Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


"Actually, there's something I want, and I think all of you can help me with that." I said, causing everyone to have a questioning expression asking me to continue.

I took a deep breath before saying. "I want to start training to be a ninja, and possibly Natsumi."

My mother's expression of affection and love suddenly became much more serious after my request, as did the previously amused expressions of the other women in the room.

Which is totally understandable. The boy they've raised and loved since he was a baby, now 12, has asked to start training to be a ninja, basically a glorified assassin, and they know very well what I'm asking for. Both me and Natsumi know from what they've told us what it means to be a ninja. These years at the academy, as well as his basic preparation for shinobi life, are the last goodbye to childishness.

Asking to be trained by them means I've decided to abandon what's left of my childhood in favor of preparing myself for the cruelty of the shinobi world.

And that's why I know they won't refuse my request right away and they're seriously thinking about it, because they know very well that this training is necessary, the death rate of ninjas is absurdly high, this being mostly true for gennin fresh out of the academy.

They know that the sooner Natsumi and I prepare, the better chance we have of surviving.

They know this training is necessary.

And then, as they look at each other without saying anything, after a while their expressions change to resignation to my request.

While I can tell they have a proud gleam in their eyes that I'm taking this step, they also have an expression of pain and sadness. Pain because of what my sister and I will soon be exposed to, they know from experience about the cruelty of this world.

As I said before, Mom and them never spoiled me and Natsumi. They described very clearly how much our age can handle, the kind of world we live in, they don't want us to go out and think it's all flowers and rainbows.

The world is rotten, this was explained to us so that we would not be victims of this rottenness, so that we would know what to expect.

Though even they don't know yet what kind of thing is to come.

I can predict what comes next. Even though they already know my answer, they want it to come straight out of my mouth.

"Naruto, what is your reason for this training? What is the purpose of the strength you want to obtain?" My mother is the one who asks the question, her expression unreadable, though she can't erase that proud, pained gleam in her eyes.

The use of my name without shortening and without honorifics says enough about how serious she wants my answer to be.

I knew that when I came to this world, fun was the last thing I expected. In the anime it seems like something very cool and lively, especially with the powers, but when you're in the same situation, it goes from fun to terrifying.

I need to prepare in addition to not letting my family be killed, I also don't feel like dying.

So, right away, I answered them. Even though it was my mother who asked, they all want to hear my answer.Maybe the fact that they were looking at me like a hawk was a hint.

"All of you, since Natsumi and I were old enough to understand, explained to us the kind of place we live in, how dirty it is, and that only the strongest survive. You are strong and can protect us, I know." I say looking at each of them.

"With that said, you guys couldn't always be protecting me and Natsumi, just as I couldn't always be protecting her. And my reason for getting stronger is simple: I have something to protect and something to live for." Cliche as hell? Yes, but when you are in that situation, it is the purest truth. They then begin to smile with a proud glow, not doubting my potential to be strong enough to protect each of them. They know very well that I have a lot of potential to be an Uzumaki and a Jinchuuriki.

"In the future, I know I will have to be on a team with two other gennin, one of them I hope to be Natsumi and a jounin sensei, but teamwork only goes so far. No matter how many allies Natsumi or I have around, if we are weak individually, in this situation when we die it's because we're alone." It's the same thought I had before, which is a teaching that Gojo says to Megumi, that in the Jujutsu world it's a great way of thinking, just like in this one. Some anime are not always just quotes, but life lessons, and for me now it's basically a rule in this world.

They seemed a little surprised at Gojo-sensei's teaching, rightly so, it's a wise thought, and that coming from a child is quite surprising, I think.

"What if my team and I come across some S-rank ninja? It's not impossible, and at this point, teamwork means nothing in the face of sheer brute strength, we would die in this situation."

It's a good thing that for them I've always been a lot more mature than normal kids, so this coming from me isn't really suspicious.

"You're not the only one who thinks like that, Onii-chan. I want to get stronger too." My sister's voice suddenly sounds from the kitchen entrance.

