Chapter 5

Erin walks into the grand office. On one side of the long room is a sitting area with a leather couch and armchairs. In front of it is a large coffee table sitting atop a tiger pelt rug. Behind the sitting area, there is a small cabinet filled with bottles of alcohol and glasses. Erin knows there are more substances than just alcohol in there, though. On the walls of the larger office are many pictures of nude females, tastefully done. The owner makes it clear what he enjoys.

Erin turns her attention to the owner: Roan, the leader of Nevada, but more importantly, New Vegas. He holds his finger up to her, begging for a moment of patience as he finishes his phone call. He leans back in his high-backed leather chair, resuming the call. Erin takes a seat in one of the chairs sitting in front of the desk, lowered to make the person feel small compared to Roan, as she tunes the conversation out. She's sick to her stomach, fearing how the conversation will go. It's been some time since she last saw him, since they last parted ways.

Roan ends his call, leaning forward to put the phone back on the receiver. He smiles at her with his normal charming smile. "It's good to see you again, Erin. You look a mess, though. Your clothes are torn to pieces, and I can see wounds. What happened to you?"

"I…fell off my bike." She shakes her head weakly.

"Would you like to see one of my doctors?"

"Not right now. Roan, I'm here for a reason. I need to get to Neo Angeles."

Roan leans back in his chair, steepling his fingers in front of him.

"I know it's a big ask." Erin looks to her side, breaking eye contact. Through the large wall of windows, she can see most of the casino down below. The grand chandelier is visible from her angle, hanging high up on the tented roof.

"Come." Roan stands up and motions for her to follow him to the plush leather couch. Erin takes a silent breath and walks over to sit down next to him. He places his arm behind her comfortably after she is seated. "Would you like a drink?"

"Not right now." She shakes her head, looking down at her hands.

"Well, if you want my help, you owe me an explanation, Erin." He looks over at her.

"Skye is sick, and now that Haven is infected, the only person left who might help us is our father. I'm sure he still lives in Neo Angeles."

"Why not let me help?" He looks at her in confusion. "I have doctors, and Nevada would be safer than No Man's Land."

"You're my last hope." She barely whispers. "But if that's what I have to do…"

Roan shrugs casually. "Suit yourself. But I'll help you get there." He pauses for a moment. "As long as you repay me."

"I don't want to. But I know I don't have a choice."

"It won't be so bad." Roan runs his finger under her chin gently, tilting her head to face him. "What? Do you still miss that boy?"

Erin clenches her jaw. "Don't talk to me like that, Roan. Lance truly loved me. I can only imagine the pain it causes him to see us together."

"He's dead, Erin." Roan shakes his head before sighing. "Meet me at my place for dinner."


Erin looks out over the courtyard of the villa. There are marble statues holding up the roof in spots, and non-native plants grow. Nevada is truly a slice out of the old world. She walks over to the side table, taking a sip of her drink, hoping it will help her get through the night. Roan walks in, a charming smirk on his face, causing Erin to look over at him. She looks away, remembering the first time she saw him. The first time he saw her, low and desperate, broken, but drawn to him because of more than just that.

"Lose the robe, Erin."

Erin turns back to face him before dropping the silk robe.

"Get on the bed." He motioned towards the California king bed.

Erin walks over, sliding herself across the huge bed, savoring the silky sheet. She can't help but to compare them to the overwashed scratchy sheets in motels in No Man's Land, if you can even get that. Roan walks over to her, taking her wrist in his hand, placing it into the cuff, and locking her in, his touch delicate, causing goosebumps. He walks around the bed, strapping all her limbs in. Roan tops the event off by putting a blindfold over her eyes, his lips gently touching hers.


Erin shifts in the seat of the helicopter to get a better view out the window.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Roan reached forwards to grab the bottle of champagne and a couple of glasses.

"Lotta browns here." Erin shakes her head. She had only been flying a handful of times, all of them being with Roan and usually on his business trips out of state.

"It is a desert." Roan chuckles as he pours both of them a glass before holding it out for her. She reaches out to take it, her arm aching as she does. The bandages are fresh from this morning after he forced her to go to a doctor with him, but not all of the wounds are from the crash. "I enjoyed last night."

"So…did I ." Erin admits, hiding her face behind the glass as she takes a large sip.

Roan gently places his hand on hers. "You don't have to deprive yourself of companionship due to your regrets, Erin."

She pulls away, looking away with a scowl. "You're not the one to give me advice."

He sighs, shaking his head softly before speaking again. "I'll help you with your sister. I can get her the doctors she needs. You can live with me again, but this time with your family there. I'll provide you with your injections and a life without fear."

"I don't want to live owing you again."

He shrugs weakly, knowing there's no convincing her once she's made her mind up. "Suit yourself. It's not my sister who's sick."


