Xavier's Hero School

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Words: 1580


Akira woke up sometime later, laying in an unfamiliar bed in a foreign room. He groaned in pain. He rubbed his tired eyes, intent on falling back asleep to heal. A good portion of the damage had been healed, now all that was left was to get some more rest and wait to fully heal.

'I must be in the police station.' He surmised, his eyes struggling to stage open.

Closing them again, Akira tried to fall back asleep, but they were opened again when he heard a knock on the door.

Cathleen was dressed exactly the same Akira had last seen her. There were rips and tears across her costume, and parts of her body looked scuffed up, bruised and burned, and even her lip was slightly busted. In summary, she was fine.

"Must have been quite a fight to rough you up this much."

"It was," Cathleen rubbed her split lip, "Quite the challenge, but it was nothing for me in the end. On the other hand, I really wish I saw your fight, that priest guy must have been strong if they planned to delay me with him."

"Delay you?"

Cathleen nodded grimly, "That bastard I fought was from the Holysee church, same as the one you fought. Apparently he was an 'Apostle' or something. Since both of these attacks happened at the same time, one of them was meant to distract me. If I stayed here, then they would have tried to delay me as much as possible, giving more time for the bishop to destroy Washington. Since I left, their plan was obviously to create chaos in Washington to distract the growing rally here. They would have killed hundreds of thousands by the time they were stopped," She smiled, "Thankfully you were here, and you stopped them."

Akira blushed, his cheeks turning a red crimson at the praise of his mentor, "It was nothing."

"Oh please, if this rally was meant to distract me, then that priest guy must have been strong." Cathleen pointed out. "If you weren't here, then no matter what I choose, it would be much worse."

"Don't thank me," Akira said, trying to change the subject, "Thank God, he really works in mysterious ways doesn't he?"

They shared a laugh.


"And now…witness the birth of the supervillain, Plut–AHHHHHHHH"

Akira sighed, his hands crackling with electricity. He let the unconscious body drop into his arms, hair shocked up and buzzing with electricity. He got out a pair of metal handcuffs and put them on the criminal, setting him to the side of the street. He next got his phone out, pinging the location on his phone to notify the police.

He looked at his battery, 19%. Akira smiled, running a short jolt of electricity through his phone as the battery shot up. He turned his attention elsewhere, dashing up towards a nearby building where Cathleen was watching.

"So, how was I?"

"Good," Cathleen nodded. Akira sensed a 'but' coming, "But! You need to have a smile on your face, and reassure the citizens around you that they are safe."

"They were safe though, that man was nothing more than a delusional thug." Akira argued.

"Still, it is always better to make your presence known. It sparks popularity, interest, and reassurance in the people. Imagine if someone recorded that? When you're as famous as people like All Might and myself, people are bound to record every move you make, and if you did something like that and it was put online…" Cathleen tutted, "People would start to think you're not in the game, that you don't care about saving people. Rumours will start to spread, and the media eats those rumours up like a vulture, and trust me, that's not a good place to be in."

Akira sighed, 'This better not be like this in Japan.'

"I know what you're thinking," Cathleen piped up, "It's not as common in Japan, but if you want to be the symbol of peace, then this stuff will happen 10x more often than say…Endeavour, or any other hero in the top 10. The spotlight is on you, you need to be careful and cautious about what you do in it. The number 1 spot isn't just a ranking, it's a mantle you need to uphold with integrity and respect."

"Got it." Akira had a lot to think about. It was nothing he had trouble doing, but it was something that he would find boring and mentally taxing. This was one of the inherent advantages of being a vigilante, his face was hidden behind a mask.

"Let's go, there's a good pizza place in New York that Dan told me about, I can't wait to try it." Cathleen said, jumping up like a little girl.

"We're going to New York for lunch?"

"Not just lunch, we're also paying a trip to the number one school in America…Xavier's hero school."


Xavier hero school. It was the second most prestigious hero school in the world, only falling shortly behind UA in terms of its credibility and the quality of the hero's it produced. The school was established shortly after the dawn of quirks by Xavier Masters, who made the building from the ground up with his quirk. Xavier dedicated his life towards teaching the small percentage of the population how to control their quirks, and even how to fight with them. He also spent lots of his life trying to improve the image of the quirked people, as back during his time they were viewed as monsters and hunted down.

As the years passed and the views towards quirks changed, so did the objective of the school. They remained true to their roots in the sense of teaching the students how to use and fight with their quirks, but their objective changed from fighting back against discrimination to training to become fully fledged heroes.

With the foundation and reputation of Xavier's hero school established by the founder itself, it quickly rose to fame, and has remained one of the best hero schools in the world for hundreds of years.

"So you're here to deliver a speech?" What was it with hero's and speeches?

"Of course! The interns have just finished their internships and had a short one week break. They need to hit the new term with a running head start. What better way than to rile up America's future hero's than to have a speech from the number one hero in the country?" Cathleen paused, her lips turning into a smirk, "I hear there's some promising prospects this year, I mean it's a lot better than your year…"

"Hey!" Akira felt offended, "It's not my fault my year sucks, it's just luck of the draw, and UA hit pennies and dimes this year." Aside from himself of course, "I bet you next year will be better."

And it was a bet he knew he was going to win. With heroes like Izuku, Bakugou and Todoroki, the roster for next year looked 10x better than it was last year. Even minor characters like Tsuyu and Kaminari had good quirks, and most likely wouldn't have been expelled if they were a year younger. They also had the big three who would make themselves properly known next year…come to think of it, why was this year the outlier for having such a disappointing set of students, or should he say, former students.

Before Cathleen could reply, her attention became focused on the man that walked out of the front door. The man looked old, with a slight amount of wrinkles showing on face, but he looked otherwise fine. On second glance, the man looked much healthier than other people his age. Despite wearing a suit, his large muscles were still very much visible, and every step he took oozed with power and confidence.

"Cathy, it's great to see you." The large man brought Cath in a tender and loving hug. Cathleen reciprocated, her tears welling up in her eyes, "It's great to see you Sensei."

Akira stood there awkwardly, hands in his pocket as he glanced around. He didn't want to interrupt their reunion, but Akira had already been standing there for over a minute. Thankfully, before Akira made a decision, they pulled back from their embrace.

"Akira, this is my Sensei, Arnold. He used to be a hero under the name Terminator, but retired and became a teacher at Xavier's hero school. He was also the one who taught me all I know." Cathleen said, a massive well of emotions in her voice.

She turned to Arnold, "Sensei, this is Akira, my intern."

Arnold observed Akira with a curious eye, "An intern? Despite being so old, I clearly remember you being adamant about never having an intern. 20 years later, and you now have an intern? What happened?"

"His quirk happened. It's the same as mine." The fact that she so easily divulged the information told Akira how much she trusted him.

Arnold's eyes widened slightly, "I see, well it's nice to meet you Akira, hopefully you can get along with some of my students your age. I'm sure you're already sick of Cathleen and her jokes by now."


"We should get going, classes start soon, and I need to make the announcement for all students to go to the yard." He chuckled to himself, "I can't wait to see the look on my students' faces when they see you."
