They weren't mates of the soul or even the heart – both of which made it possible for it to be temporary – but she had to understand that this didn't make the mating any less real. They were still mates in the physical sense which meant that she still belonged to him. If he didn't make her understand and admit it, this would never work. He wouldn't have her always throwing in his face that he wasn't her true mate, implying that he didn't have any rights to her. She was his now. Or at least for a short while anyway.

"Lose the towel," he ordered. Not many people would dare to ignore an order from him, but of course Angelina did. "Lose the towel," he repeated. But she only smiled.

"Honestly, does that usually work?" She could understand if it did. Hell, that implacable, uncompromising tone had very nearly worked on her. She was just so damned horny and her wolf craved his possession, but even her wolf knew he had to prove he was worthy of her surrender.

"I know you're an Guardian, Angelina, but I think you might be forgetting that so am I. Believe me when I say that I will have your submission."

"Unleash the beast if you want. I'll try not to laugh, I promise."

His wolf stretched within him, ready and content to catch and subdue his little mate. "Don't make me chase you, baby. Don't make me have to spank that ass." Not that that would be such a bad thing. "Come. Here."

"Yeah, well, ordinarily I would but it's been such a long day and -" Abruptly he dived at her but she swiftly and skilfully dodged him and managed to place a good distance between them.

"You want this, Angelina." He grinned as her gaze zoomed in on his hands as he unsnapped the buttons of his fly. His painfully hard cock sprang out and she licked her bottom lip. He groaned then shoved down his jeans and stepped out of them. "I can smell your arousal," he added as he unbuttoned his shirt and had her backing up toward the bed.

"If you say so." Her aloofness might have been more convincing if her voice hadn't been so hoarse with lust. In her defence, his body was unbelievable. All muscle and sinew and power, but not in that over-the-top way were veins were popping out or anything. No, it was all sleek, smoothly shaped muscle made all the more better by that golden tan. Her wolf was growling her approval, wanting Angelina to lick a path along that golden skin from the column of his throat to the base of that thick, long cock. It wasn't such a bad idea.

"I can sense how hard your wolf's riding you."

"Jealous that she is and you're not?" Again he rushed at her but again she dodged him, jumping onto the large bed and then running across it to land nimbly on the other side.

His expression was castigating as he stood on the opposite side of the bed. "You're denying me what's mine. That hot little body is mine now."

"You really believe that? Ah, bless your little heart." His long arm shot out and his hand snagged the end of the towel, whipping it away. Bastard.

As his gaze caressed her naked body and took in all that flawless creamy skin, Jasson actually felt like he'd been poleaxed. Although she was slender, she wasn't skinny or fragile looking. She was lithe and sinuous with gently and perfectly curved hips, shapely toned legs, and a gorgeous set of breasts. He'd always gone for voluptuous women, but it became clear to him now that he had seriously underestimated the appeal of small breasts. Angelina's were high, plump, and perfectly rounded, calling his name. His mouth watered as he caught sight of her completely bald pussy. "Mine."

"I'm afraid not, big boy."

He leapt across the bed and grabbed her arm but she expertly twisted out of his hold and backed away. "You can keep running from me but it won't change anything."

"I belong to no one but myself."

"That mark right there – my mark – says different."

"I'm your mate," she allowed, "but I don't belong to you or anyone else. Well, actually, if you want to get technical about it, I'm not actually your mate yet," she added with a smile.

"Oh you will be very soon, baby, once I shove my cock inside you." He charged at her with renewed vigour, catching her just as she turned, and crammed her against the wall, her back to his chest.

Angelina struggled and twisted but his body was like a cage around her. "Move you son of a -" Then abruptly he plunged a long finger inside her, addressing that aching emptiness, and she practically liquefied against the wall, moaning.

"That's it, baby, be still for me." He kept his thrusts shallow and leisurely, licking his claiming mark and liking her answering tremor. "Feel good?"

"It's alright, I guess."

He had to smile. "It's alright, huh?" She cried out as he plunged another finger inside her. "You're so tight," he groaned. "Tight. Hot. Wet. Mine."


"Well, baby, while I'm finger-fucking you against this wall and you're moaning like crazy it sure feels like I own you."

"Never in a million years, asshole," she growled.

"Asshole…Now you're just giving me ideas." He withdrew his fingers and moved one to the puckered hole at the back, circling it teasingly. "One day, I'm going to fuck this gorgeous ass."

"I'm curious, do you retreat into your fantasy world often?" Catching him off-guard, she sharply jammed her elbow into his ribs, making him jerk back just enough for her to duck out under his arm. Sometimes it was good to be small and slim.

To her frustration she had only gotten a few steps when a strong arm looped around her and he tackled her to the ground. Then she was flipped onto her back and Jasson's mouth closed over her nipple and sucked hard. "Oh God," she breathed. Moaning, she cradled his head and scrunched his hair in her hands. Each tug on her nipple sent sparks of pleasure shooting to her clit, making her writhe and squirm beneath him.

It was official that Jasson had been mistaken to overlook small breasts. Or maybe it was just that this was his mate that had him unable to release the taut nipple. As he moulded and squeezed her other breast he groaned at how perfectly it fit in his hand. His wolf was growling, urging Jasson to take her, to make sure she knew who she belonged to.

Abruptly he meshed his lips with hers, forcing his tongue inside to glide against her own. "I'm going to fuck you now," he rumbled. "I'm going to fuck this body that now belongs to me. Mine," he growled, punctuating it with a bite to her lower lip.