The helicopter lands, and Roan steps out, holding a hand to assist Erin. "You look nice." He pulls her against him, leaning in for a kiss. After moving back, he adds to his comment. "This style suits you much better than your blood-stained clothes."

"I don't really agree, but at least I'll stand out less." She tugs the dress down to cover more skin.

"If you weren't covered in tattoos, you mean. You look like you belong in my state."

"Better than looking like I belong in No Man's Land, I suppose."

"Come on." Roan walks forward, a few of his armed men following after them. They ride an elevator to the bottom of the skyscraper, where a couple of cars are waiting for them.

Erin looks out the window as they drive off.

"Is it how you remember it?" Roan asks.

"I…don't remember much of it, to be honest. It felt like a dream, like a sci-fi movie I watched and can only remember parts of." She shakes her head, looking back over at him.

"What was school like? I've heard things about them competing with Biotech Solutions for who has a more demanding education."

"They pushed us kids so much harder than New Hope did, even before it was No Man's Land. We got so many opportunities here that New Hope could've never possibly offered. I learned skills that were unique to here, but none of them matter out in No Man's Land now."

"Why did you leave? Did you not like living with your father?"

"Not really." She shakes her head, looking back out the window. "But mostly, I wanted to be with my mom and Skye. I didn't have the choice in coming in the first place, so when they finally gave me a say, I went back to live with my mom." She pauses a moment, craning her neck to look up at the skyscrapers. "Every single one of these buildings are huge, not a single shorter one in sight. It's really amazing."

"Very different from N.M.L., huh?"

"I can't imagine what would happen if there was an explosion. The kind of damage it would do."

Roan chuckled. "I hope you're not planning something."


They arrived in front of the building Erin's father lives in. Roan looks over at her as the car pulls to a stop.

"Are you ready?"

"I feel sick to my stomach. I can't tell if it's the anxiety or the cramps." She takes a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves.

Roan chuckles at her comment and reaches over to rub her stomach with a sweet smile. "We can have a nice hot bath tonight."

"That sounds…amazing, honestly."

"Good. Then it's settled." He nods, the smile still on his face. "Let's go." Roan gets out of the car and walks around to hold the door open for her. She steps out, taking a shaky step in the heels, before regaining her balance. "Always so graceful." Roan laughs.

They walk into the building, greeted by an oddly human robot that asks them what purpose they're here for.

Erin answers the bot, and it scans her, confirming she is who she is. The AI instructs her to head down the hall and towards the elevator that will open for her, saying it will take her to the designated floor. Roan steps away to tell his guards to wait for him down here. The two of them head down the hallways and into the glass elevator, looking out over the lobby as it rises. Roan wraps his arm around Erin's waist as they admire the view.

After a few more moments, the doors behind them open. They walk into the room and over to the door. Erin hesitates as she reaches out to knock.

"It will be alright." Roan tries to reassure her, taking her hand in his.

Erin knocks, and almost instantly, the door is pulled open by her father. Her eyes scan over his aged face, though it's been twelve years, so it's to be expected. He quickly steps forward and wraps his arms around her, pulling her into a hug. Erin's hit with the strong scent of his aftershave. She doesn't hug back, instead standing there and waiting for him to stop. Eventually, he steps back, teary-eyed.

"Come, come." He ushers them inside. "Thank you, President Roan, for allowing me to see my daughter again."

Erin looks around the apartment while the two of them share pleasantries. The place is massive and at least two stories tall, leading to tall roofs in the main area. She can't help but to think about Skye and how much she'd enjoy this place. She just wishes it could be on better terms.

Her father yells out, telling everyone that Erin's here. Children file out of upstairs and line up. "I'm sure you won't remember most of those who you've met. And there are many you have yet to meet." Erin counts her half-siblings, coming up with seven. "So let me introduce you to my children." He stands tall with a prideful smile in front of them. "This is also my wife Annabell." Erin only then remembers that her father and mother had an affair, resulting in her and her sister. She's beautiful, stunningly so.

"I'm glad to see you again. You've grown into such a…" Annabell looks Erin up and down, the smile fading, "beautiful woman." The smile returns to her face.

"This Graham, Jameson, Antonette," her father goes behind each child, touching their shoulders, "Astoria, Audrey, Adair, and Alyssa. Dominic, Bradford, and Hamilton are grown and moved out, but I'm sure they would be just as happy to see you." Erin doubts this but doesn't say anything, instead mustering a small hello to the many eyes watching her. The kids range from near her age to around Rylan's age.

"I know you came for something serious, so let's talk. Kids, you are dismissed." He motions for the kids to leave while bringing Erin and Roan into his office, insisting they take seats. "Please tell me what it is that you need."

"Skye, she's sick. Really sick. We only have a vet where we live, and he's done all he can, but she's not getting any better."

