Chapter 7

Erin is back in Neo Angeles, sitting on one of the couches in her father's living room. She wishes Roan was here to have her back but understands he has a state to run. Her father sets down a cup of steaming tea before sitting across from her.

"How is Skye?" He asks, his voice soft.

"She's not doing well. She can't get out of bed on her own; she is always in pain, she's weak, and…the doctor you sent said she's not going to get any better." Erin looks up at him from the teacup. "Please let Skye into Neo Angeles. Just make it better for her, more comfortable, and keep her alive, even if she won't get better."

"I want to, Erin, but there's a lot of risks having someone who is infected here. If she were to pass and turn, it could be an epidemic."

"I understand. But all I want is for her to get better."

Her father takes a deep breath. "I will have to consider everything." Erin nods weakly. "Will you stay for dinner?"

"I'd prefer some time alone."

"Alright." He nods slowly. "Take care of yourself."

"I will try." She stands up from the couch.


Erin sits alone in the hotel's bath, curled up into a ball. She's worried about so much, but mostly about her sister and what they'll do without her if it comes to that. She knows Scout tries her hardest to help raise the kids, but she's still a child herself.

Erin looks over to where Roan had sat last time, feeling lonely, but also guilty for wishing he was her because of it. She wipes away tears that begin to fall.


Erin steps out of the automated car, looking up at the towering building, unsure of this is where she was meant to go. She walks inside and is greeted by another humanoid robot, which asks her to take a seat and wait a few moments. Before too long, her father walks out, saying he's glad to see her and hopes she slept well.

"I've…had better nights." She admits.

"I understand." He nods. "Follow me." He starts down the hallway he came from. They walk a while before arriving at a door. He types in a long code and scans his hand and eye before the door opens. They head inside the elevator.

"We're going down." Erin speaks up, surprised by that fact.

"What I'm about to show you is top secret." Her father turns to face her.

"Why are you showing me then?"

"I made arrangements and secured you and the kids a place."

"If--if you do that, I would rather give me spot to a girl we take care of, who helps us take care of the kids. She deserves it more than me."

"No matter." He shrugs. "I have a job for you to do. It'd be in your best interest not to think about it too much and know this is what needs to be done."

"I've done jobs like that before." She slowly nods, a pit forming in her stomach.

"You just need to finish this job for us, and your sister and children will have a spot in Neo Angeles."

Erin can feel the weight put onto her as the door slides open. In front of them is a large, sterile-looking lab. It's full of fancy equipment, filled with scientists in lab coats.

Her father leads her through the lab, eventually arriving at another part of the lab. In this room, there are mutant-like creatures, infected looking people, and on the far side of the room, there are young boys all in vats, floating in some sort of liquid. The boys' skin is somewhat translucent, showing their veins. They are also bald.

"What the fuck is all of this?" Erin looks around the room before looking at her father with questioning eyes.

"This is how we make our part of the injections. Then it's sent over to Biotech Solutions, where they finish the process, and the New California Republic distributes it." He walks over to one of the boys. "This is Six. He needs to be transported to X-13."

"You can't be serious." Erin crosses her arms over her chest.

"I am. These kinds of things are needed for the injections to be made, for No Man's Land and Haven to be saved."

"Do you know who infected Haven?" Erin asks a question that's been burning inside her.

"Likely some infected person was seeking refugee. I always said having an infected person there would result in an outbreak."

"As will Neo Angeles if we bring Skye and the kids here." Erin concludes.

"Not necessarily true. Biotech and we have been working on an antidote, which should cure the carrier of the infection. We will be administering them as soon as they're made." He pauses a moment, looking back at the boy. "That's why he must be transported there."

A scientist comes over to her father, asking him if he's ready. He says yes, and they begin draining the tube.

"Some scientists wanted to speak with a perspective from the outside world before you left."



Erin thinks to herself about what she just saw, deciding she needs to just focus on getting to job done so she can save Skye. She's not sure what will happen after she gets everyone into Neo Angeles if she doesn't have a spot of her own. Maybe she'll go back to Roan. She grows sad thinking of it. Will she be able to leave Lance behind like that, to live without the guilt that often overwhelms her?

"Thanks for being such a good lab rat." The scientist pulls away the needle with the blood sample away.

"You get used to needles out in No Man's Land." She takes a deep breath.

"There's something more I'd like to ask you." He turns around on his tool, scooting over to his desk. "I'd like you to deliver something." He lowers his voice. "I have contact with scientists out in N.M.L. who are trying to find their own cure. They need some samples. Would you be willing to take them?"

"Sure." Erin nods. "Whatever it takes to cure this damn thing."