Turning my head back, I look at her. She was always cheerful and easygoing, always having fun, but I know very well that she just decided to make the most of what childhood she had left, because after a point, our lives are going to turn upside down.

She then walked into the kitchen, her always cheerful and happy face now framed by a serious, determined face. She must have gotten to some point where I was talking. Seeing my little sister's serious expression wasn't something that really made me happy, it felt wrong. I always liked when she was all smiles, always happy. But for that smile to still have hope of coming back, that's for the best for now.

"I don't want to be weak, let alone a dead weight for Onii-chan, if anything, I'd rather be strong enough to protect your back, fight by your side when necessary." She said, with a small smile at me, that didn't lessen the seriousness of the situation or her own words.

A few moments passed in silence as they just looked between the two of us. Mom's expression was unnerving to say the least. You can see she wanted more… time, more time for our childhood, for us to be kids and just have fun, more time for innocence away from the bloody world outside. But she knows it's necessary for us to survive him.

Then she seemed to have come to a resolution, with an expression of resignation.

"Alright, I think it's about time, let's start training you two. I'm going to take a few months off from missions under the guise of clan affairs to fully focus on your training. Tell me what you're most interested in learning, even though I somehow already know what Natsu-chan is going to say." She started talking with an affectionate, wistful little smile at us, which in the end turned into fun for Natsumi, who blushed profusely at being read so easily.

"Well, I guess besides the physical training that's obviously necessary, I'm going to need to focus a lot on chakra control that Tsunade-baa-chan..." I promptly ducked to dodge a fork that baa-chan predictably threw at me. "...can help me and Natsumi in this part. Since we are both Uzumaki and Jinchuuriki, we will have giant chakra reserves, so using all that chakra with the best efficiency is a big advantage." Mom also told us about the fox sealed in us, so talking about being Jinchuuriki is no surprise, she said we should know the stupid reason the villagers hate us, which I thought was fair.

"I have a keen interest in kenjutsu too, katanas are cool and that's reason enough." This earned me a beaming smile from Yugao-nee, as well as an amused laugh from her and exasperated chuckles from the other women over my last comment. Hey, it's a very legitimate reason, katanas are cool. "Well, knowing how to fight with swords is a big advantage in close range fights, I think something like a Daito or a Wakizashi around 40cm is the best for me." Yes, I love Japanese swords. That comment earned me a calculating and appraising look from Yugao-nee, who after a few moments nodded with a small satisfied smile. I think the fact that I love swords gives me even more points with it.

"Well, ninjutsu, in addition to the normal ninjutsu like substitution, transformation and clones, I want to train in nature transformation. Although you already told me that each ninja has an attunement to an element of nature. I prefer to have a certain proficiency with all 5 elements but of course first I want to train my elemental affinity and then I go to another element." In the original anime Naruto's affinity was wind, but I don't know if this world being an AU or me being here changed my affinity, when it comes time for elemental training I'll see that. And besides the 5 basic elements, I want to try to train Yin and Yang too. I know about Gudoudama, and that's something incredibly broken. The problem is, I have no idea how to train Yin and Yang nature.

"And about genjutsu..." Here I started to get quite nervous. "Kurenai-nee, you see, I don't think it's an art that really grabs my attention. But I know it's terribly powerful and I want to be able to at least detect and dispel genjutsu." In that part I was very nervous and sweating a lot, being very careful with what I said. Seriously, this woman LOVES genjutsu. When I said it didn't catch my eye, she narrowed her eyes at me and I kind of swallowed hard and said the rest quickly. In the end, she continued to stare at me intensely as if she was judging my soul, and in the end, she smiled amusedly at my nervousness and gave me an understanding nod. I think she had a lot of fun with it.

"And taijutsu, I think Anko-nee, baa-chan..." And there goes another spoon. "...and mom can help me and Natsumi in that area, I think I'm going to want a style more focused on speed and attacks on more sensitive areas of the body." Basically simple and efficient, although I don't have Byakugan to know where the tenketsu are, there are still body parts that if hit can end the fight quickly, and I've always liked speed, but now I have a different reason to be fast.

And when I said the part about speed, my mom had a slightly calculating look on her face, as well as pain and anger. It hurts me to see her like this.

