you want to be my cock slut! You don't get to tell me how i can or cant treat you!" Jungkook raised his voice again and was slapped through the face by Yoongi the moment he finished. "I'm not your little cock slut! Don't you dare say that ever again you hear me?!" Yoongi kinda yelled but not yet yelled at Jungkook with his red handprint on the younger's right cheek.

"No you're not." Jungkook had the nerve to smile at his boyfriend while Yoongi cried. "Then why did you say it!" Yoongi asked with sobs in between, he didn't like that Jungkook was suddenly saying such nasty things about him.

"Because I wanted to see what you would do if I treated you badly, it's been a worry of mine for a while actually. I've seen your mom and dad treating you like an actual bag of dog shit and you didn't do anything to stand up for yourself. I worried you'd do the same if someone else treated you badly too so decided this was a perfect opportunity to test that because I don't want to see you sad or being disrespected, and I'm so happy now. You stood up for yourself and tried to put me in my place. Dont worry, I'd never treat you like that on purpose. But I know I've been known to do things other people don't like and wanted to know if you'd tell me you don't like it. Now I know you would and I'm so proud of you!" Jungkook explained himself and Yoongi was even more stunned.

"Aren't I gonna get an apology then?! You were an ass just now! I believe you and I appreciate your worry but you could have chosen a better way to test me! You even made me cry! I hate crying!" Yoongi was pissed but came off cute to his boyfriend. "I'm sorryyyy!" Jungkook pouted and hugged Yoongi's waist cutely.

"It's gonna take more then that you little shit!"

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"I'd drink your cum any day!" Jisung thought to himself watching a movie with drinks at Minho's apartment with Changbin. Physically, everything was the same as it always was, but ever since that one day, nothing was the same for any of them mentally. "I'll drink your cum any day!" Jisung repeated those words that Changbin said to Minho over and over and over and over never even changing the pace of his thoughts. "Are you drunk already?" Minho asked with a chuckle watching Changbin try and find the popcorn bowl that was right in front of him. "It's right here!" Minho pointed at the bowl of popcorn with his index finger with Changbin replying "Baby, baby, baby, who's drunk? Because that's not a bowl of popcorn." Minho immediately grew curious as to what Changbin saw and asked " What is it then?"

"It's Pikachu, can't you see?" Changbin asked then tried to play with the popcorn bowl as of it was an animal. "PIKACHU POOPS POPCORN." Changbin yelled then ate what he thought was "Pikachu poop." "Don't eat it if you think it's poop!" Minho laughed at how drunk Changbin was. However, Jisung wasn't so amused. He felt like a third wheel even though his boyfriend is right next to him. In case you think you read that wrong, yes, I said boyfriend. Jisung and Minho were now boyfriends🥳

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Jisung said then got up but only left into the kitchen. "Mmmmmmmm. Minho....." Changbin basically moaned trying to untie Minho's sweatpants. "What are you doing?" Mingo asked while he grabbed Changbin's hands but kept them on the belt of his pants. "He's gone now! I'll be quick ok?" Changbin basically begged trying to pull Minho's cock out. "You're drunk!" minho said not putting in too much effort to stop the younger, but still a little. "Just for a little while... you know you've wanted my lips covering your cock for a long time. Do t waste this time now! The slut is gone anyway, he won't know!" Changbin said and Jisung was eves dropping (idk if that's how you spell it, sorry🤷) from the kitchen. "Yes, that is what I want and have wanted for a while. But it doesn't matter wether Jisung would know or not! It's still cheating and I can't do that to him!" Minho said and finally pulled his pants up again. "But-" Changbin tried to protest but was interrupted by Jisung walking in all of a sudden. "You like him?" Jisung asked sitting down next to changbin on the floor in front of Minho who was on the couch. "Yes, and he has since highschool. He told me! And I was there so I'd know!" Changbin basically tried to brag while Minho just sat there in silence. "I'm sorry Jiji... I shouldve told you..." Minho finally said in shame but....

"I've known for a while actually. I could see it because of the way your eyes sparkle when you look at him. That's also why I don't doubt your love for me, because you look at us the same way. There's no difference at all." Jisung admitted. "I can't believe I like you Jisung! You're so mean! I could've been sucking my hyung's dick right now if it wasn't for you! I shouldn't have fallen for two men at once." Changbin complained and rolled his eyes at what Jisung had said.

What? Changbin liked jisung too? He wasn't just jealous of Jisung but also Minho?

"Mm." Jisung hammed in shock while Minho widened his eyes. "Let's do this then." Jisung said then suddenly threw his leg over Changbin's lap and rapped his arms around his neck. "What are you doing?!" Minho asked about to pull Jisung off of Changbin but before he knew it Jisung and Changbin were making out in front of him. The site was surprisingly pleasing to Minho. (Bet you didn't see that coming)

"Did you like that?" Jisung asked after retreating from the kiss while both Minho and Changbin replied "Yes." at the same time. "Well..." Jisung said but Minho interrupted him, "Are you suggesting we have some sort of love triangle?" "Isn't that what you wanted?" Jisung asked still on Changbin's lap while Changbin was holding his waist trying to process what had happened. "Are you ok with that Jisung?" Minho asked while he got up slightly to sit on the ground behind Jisung and in front of Changbin. "To make you happy, I'll do anything." Jisung thought inside his head then said a quick but sincere "Yes." out loud.