"Thank you." He turns back to smile at her. "We can get the occasional contact with an N.C.R. soldier to smuggle a letter or share some research, but nothing like this. I really appreciate it, and so will they." He hands her a package. "There's someone else who wants to talk to you." He points her in the scientist's direction.

Erin gets up and walks in the direction, looking around the lab and wondering what the different equipment does. She arrives at a door and enters after knocking. The room is humid and filled with plants. A woman turns to her with a smile. "Are you the infected one?"

"Uh, yeah. I am."

"Great to hear it." She continues smiling. Erin didn't seem to share her enthusiasm, though. "Anyways. I have genetically engineered seeds that should be able to grow anywhere in any kind of soil with little water. Take some and test them out."

"Oh. Sure." Erin agrees, knowing they'll be perfect for the small garden in Skye's bus.

She gets up and walks over to a burlap sack, handing it over to Erin before sitting back down at her desk. "You can go now."

"Alright. Thanks." Erin thanks her once more before heading back to where her dad was, seeing he's no longer there. She notices the boy, Six, is now dressed and looking more normal, his skin less translucent. He's being injected with something. The scientist turns to her after finishing.

"You'll need to inject him with these if it takes more than a month to get him there. He'll remind you. But mostly, they'll be for Biotech to keep him alive. It's a couple of years worth."

Erin is surprised at how casually they talk about the boy who's sitting beside them.

"Be careful with the briefcase and Six. Try to keep him alive, but if you can't, bring the body to Biotech." He hands her a briefcase of injections. "Doctor Ward said there's a helicopter waiting to take you back to New Vegas. He was called away."

"Alright." Erin nods, making sense of why her father isn't there to see her off.


The helicopter lands, and Erin gets out. She looks back at Six, seeing he hasn't moved.

"Come on." She motions for him to follow. After a few moments, he gets up and follows after her. She looks over at him as they walk. "Can you talk?" He has yet to speak since she picked him up in the lab. He nods in reply. "If you can, why don't you now?" Six shrugs slightly.

She turns her attention away from him and starts thinking again about her sister's declining health, as well as her family's future. She hopes Scout will enjoy her time in Neo Angeles more than she did when Erin was her age. She has no doubts Scout will fight her over it, not wanting to go without her, but it's what's best for her, and it's what Lance would want.

Erin arrives at her bike, but when she turns to tell Six to get on, he's missing. She looks around, finding him staring at all the people walking through the neon-colored strip. She walks over to him, watching him sadly. She can't help but think he's never seen anything like it before, likely being a test tube baby.


Erin pulls off at an N.C.R. camp to fuel up. They scan her chip before letting her in, where she drives towards the pumps. While parked, she glances over at Six, finding him shivering in his thin, scrub-like clothes. She sighs at the fact the scientists couldn't have even given him proper clothing. She takes her jacket off and hands it to him, apologizing for the shape it's in.

He takes it from her after a few moments, muttering a thanks.

Erin raises an eyebrow. "So, you can talk? Interesting. What's your name, kid?"

"Six." He quietly answers.

"That's your pod number, right? Don't you have an actual name?"

He shakes his head.

"Why don't you come up with one?" She shrugs, pulling the fuel pump out of the tank. "What do you like?"

"I don't know." He answers earnestly. "I'm not allowed things."

She puts the nozzle back into the machine. "Guess you'll have to figure that one out then."


They pull into the colony and dismount the bike after arriving at the house. Scout walks out, holding Rylan. "Who's he?" Scout motions towards Six, who looks to be about her age. Erin can't help but wonder if it's due to no other kids in the colony being her age, and she's taking some interest.

"Six." Erin answers simply, not about to explain the situation to her when she'll have to take him to Biotech regardless. "Can you show him around the colony?"

"Sure, I guess." She walks over to hand Erin Rylan. Erin stops her before she leaves, giving her the remaining seeds, and tells her to plant them in the bus when she gets the chance.

The two start walking off, but Erin grabs Six's arm to stop him. "Don't tell her anything about who you are." She whispers to him. He nods, causing her to release him.

Erin walks inside the house and into Skye's room, finding Millie feeding her. "I made some soup and brought it over." Millie explains. "But I'll leave to give you guys some privacy. Let me take the little one so you can feed her." They hand off the baby, and Erin takes the seat next to Skye.

"I just need to finish this job, and then I can get you into Neo Angeles with the kids." Erin explains as she spoons some soup into Skye's mouth. Skye doesn't respond until she's done eating.

"I'm tired." She raspily says, closing her eyes.

"Remember the song mom used to sing to us before bed?" Erin asks, brushing some hair out of her face. Skye weakly nods. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine." Erin begins singing softly, reaching over to hold Skye's hand. "You make me happy when skies are gray.

You'll never know, dear," Erin tears up as she sings, her voice cracking, "how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away."