"Naru-chan, why do you want to be more focused on speed?" She asked me after a few moments and I was pretty sure she knew what I was going to say, she knows me like that.

"Mother, I know very well that man..." I liked Minato a lot in my previous life, he was a badass. In this life? I absolutely hate the man more than anything. Even though that god hadn't told me, mom told us what happened and about his and Hiruzen's plan, she always told us everything when she thought we were old enough to know, she'd rather we weren't in the dark about anything. So naturally I had a furious expression on my face when I mentioned him, which dissipated after a few moments. "...was the fastest man or one of the fastest men in the world when he was alive. My goal in wanting to be fast? Simple, I want to be better than him, whatever he was, I'll be better, to the point where I'll make everyone forget who he was. For what he did to you, he doesn't deserve the recognition he has to this day."

That earned me a beaming smile from my mother, as well as a hug in an iron grip, holding me like I was the most precious thing in the world. I promptly returned the affection to the best of my ability, which still felt like I had a mama bear hugging me. Is this noise now my ribs or am I imagining things? Fuck.

"Oh you sweet silly child, I love you so much my baby. I'm sure you'll overtake Minato-baka and leave him in the dust." Mom tells me in a warm, loving voice, still squeezing for the life of me as she buries her face in my hair. Anything that degrades Minato makes my mother very happy.

"But I'm curious about something Naru-chan, you didn't say anything about seals." She said in a sweet voice. Too sweet. And I kind of froze, still with her arms around me. Does she seem to have tightened her grip more? Damn it...

"Well I'm interested in fuuinjutsu of course haha, it's just that I prefer to focus on my physique, chakra control, kenjutsu and ninjutsu first." I said laughing nervously. Which is true, while I know seals are often absolute bullshit and broken, I want to focus on certain things first, and with my system, I very much doubt it will take long to learn about seals anyway.

Then she continued squeezing me for a few moments and then released me and directed her focus to Natsumi. "Very well, Natsu-chan, how about you? What do you want to learn in this training?"

My sister struck a thoughtful pose with her brows furrowed and her index finger under her chin, which I thought was really cute. "Well, I think I'd like the same things as Onii-chan, but I have a keen interest in fuuinjutsu. Since he doesn't have that much interest in it, if we happen to be in a situation where fuuinjutsu is needed, I can cover him with it." She finished with a happy smile at me.

Damn, my sister is the most precious thing in the world but she could have at least not talked about my interest in fuuinjutsu, I can feel my mother trying to pierce my head with her eyes.

"Me and Tsunade-sama can help the two of you with poison resistance too, who knows when you have to face someone who uses poisons." Anko-nee said to both of us with a smile, although I find it a little too predatory. This woman is a sadist.

"Anko, I've said this many times, it's just Tsunade, leave -sama out." Tsunade-baa-chan says with an exasperated and upset expression to Anko-nee, who reciprocates with an amused smile. She does it on purpose, I'm sure. Then baa-chan turns to both of us. "And you 2 brats will also learn medical ninjutsu, although you guys have some regeneration because of the Kyuubi and being Uzumakis, it only goes so far. But first you guys need to have really good chakra control. And I'm thinking of teaching my technique of chakra-enhanced strength to Natsumi."

Okay, that's just unfair now. "What?! Baa-chan and me?"

She smiled playfully at me as she crossed her arms under her substantial bust. "Well, if you stop calling me baa-chan, maybe I'll consider teaching you too."

I immediately responded. "Nothing done, never mind then" There are things I'm just not willing to give up.

This then left her with a falsely irritated expression. For everyone's enjoyment.

Honestly, I don't care too much about baa-chan only teaching Natsumi the super strength technique, while Natsumi is going to be insanely strong with it, I want to be insanely fast for balance.

Mom then claps her hands to get our attention. "Very well then, the gym will start in a few months, we have to take advantage of the lost time, so your training will start tomorrow, be ready dattebane." She starts talking very enthusiastically at first and towards the end, when her verbal tic kicks in, she blushes in embarrassment. Which drew an amused laugh from all of us to her embarrassment.

