Nine victim is Kaki Haruka

Karin was transferred into the Nogizaka Private girl school but went they didn't notice that Karin had a futanari and she was wearing just like the male uniform and went she was going inside to have a moment time alone at the school court resting and covering her face with a book while out of a sudden, there is someone interested in him who was lying down just cover by the book on his face to block the sun to his face while he was sleeping there.

Seira: Kaki? what are you doing and now confess to him that you like him if not he got some fans girl?

Haruka: okay fine I will go there and ask him myself

While Kaki was walking over to Karin who was resting in the school backyard while she can hear someone walking straight toward him and he wait for her to get closer to Karin and went Kaki had reached Karin and she was saying to him that was.

Haruka: um...Fujiyoshi senpai can I ask you something before you went back to class?

Out of the blue, Karin fold his book and suddenly went a bit closer to Haruka and he whispered to her ear saying that she was.

Fujiyoshi: Haruka see me after school and meet me inside the empty classroom

Later he step backward toward Kaki and went back to his classroom while she can see her friend are worried Kaki confessed to him about his feeling about having someone who is a girl and she likes to wear some male dressing clothes.

Seira: Kaki are you okay? what did he say to you?

Haruka: he says that meet him in the empty classroom alone

Seira: I think he wants to surprise you with something

Haruka: maybe yea

Once Kaki and Seira went back to their classroom and later Karin went back to the club room full of fucking sex with all the girls who won't have fuck with Karin inside the room while she was waiting for Kaki to answer to meet her at the empty room.

Karin: okay who is up next?

Meanwhile, the school had rung and Karin was there in the empty room waiting for Kaki Haruka to confess to her that telling the truth about me if she can't agree with me then I can leave this school immediately.

Seira: Kaki good luck and all the best for you

Haruka: thank you Seira and we see back each other at the school dormitory

Seira: okay later

Once Seira was leaving Kaki together with Karin who are waiting for her to talk about his feeling for her.

Haruka: I'm here Fujiyoshi senpai

Fujiyoshi: good now close the sliding door for me

Haruka: Sure

While Haruka was closing the sliding door and sudden Fujiyoshi was behind Kaki's back and she can feel her heart rising he turn around to Kaki's body and face him while Kaki's face is blushing and she was asking him some questions about his looking more mature than another male student.

Haruka: Fujiyoshi Senpai...what are you doing at me?

Fujiyoshi: if you want to date me or hang with me the rest of your life can but I have one condition for you to understand

Haruka: sure of course what it is, Fujiyoshi senpai?

Fujiyoshi: I am futanari Kaki

Haruka: what it is that mean?

Fujiyoshi: it means that I am a girl who are loving to wear the male uniform outfit

Haruka: so whole this time you are a girl Senpai?

Fujiyoshi: yes I am Kaki that was my secret but please don't tell anyone that about me

Haruka: I won't I promise but are you sure you are a girl?

Fujiyoshi: yes I am but you can touch my chest and you can feel something

Before Kaki was about to touch Karin's chest and she can feel something so damn beautiful but at the same time she had 6 packs of muscles around her body.

Fujiyoshi: did you feel it now Kaki?

Haruka: yes I feel like I'm touching your boobs chest

After a few moments, later Fujiyoshi and Kaki had a sweet kiss with each other inside the empty room Kaki was seeing her futanari cock huge and she let Fujiyoshi go and seat down on the chair while Kaki take some permission for her to let Kaki touch her futanari huge cock at her pant.

Haruka: Senpai...can I touch your futa cock

Fujiyoshi: sure you will touch my cock whatever you want to

Haruka: thanks Senpai

Meanwhile, Fujiyoshi was seated at the chair inside the empty room and she was seated at the teacher's desk while Kaki was in front of Karin's futa cock she was touching her futa cock while Karin was moaning that people had very serious cum and Karin just open her school pant down and she also wears boxer to cover her huge cock that long but both of Karin's hand are pushing inside into Kaki mouth and she was waiting to cum right inside the mouth and Kaki has swallowed her sperm inside her body.

Karin: oh fuck...yes...yes it is coming to cum any minute now

Haruka: Senpai please cum inside my mouth

Karin: of course and take all of my sticky white sperm Haruka!!

Later Kaki and Karin had done they're having sex together inside the empty room at the Nogizaka private girl school and we are going back to the Nogizaka dormitory he will be sent over to the dormitory and but others can see that Haruka was made with the new male transfer student and who had first ever fuck with Kaki Haruka.

Karin: well Kaki see you tomorrow morning I will go fetch you this morning

Haruka: sure I would like to

Seira: Kaki how did you go?

Haruka: he was so charming and kind of sweet and we did the impossible thing together inside the empty room

Seira: what did you do together with him?

Haruka: we did kiss each other

Seira: congrats Kaki you have done your job and tomorrow he will fetch you from school

The next morning back at the Nogizaka dormitory with the male dorm is upstairs on the 3rd floor of the Nogizaka dormitory with the Member.