Get married!

Dirga asked his wife Amelia, "Could it be just one day that you have time to come with me?"

"Mas, you can't. You know that I have a busy schedule because I have so many meetings, "Every time Dirga asked Amelia to come with her to a dinner or event where Dirga was the guest of honor, Amelia used the same reason to say no.

"If I knew, I wouldn't let you run for people's representative. Why should you take care of everyone else when you can't even take care of your own husband?" Regret regret.

"Mas, never mind, don't be so silly. You know I've always wanted to get into politics, you know my obsession. Now that it's happened, aren't you happy? Understood!"

"I get it, but I have the right to ask for a few minutes of your time. I'm your husband, so I have rights over you!" When Dirga was pushed, he told Amelia in a roundabout way how he felt about her.

"Don't worry about me, I don't want to make a fuss. I've said many times that you should get married if you want a wife who obeys you and spends all day serving your needs. I'm fine with it, "said Amelia.

Dirga shook his head hard and wanted to throw the phone he was holding in his wife's face because Amelia's words made him angry.

"I told you I don't need another wife. I want you, I only love you, and I need my wife, my wife!" said Dirga over and over.

"Then accept it, because I can only go with you if I have nothing else to do. If Mas can't accept it, then get married!" Amelia said it again, and the pretty woman smiled. She was happy today because she had won the argument, which was almost always the case.

"Hah!" He breathed out in a rough way. Dirga said again, "Okay, don't blame me if I have to give you my heart. You asked for it." He then left Amelia.

Amel picked up where she had left off with her makeup after Dirga asked her to go with him to an event on the campus where her husband taught.

Dirga's words don't bother her at all because he has been making the same threats for two years and has never been proven to be true.

Dirga fixes his hair, but his mind is racing and he always loses when he fights with Amel. The man is too weak, perhaps because he loves the woman he has been married to for five years too much.

"Is there any other reason why handsome Professor Mr. Wife can't come with me anymore?" Dirga's friend and fellow lecturer, Furqan, said that he knew about all of Dirga's problems at home. This isn't because Dirga can't keep secrets, but because their houses are next to each other and Furqan's wife is Amel's best friend, so you can be sure that every woman's complaint will get to her husband through Furqan. Luckily, Furqan isn't a gossip, so Dirga's secret

Dirga yelled, "I don't know why, every time I ask him, she can't do it. What's so hard about making an hour and a half of time to come with me?"

"Have patience, it's only five years. Soon, her job will be over, and she'll be a housewife again, just like you want," said Furqan. Luckily, Dirga has a friend who is just as good as he is and who has never been a problem for any of his friends.

"I hope that the party she is in asks her to run for mayor in the next election. I heard that on the news."

Furqan shook his head and didn't know what to say. In his heart, he felt grateful, even though his wife was also busy, but she could still make time for him if he asked.

"Don't worry about it, don't worry about it, come on, let's go. My wife is going to her mother's house, so I'm not going with her either. Who knows, maybe you'll meet your next angel candidate at the venue," joked Furqan.

"Amen," the Director replied.

Even though they are both joking, nobody knows what God has in store for his creatures.

Today is the opening of a private campus that works with the state campus where Dirga teaches full-time.

He got an invitation, since he is the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences. Not just him, but all of the Deans and some important people from outside the school were also invited.

After the formal event was over, the organizer invited all of the invited guests to a banquet. Furqan and Dirga helped themselves to food from the buffet table.

"Astaghfirullah!" said a girl in a low voice as she messed up the buffet table by spilling gravy.

Dirga was right next to the girl, and he only looked around for a second before going back to his main task, which was to take some side dishes that looked good. He sat with some of the other Deans at the VIP table.

Dirga looked around for Furqan. He didn't like eating there because everyone was too serious about the things he didn't like to talk about. When he saw his friend sitting at a table and talking with a man in a robe and turban, it made him smile.

The man decided to move in with his friend. When he saw Dirga coming, Furqan introduced him to the man in the robe and turban, who turned out to be the owner of a boarding school in their city.

The three of them were having a serious but casual conversation. Dirga felt comfortable talking to Kiyai Ridwan for some reason. While he was talking about fundraising, the girl who had eaten with Dirga showed up and sat next to the Kyai. Soon after, a man Dirga didn't know took the empty chair.

When a man named Irfan comes in, the girl's face looks angry.

Kiyai Ridwan saw the girl's face change. He took her hand and whispered something to her. Soon, the girl got up and sat beside Dirga.

Dirga could see the girl sitting beside him clearly. The girl picked up a bottle of mineral water and opened it.

When he was done drinking straight from the bottle, he said, "Alhamdulillah."

The girl whispered "Astaghfirullah" again when the bottle she was holding fell over and leaked all over her clothes.

The girl whispered in Kiyai Ridwan's ear, "Grandpa, I'm just going to the car. My clothes are wet, and I don't want people to see that." But Dirga can still hear it.

The kiai nodded but didn't say anything else. The girl got up and left the people still sitting at the table.

The man beside Kiyai Ridwan kept looking at the girl until she left.

"Ikbal, don't look at him, he's my grandson, not your muhrim!" Kiyai Ridwan said firmly to a man named Ikbal.

"Y-yes, Kyai." After he said that, Ikbal said he had to go, and he left.

Dirga went back to eating, but he was pulled out of his thoughts again when he heard Kiyai Ridwan and Furqan talking.

"Her name is Aisyah, and her father is Imran, who runs this foundation. When Kiyai Ridwan told Dirga about the girl, he was not at all interested in her. So he just kept eating because he didn't want to talk with them.

Furqan said, "Masha'Allah, her daughter is beautiful and calm. Is she married?"

Kiyai Ridwan just smiled, was quiet for a moment, and then said.

"She is, thank God, the crown jewel of his parents. Even though many people have come to ask for his hand, she hasn't chosen yet."

"What's up? She's probably old enough to get married, "Furqan replied to what Kiyai Ridwan said.

"Wallahu a'lam bish-shawab," said Kiyai Ridwan, who didn't know what he was thinking because his eyes were wandering.

"Are there any special requirements for putting forward the grandson of the Kyai?" asked Furqan with a bit of caution.

"Nothing," said Kiyai Ridwan. "What matters is that Soleh prays five times a day and is responsible, and she agrees."

Silence for a moment, no more conversation.

Kiyai Ridwan asked at the time, "Does Furqan want to preach to my grandson?"

"Oh, I'm not Kyai. But this is a friend of mine "Furqan answered quickly and gave Dirga a pat on the shoulder.

The man didn't know what to do when his friend didn't know something.

"In the name of Allah, if it's important, come to the Islamic boarding school and talk to Aisyah's father." When Kiyai Ridwan answered, Dirga and Furqan looked at each other.

The middle-aged man looked at Dirga as if he wanted an answer. Behind her back, Furqan pinched the thigh of his best friend.

"Insha Allah, Kyai," Dirga said in the end, though he stuttered a bit because he was surprised.

After that, they didn't talk any more. Kiyai Ridwan said goodbye and went home first because he had to finish the study somewhere else on a certain day.

"Abah, wait, kid!"