She still has her cute verbal tic, I've always found it cute even in the anime. By the way, when I get excited, I also have the verbal tic and Natsumi does too, although unlike the original Naruto, my verbal tic is Dattebasa, and Natsumi's is Dattebayo.

And then we started eating our breakfast. I particularly was eating a little faster than usual as I wanted to check a little bit about the system right after I finished eating.

Mom really is a great cook, hmm, maybe I'll try to learn to cook too, I know a skill will be created for that, and maybe if I level up enough, maybe my food will get some kind of boost? Or some major nutrition benefit?

Well, thoughts for later.

Eventually I finish eating and tell everyone that I'm going to stay in the country for a while in the complex, and my sister says that right after here she's going to go back to her room and sleep. Her excuse is that her sleep time will probably decrease considerably from now on with our training, and that she will make the best of the time she has left.

The way she said it is as if tomorrow was our funeral, but that only added to the fun of everyone present.

I soon arrived at the fields that we have in our complex. It's a beautiful place, it's like the training fields that we have in the village, only bigger with a very green lawn, mom said it measures more or less 200mx300m, a part of the place has enough trees.

I think this is where Natsumi and I will train, I mean, it's a great place.

Well, anyway, I think now is the time to check this out.

Does it have an AI in it?

Err, well, system? Hello?

[Hello master, nice to meet you.]

A feminine voice, somewhat childish and joyful, sounds in my head. I thought it would be an emotionless, robotic male voice. That's nice, and she seems to be pretty cute too, even though she's an AI.

[Thanks master, the god thought you would like a female voice in your head but that I should be a little childish yet so you don't start flirting with me, he said something about you being a pervert]


... Damn, it's not my fault he doesn't like MILFs okay? Heretic.

[He said you would say something like that, and I was supposed to tell you to go to shit.]

... What kind of criminal would make someone with a voice like yours say that sort of thing? This is absolutely wrong.

[Sorry master.]

She looked a little crestfallen now, damn it. Don't worry, it's not your fault.

[ :) ]

A translucent screen appeared in front of me with this smiley emoji. Heh, she's cute.

Do you have a name?

[No master, but I will accept one if you want to give it to me.]

Oh well, hmm. Maybe Isis? I've read some fanfics where the system's AI had a name like that and I particularly like it. But I'll just be copying, and I want to give you a name of your own, not some other system's.

Hmm, how about Alice?

[Alice, Alice. I like it master, thank you.]

She kept repeating the name, testing it in a thoughtful voice until she approved it in a more cheerful voice.

You're welcome, I say with a smile. I think I'm going to like her a lot.

Well Alice, can you tell me what I got with the system?

[Of course master, you have access to 4 things. Your status, which shows your stats. Perks, which shows their quirks, for now you only have the ones by birth and the Gamer's Mind and Gamer's Body, but reaching a certain stat value, you can receive a Perk that has an effect according to the stat that unlocked the Perk. Skills, which basically lists the skills you have. And finally, inventory, which gives you a personal pocket dimension where you can store non-organic items.]

Okay, I expected all that, but what about the missions?

[The system does not assign quests.]

How do I level up then?

[The system doesn't exactly have levels, master. You will only get stronger by training your stats and skills.]

Oh well, that's pretty disappointing, but that's okay. For some reason I always liked the fanfics in which the MC trained a lot and didn't just win everything on a platter.

Alright, show the status please Alice.

[Of course master.]

And then a translucent blue window with four silver edges appeared in front of me.


Uzumaki Naruto | Tier 1

HP: 300/300 | HP Regen: 30/min

CP: 1000/1000 | CP Regen: 50/min

Chakra Control: 0%

STR: 8

VIT: 15

DEX: 8

AGI: 9

INT: 7

CKR: 10


Okay, I think the first thing that catches my eye here is the Tier. Alice what does the Tier mean?