"I see." He leans forward to lean against his desk. "I will send an N.C.R. doctor out to check on her. As well as a care package along with you. I'm sure you two will appreciate that."

"It's...more than just us." Erin admits. "Skye has two children. Bailey and Rylan."

"I have grandchildren?" Her father smiles slightly. "That's wonderful news."

"I need to get back to her." Erin stands up from the seat.

"Erin." Roan speaks up, grabbing onto her arm gently. "Maybe it's best if you let your body rest some."

"I concur. I'd like to visit with you for some time before you go back. The doctor will take care of her while you're gone."

"She'll be alright." Roan assures her. "Just enjoy some comforts for now. You overwork yourself."

Erin sighs, sitting back down in the seat "alright."


Erin places the dirty plates from dinner on the counter. They are lowered into the counter, where they will be cleaned and put away. Roan walks over to her, kissing her shoulder. "What do you think about the automated things here? Think I should invest in getting some?"

"They're handy, sure, but they'd probably make you lazy." She shrugs.

Roan chuckles, lifting her hair off her neck to kiss it. "How are you feeling?" His hands run down her arms, holding her against him.

"Like shit. I could use that bath."

"Come on then." They walk into the bathroom. Erin can't help but to admire the huge tub, nearly the size of a hot tub. Roan walks over to turn the tub on. It fills up from the bottom with hot water, only taking a couple of minutes. The tub dings, letting them know their bath is ready.

"I'll be back shortly. Feel free to get in." Roan leaves the room.

Erin strips down before stepping into the bath, letting out a sigh at the hot water. The jets touching her turn on, massaging her back, legs, and arms. Roan walks back into the room, a mug of tea in hand. He sets it on the edge next to her.

"Thank you, Roan." She smiles, reaching over to take a sip. It's the perfect temperature.

Roan strips down and joins her, sitting on the other side. "Give me your foot."

"You don't have to do that."

"Come on." He motions for her to give it to him. Eventually, she does, and he begins massaging it for her. Erin closes her eyes and leans into the water, enjoying the moment's pampering, reminding her of her time when she lived with Roan.

The doorbell ringing interrupts the moment. Roan tells her he'll get it, letting her stay in the bath. He gets out and takes one of the towels, wrapping it around herself. He comes back shortly afterward, telling her that it's one of her father's kids, Jameson.

Erin is confused but agrees to see him, getting out of the bath and putting on a robe.

"We'll have a makeup bath." Roan assures her, walking over to kiss her.

They head out into the living room, where Jameson is sitting on the couch. Erin and Roan take seats in the armchairs.

"What brings you here?" Erin asks, scanning her half-brother's facial expression.

"I…want you to take me with you."

"Why?" She furrows her brows in confusion. Why would someone want to go to No Man's Land?

"I want to go and help people out there. I know I can."

Erin sighs and looks over at Roan before looking back at Jameson. She shakes her head. "I'm trying to save my sister. I can't help some kid run away from his daddy."

Jameson's face drops. "i--I see."

Erin sighs. "Ask me once Skye is better."

He looks back up at her hopefully. "Thank you. I will."

Roan sees him out of the apartment before returning to Erin who runs her fingers through her hair. "Are you actually considering taking him?"

"No. Outside the walls is hell. No one should want to go out there. He has no idea what it's like."

Roan nods thoughtfully. "We should get ready for dinner.


Roan and Erin are in the hotel's bed, her head resting on his chest as he runs his fingers through her hair. Erin finally speaks up.

"Can we have sex? It'll help with the cramps."

"Sure." Roan chuckles. "I'm sure I can do that.

Things progress naturally, skin against skin, lips brushing against sweat-dripped forehead, his body pressed against hers, feeling as one. Sweet release and then falling to the side.

Roan smiles at her sweetly, brushing some hair stuck to her forehead. She smiles back at him, touching his face, which he leans into.

"I love you, Erin."

She looks in his eyes, knowing he's being honest. "I love you too." She admits.

They fall asleep in each other's embrace.

Erin wakes up in the middle of the night. It's sobering, finding herself naked in bed with Roan, remembering what they said before falling asleep. She quietly makes her way to the bathroom as tears flood her eyes. She falls to the floor, crying softly, as she begs Lance's forgiveness, telling him she didn't mean what she said, that she loves only him.


Roan helps Erin into the helicopter, a smile on his face as they take off. He leans forward, placing his hand on top of hers. He smiles softly. "I'm glad we had this time together. I've missed you."

Erin doesn't respond, looking away.

"I want you to reconsider bringing Skye to Vegas, even if it's just until your father lets you into Neo Angeles."

Erin doesn't respond once more, causing Roan to sigh.

"Why can't you just let him go, Erin? Why can't you just realize he's dead and not coming back? To see what's in front of you and see that I'm willing to give you anything to help.

"I don't want to talk." She states, not looking at him.

Roan sighs again and goes quiet.
