Daiten Futeki vs SCP-682

Alright, I know this is not a chapter you all want but this is the shorts version of Daiten Futeki vs SCP-682. It's like when you see two characters fight and see who comes out on top. You can also listen to music while you're at it. Note that I tried to make this as accurate as possible.

Daiten Futeki (Current) vs SCP-682 (Current)

Strength (0-1)

SCP-682 possesses incredible physical strength that allows him to tangle with his fellow Keter-class SCPs, dig into the earth with little effort, mow down multiple peak human SCP personal guards, and smash through metal doors, buildings, tanks, etc.

Speed (0-2)

SCP-682 is also faster than most vehicles on foot, to the point where he could react to a flying helicopter in mid-flight. He can react to bullets, missiles and tank shots, and keep up with SCP-096.

Durability (0-3)

SCP-682's title of "Hard-To-Destroy Reptile" is well earned by the fact that he can shrug of just about anything thrown his way. Explosions, high-powered lasers, blades, bullets, and highly corrosive chemicals alike have to failed to kill him.

IQ (1-3)

SCP-682 is also far from just a mindless brute. He is extremely intelligent and capable of speech, though he rarely converses willingly with the SCP Foundation staff, and cannot be reasoned with at all but Daiten is slightly more intelligent than the average human, I mean he studied to become a pilot, learn many different languages, he also played some Call of Duty games with Chusei.

Battle IQ (1-4)

SCP-682 lived for thousands of years and obviously he has some battle experience in a fight.

Skill (1-5)

SCP-682 was able to outblink SCP-173 and keep it at bay by forming Omnidirectional Vision, ate SCP-743 for hours, basically becoming an infinite source of sustenance with 743's ants devouring 21% of his mass, placed in a room with SCP-096. Soon afterwards 682 was shown to have 87% of its mass gone and 096 huddled up in a corner, shall I go on ?

Combat (1-6)

SCP-682 has fought against SCP-076 and neither of them won nor lost, ever since then SCP-682 has gain a lot of combat experience.

Hax (1-7)

SCP-682's adaptability and regeneration is broken as hell, making him one of the toughest SCPs in existence.

Better Hax (2-7)

Although, SCP-682 is powerful, but it's nothing compared to the power of STANDO POWAH. SCP-682 can't even adapt it because he's not a stand user... yet.

Stamina (2-8)

SCP-682 has limitless stamina, hands down.

Endurance (2-9)

SCP-682 survived getting his neck snapped by SCP-173, and he survived SCP-106 and SCP-953's battle against each other.

Abilities (3-9)

Despite SCP-682 abilities are considered broken, but again Daiten Futeki has stands, while it won't kill SCP-682, it will incapacitate him for a while.

AP = Attack Potency (4-9)

Daiten only received the JoJo system for a few weeks and he has a long way to go if he want to compete with other powerful SCPs.

DC = Destructive Capability (4-10)

Obviously SCP-682 has more Destructive Capability than any other SCPs, except for a certain few.

Power (4-11)

In terms of power, SCP-682 obviously has the upper hand, I mean he just tossed Daiten aside like it's nothing.

1V1 Hand to Hand (5-11)

Daiten of course wins, sure SCP-682 can adapt to grow hands, but Daiten is a martial arts expert.

Experience (5-12)

SCP-682 has lived a long long LONG time, obviously he's fought a lot of opponents over the last few thousand years. At least I think so.

Knowledge (6-13)

SCP-682 is theoretically immortal meaning he has a lot of knowledge over the years, and is probably the reason why he hates all life but Daiten was from the real world, meaning he has knowledge of SCPs, Stands and probably a lot more.

Stealth (7-13)

Daiten sneaks into the St Patrick Cathedral without much effort.

Agility (8-13)

Daiten is human and is smaller and agile than SCP-682.

Feats (8-14)

SCP-682 has fought SCP-001,The Gate Guardian, SCP-096, The Shy Guy, SCP-162, Ball of Sharp, SCP-076, Able, SCP-106, The Old Man and many more and survived.

Offense (8-15)

SCP-682 has teeth used for catching and thrashing his prey, his claws can lift, grab, claw and slash things, used to mutilate his prey and his tail is used for whipping and clubbing.

Defence (9-15)

Daiten has his stands which SCP-682 can't even hurt or kill and he can wear it as armor in order to defend himself.

Range (10-15)

Daiten's [Hierophant Green] has a range of around 25 meters which can use [Emerald Splash] in a distance, while SCP-682 is a close range fighter.

Stands (11-15)

I think I don't need to explain this.

Adaptability (11-16)

When injured in a specific way, 682 will adapt to that negative stimulus, sometimes by incorporating it into his own body, which has lead to many, many, many, many, many, many, many, MANY different adaptations over the years. 682's adaptations can include changing his size, growing extra appendages, becoming immune to all known diseases and viruses, shifting his own genetic makeup, reanimating himself from death, absorbing other's abilities, become multiple entities, and many MANY more.

Reaction speed (12-16)

Daiten was able to dodge SCP-682 not once, not twice but three times and he dodges his acid spit.

Combat speed (13-16)

Muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda...

That's it.

Versatility (14-16)

SCP-682's adaptability is without doubt one of the most versatile abilities in the SCP universe, but SCP-682 can only use his adaptability once and it is only temporary, while as only Daiten has his stands slots meaning he can use multiple stands at the same time while as SCP-682 cannot.

Regeneration (14-17)

One of SCP-682's most broken traits is his healing factor that allows him to take so much abuse. He can instantaneously regenerate from wounds that no other organism should, like having 87% of his body destroyed, living in a room filled with acid, and regenerating from 0.03 ml of blood.

Resistance (14-18)

The SCP Foundation has made hundreds of attempts to kill SCP-682 and each time they did, He just adapted to it, but not before he suffered a lot of damage to him before he can adapt to it.

Reflexes (15-18)

Daiten has trained for years with his martial arts teachers and since then, he has honed his reflexes to the best as he can, but with [Gamer's body] he can train himself to the point of probably dodging lasers.

Precision (16-18)

Harvest is able to pierce veins and other body parts with ease, and SCP-682 is a brute, meaning he's not a really good sniper.

Potential (17-18)

Daiten is the protagonist of this story, of course he have potential.

Accuracy (18-18)

Daiten Futeki has studied biology meaning he knows every single veins and where to aim and pierce it with [Harvest]

Technique (19-18)

Daiten has [Harvest] which he can use in a variety of ways along with [Hierophant Green]

Winner ?

Daiten Futeki Extreme Diff