[Tier ranks a certain amount of a person's statistics. We can separate them like this:

0 - 10 stats - Tier 1

11 - 50 stats - Tier 2

51 - 150 stats - Tier 3

151 - 300 stats - Tier 4

301 - 500 stats - Tier 5

501 - 750 stats - Tier 6

751 - 1000 stats - Tier 7

1001 - 1500 stats - Tier 8

1501 - 2500 stats - Tier 9

2501 - 5000 stats - Tier 10]

... Damn it.

I had no idea I could get to this level of stats. I think that because of Chakra the shinobi's body is really adaptable, otherwise, most of the shit that Orochimaru did to his body would have already killed him.

Alice, how can I discern someone's stats at higher levels if the differences are so great?

[If your Observe skill is high enough master, Low, Medium, High and Peak Tier can be added in the description.]

Okay, I suppose Tier 1 is the strength of a normal civilian, but I have VIT at 15 so why am I not Tier 2?

[Just 1 attribute surpassing a certain Tier doesn't mean you will be at that level, master. To pass a Tier you must have at least higher STR, VIT, DEX and AGI, someone with low Chakra can still beat someone with a lot more, and INT doesn't apply in this standard stat.]

Oh my bad. Show me the description of the statistics please Alice.


STR - determines your physical strength, how hard you can hit, hold, resist, push, etc.

VIT - determines your stamina, your health.

DEX - determines your dexterity, how well you can use your agility, your perception ability, your body control.

AGI - determines your overall speed.

INT - determines your mental strength, information processing, memory, learning ability.

CKR - determines your amount of chakra.


Simple and straightforward, very well, I suppose STR, VIT, DEX and AGI I can increase with just physical training. INT maybe studying and CKR simply doing some training that uses Chakra, just spending it.

And the chakra control in the status is already self-explanatory, if I have for example 30% chakra control, 70% will be an expense more than the jutsu will have.

[Exactly, master.]

Okay, I'm going to need to focus a lot on this. And I think my chakra control training will be slower because I'm a Jinchuuriki.

[Evil fox.]

He's not bad Alice, just misunderstood, and I think maybe he doesn't even know that it messes with my chakra control. I need to start meditating early so I can talk to him. Maybe make a deal or something.

Alright, now show me the Perks please Alice.

[Of course master.]


-= Perks =-

[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

It allows you a calm state when negative emotions reach a certain peak, allowing you to think clearly in times of crisis.

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

It guarantees you a body based on video games, where you will only die if your HP is zero, it regenerates limbs and organs, but it will still hurt a lot.

[Uzumaki] (Passive)

You are from the Uzumaki clan, who were feared and respected for their high aptitude in Fuuinjutsu, but there is a bigger secret. Upon reaching the age of 19, your cells will stop aging, granting you eternal youth. The Uzumaki also have enormous regeneration and vitality, as well as a gigantic chakra capacity.

VIT training is 100% more effective.

HP Regen is equal to VIT/min

50 CP points per CKR point.

750% higher learning speed in Fuuinjutsu.

[Kyuubi's Jinchuuriki] (Passive)

You are a recipient of the most powerful bijuu in the world. Though because you have such a potent Chakra within you, it slows your progress in chakra control. However, this powerful chakra forces its coils to grow more powerful. And it also guarantees a great regenerative capacity.

Chakra control training is 70% less effective.

50 CP points per CKR point.

HP Regen is equal to VIT/min.







Fuck, where did that come from? Some things I already expected, but this? I think the secret of the Uzumakis that Mom kept from everyone that allowed her to survive Kurama's extradition was this. But motherfucker, eternal youth? What the fuck really, that's basically what Orochimaru seeks for a lifetime.

It must be a closely guarded secret if Orochimaru doesn't already know this, is this something AU or was it cannon? I mean, the Rinnegan basically sucked Nagato out, but I suppose it makes sense since he didn't have Uchiha blood to use it, would he have survived by summoning the Gedo Statue if he wasn't Uzumaki?

Well, I guess it makes sense Mom looks so young, it's only now that I've realized that for a 34-year-old woman, she looks like she's practically just started her adult life.

Anko-nee, Kurenai-nee, Yugao-nee and Tsunade-baa-chan know? Surely they must have realized how strange it is for Mom to look so young.

