Both women looked up as Jasson and Daniel walked in and skidded to a halt. Angelina found her mouth curving at their nervous looks. Obviously they had guessed Greta would be like this. Angelina's wolf settled a little as she picked up her mate's scent. "Aww, Jasson, you didn't tell me your grandmother was such a kind, delightful soul."

Jasson was surprised by Angelina's smile. Clearly she was holding up just fine against Greta.

"You really want this trollop as a mate?"

"Watch it, Greta," Jasson cautioned in a low voice.

"I don't have to be polite to her. She's nothing but a hussy!"

"You sure like to repeat yourself, don't you, woman," said Angelina with an air of boredom.

"I want her gone!"

He folded his arms across his chest, trying hard to prevent a grin from surfacing. If Greta was looking so flustered and annoyed then she was obviously losing at the confrontation she had undoubtedly begun for no other reason than she didn't like females around him. "That won't be happening."

"I refuse to accept her as part of my pack!"

"Why is that exactly?"

"You should hear the way she's been talking to me. Disrespectful is an understatement! Worse, she's a hussy! She won't be faithful to you. She'll be all over your enforcers, spreading herself around them like butter on toast."

"It really is disconcerting just how well you've read me, Greta," said Angelina.

With a growl that had all eyes widening, Greta stood. "I said I want her gone!" She focused on Angelina then. "I want you gone!"

Angelina gave her a mock frown. "Now really, Greta, anger is such an ugly thing."

"It's Ms Tyler to you, hussy."

"Sure thing, Greta."

Turning to Jasson, she ranted, "Have you heard the way she talks to me? She has no respect! She's rude! She's -"

"Staying exactly where she is," finished Jasson firmly, hearing his wolf growl his agreement. Jasson wasn't a grandson talking to his grandmother now. He was the Guardian talking to a pack member.

"But she's not your true mate and she's not good enough for you!"

"I'm aware that she's not my true mate, it has nothing to do with why she's here."

"She's not good enough for you!"

He had a moment when he considered pulling his hair out. "You don't even know her so how could you know anything about her or whether or not she's good enough for me?"

"Is it true that she's latent? You picked a latent for an Guardian female?"

Jasson was ready to snap at Greta for making such a comment when Guardian waves suddenly reached out and hit them all with the force of a sledgehammer. The vibes clotted the air, smothering him while at the same time invigorating him. He turned to Angelina to see her glaring at Greta, and realized she was letting his grandmother see exactly how powerful an Guardian her wolf was. Obviously she'd had enough of being insulted. He couldn't blame her. Unfortunately for him – and probably for Daniel too – her dominant display went straight to his cock, hardening it painfully.

"Angelina?" he said softly. She looked at him, smiling, and suddenly the waves eased. "You okay?"

Nodding, Angelina slid from the counter and did a very feline stretch. "I think I should leave the room though. I can feel those hussy urges coming on me already. Probably best if I go before I leap on you or Daniel."

Jasson looked at his gaping grandmother who had obviously not expected such a demonstration of power from little Angelina. "I don't want to have to go through this again," he said in a grave tone, knowing how tenacious Greta could be. "She's my mate. Accept it. And if you want her to treat you with respect then remember it works both ways."

Angelina sighed. "No, she's right. My behavior has been truly unacceptable. Accept my apologies, Ms Tyler. I know I really should have more respect for the dead." With a grin and a wink, she then strutted out of the kitchen. Her grin widened as she heard an outraged gasp burst out of the old woman.

"Hey you did good," praised Daniel, chuckling. "Didn't cry or anything."

"Something tells me I'll have to put up with that every – Hey!" She gaped at Jasson as he snatched the mug from her hand and gave it to Daniel. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Baby, you got me hard as a rock after that display of dominance in there. If I'm not inside you in the next five minutes, I'll lose it."

"Oh hell no!"

Locking his arms around her, Jasson carried her through the tunnels, ignoring her kicks and the string of profanities she hurled at him. Once in the bedroom, he dumped her on the bed. "Now I'm going to fuck you and make you come so hard you can't breathe. Deal with it."


Dreams didn't get much better than this.

On one level, Angelina couldn't help finding it a little depressing that her best sexual

encounters tended to happen during her sleep, but the pleasure spiking through her body left no room for such thoughts.

A thick talented finger was stroking in and out of her while sharp teeth nibbled on the back of her shoulder. The thrusts were shallow, leisurely, teasing. She squirmed and tried impaling herself further but the finger withdrew – a warning. She moaned her frustration. A low, wicked chuckle was her response and then two fingers plunged inside her and her next moan was of sheer bliss.

Ordinarily Angelina wasn't a huge fan of finger-fucking, but these fingers were extremely clever, hitting all the right nerves with unerring accuracy as if they knew just how to play her body. If they would only pick up speed…

Oh, and then they did. The teeth stopped grazing her shoulder as that hot mouth drifted to her ear and a tongue swirled inside the shell.

"Come for me, Angelina." The whisper was hoarse and filled with authority. "I want to feel you come all over my fingers."

That was when she woke up and became very aware that she hadn't been dreaming at all. Instantly she stiffened, but obviously knowing she'd fight him, Jasson slipped an arm beneath her and locked it tight around her, pinning her arms against her body. "You tricky fucking bastard," she rasped, struggling against his grip and the sensations. But his grip only tightened as he kept her right where he wanted her and pumped his fingers hard and deep, demanding her orgasm.

"Come. Now." He bit down hard on the back of her shoulder.

Her traitorous body gave him what he wanted. An orgasm washed over her and her muscles clutched his fingers as she came with a loud cry. Then in one decisive movement he raised her leg, tucked it into the crook of his elbow and drove into her. Oh she hated him.