Erin and Scout sit in the bus. Scout is sitting in the stool on front of her while Erin injects her. Erin can't help but hope that the seeds she gave to the N.C.R. to distribute will work and not end up eating the people or something.

"He's kinda weird." Scout says quietly. Erin looks out at Six who is picking up rocks and intently staring at them, before putting them in his pocket. "He said he doesn't have a name."

Erin shrugs, putting the empty syringe aside. "Some people are just weird."

"I like him though. He's very nice."

"I saw the two of you laughing earlier. I'm glad you two got along."

"Where are you taking him?" Scout innocently asks. "Will I get to see him again."

"He's going to a long way away form here, so probably not, Scout. Sorry." Erin gives her a small apologetic smile. "We're done with injections, so me and Six are going to go."

Scout nods. "Alright. Stay safe please."


Six is sitting around a fire that's in a fireplace. Erin walks out of the other room, carrying a handful of blankets in her arms.

"Whose home is this?" Six asks, holding his hands out to the flames.

"No clue." Erin pulls one of the blankets out and puts it around his shoulder. "But it's ours for the night. You should get comfortable. Take as many as you need." Erin sets the blankets down in a pile, taking a few for herself and getting comfortable. Sometimes an abandoned house is a luxury out here.

Six follows suit, laying down and pulling blankets over himself. After getting settled, he speaks up. "Flash."


"That's the name I want. Scout showed me some…some…picture books." He finally finds the words, "I want to be like Flash."

"You're pretty special if Scout showed you her comic books." Erin scoffed. "Lucky you."

Flash smiles slightly.

"Get some sleep so we can hit the road early."


Erin stops at the colony in the warehouse to drop off the Neo Angeles scientist's package. She had an inkling it was going to be them but wasn't sure of the colony's coordinates. She scoops out a handful of loose ammo out of the bike's saddlebags and hands it to Flash, telling him to see what he can find in the marketplace.

She walks down to the other warehouse, package in hand, arriving and knocking. The door is opened after a few moments, and she holds the package out, saying it's from Neo Angeles. They let her into their lab, where people are actively working. The man who had set the job up last time makes his way over to her with a smile.

"How're things with the live one doing?"

"Great! Having one has been very helpful, but we'll eventually need more. If you're willing, we'd love your help again."

"If I'm in the neighborhood, I'll consider it."

"What's the package again?"

"From Neo Angeles."

His eyes widened. "Nothing could repay you for this."

"Fill the bike up and buy me dinner, and we'll be even."

"Can we also buy you a place for the night?" He offers.

"No, no. It's alright." She shakes her head, not wanting to sleep in the hammocks again. She heads to leave, but when she walks out, Flash is waiting there for her. The man's expression changes as he sees him.

"That--that boy. That's one of the experiments from Neo Angles. Our plant told us about him." The man points fervently at him. "Kill it! And burn the body so Biotech can't use it!"

"What the fuck?!" Erin looks back at the man. "Why do they want him?"

"It's going to be used to make another infection, but worse. One that would be way worse than this one. Those mutated infected would be nothing compared to these. You can't give it to them."

"Stop calling him 'it'." Erin clenches her fist.

One of the scientists appears in the doorway, shakily holding a pistol, pointing it at Flash. Erin takes her own gun out, holding it at the man with the gun.

"They're right." Flash calmly states behind her. "I'm a weapon."

"Close the door." Erin demands. "Don't come after us, or I'll shoot."

They immediately put their hands up and duck back into the door before closing it. Erin backs up, watching the door with her gun still out. "Come on, Flash." She keeps backing up until they're out of the line of sight.


Erin pushes the motorcycle, which is now out of fuel. Neither has spoken since leaving the colony, but Flash finally speaks up.

"What are you going to do?"

"What can I do?" Erin sighs. "Take you to Biotech where they'll turn you into a weapon or don't take you and let me sister die." She pauses a moment. "Tell me what you know about all of this."

"That other company-"


"Maybe." He shrugs. "They work with the scientists who made me. They make those injection things out of me and the other clones, but they always just send samples from us. But now that they're sending me, they're going to do something worse."

"I don't understand any of this. Why would someone want people to be infected?"

"To control them." He answers simply. "They--they infected all of you."

"Who did? Biotech, right?"

"And my scientists."

"No, no. It was just Biotech."

"No." Flash shakes his head. "They infected the water supply, so you would all be sick and infected. So then they could get those syringes out that you take all the time."

"How do you know all of this?"

"I hear a lot. No one thinks I listen."

"This…this is huge if it's true. They're up there pretending to be the good guys, to be the ones handing out the injections keeping us alive, but they're as much a part of this as Biotech is. Those bastards!" She shakes her head, taking a deep breath. "I need to make a choice, and I'm running out of time."