But I also realized that I don't have Adamantine Currents, why?

[I can answer that master, apparently only Uzumaki women have Adamantine Chains.]

...That's very feminist but that's okay.

Though Natsumi still doesn't seem to have given a sign of having the chains.

Maybe it's unlocked with training? I don't know, but it certainly looks pretty cool.

It reminds me a lot of a kagune, only with golden chains.

Anyway, it seems that the player's mind only really kicks in when my negative emotions peak, apparently that only counts with negative emotions, which is a huge relief, I've read gamer fanfics where this happened and being a robot 100% logical is not a thought I exactly like.

No offense Alice, but you're cute and fun, so you don't count either.

[No problem master, despite being an AI in a way I also have thoughts and emotions of my own, for example I could hate you or anyone else. But I like you a lot, the master is the best.]

I laugh amusedly and affectionately at her, she is so much fun.

I already like you a lot too Alice.

[ :) ]

Honestly she's too cute for her own good.

Anyway, Gamer's Body is already something I really expected.

And Kyuubi Jinchuuriki too, and as expected, it will mess up my chakra control. I need to start meditating soon to talk to him asap, and also Natsumi, then I'll talk to her and the others about it.

And basically the Uzumaki and Kyuubi Jinchuuriki Perks give me 100 CP points per CKR point.

Alice, how many CP points per CKR does a normal person have?

[Usually 10 points for a normal civilian and clans is usually 20-40, it depends on each clan. Natsumi will be the same as you, 100 CP per CKR, however, as she doesn't have the system, her stat growth will be lower, but she will still have a lot more chakra than average.]

I see, my chakra control and CKR training will be important in the future. I want to use the Rasengan and recreate the Rasenshuriken and that uses a lot of chakra.

By the way, Alice. Why was Naruto only able to cast the Rasenshuriken when he was in Sage Mode?

[This is because as the Rasenshuriken has a lot of dense concentrated chakra, the strength that Naruto had at the time was not enough to be able to cast it, he was able to cast it because of the physical boost that Sage Mode guaranteed.]

Oh, that was it then. I always wondered why.

What would it take to launch a Rasenshuriken without the Sage Mode, Alice?

[I suppose you need about 2000 STR and 1700 DEX, master. But to know exactly how much, you first need to learn the technique for me to analyze correctly, sorry.]

That's a lot, I was wondering if I could throw this without any kind of physical impulse, but either way I'm still learning Sage Mode, it's a very powerful thing, it's so worth it. And with shadow clones, I wouldn't have much problem going into Sage Mode mid-battle, whatever, but Naruto is a genius at using Kage Bunshin in battle.

She seemed disheartened at the end of not being able to tell me precisely the stat value needed.

Alright Alice, I just wanted an estimate anyway, it's not like I plan on raining Rasenshuriken right now. When I learn the technique, that's when I'll need to know, and at that point you can tell me the requirement to cast the jutsu in basic form. So no damage done.

[Alright master, thank you.]

Honestly, she's too cute.

[ :) ]

Okay, now for the last Skills please Alice.

[Master, because you didn't really do anything that created an ability when the system was activated, the only ability you have is the Observe that was given with the activation of the system.]


-= Skills =-

[Observe] (Active) - Level 1

A skill that gives you information about the target.


Oh well, that's a little sad but that's okay.

Now I think I'll go back home, tomorrow my training starts and for now I'm going to enjoy spending time with my family without any of this filling my head, better enjoy it while I can.


AN: Okay, 10 days since the last update, I already say here that the updates won't be very frequent because I have my work and at the moment I don't have a PC at home.

Well I think I might have a problem writing character interactions but I'm trying my best to do that.

Hope you like Alice, I wanted to make an AI that wasn't just a robotic thing in Naruto's head but a partner, let me know what you think.

And well, I don't know if there's really a cannon explanation for Naruto not being able to cast the Rasenshuriken without Sage Mode, despite the fact that in The Last movie he did, but I don't tell that crap. But I wanted to try to come up with some explanation, and this is the one I tried, let me know your thoughts on that too.

See you in the next chapter.
