Chapter 5

Sorry Guys that is has been a while. I was busy doing other things and trying to get a new setup to post more videos on my tiktok. I post clips and stuff like that. If your interested its Xeos_Yoshimori like has a picture of goku in dragon ball super. i use this name for almost everything since its a demon me an my brother created. Anyways, back to the story.

Several years have passed after he went through his demonic transformation and we see our MC running around on a battlefield slaughtering countless demons without any mercy with a cold dead face and lifeless eyes. Let us do a quick recap how this came to be.

When he woke up after becoming a demon, he was surrounded by an army who sensed his powerful demonic aura and decided to investigate. He didn't know what was happening but knew it wasn't good. Without any warning he slashed one of the demons neck wide open and continued to fight until he was finally detained. He managed to kill 50 of them bastards before he was finally subdued.

He was brought forward to their leader and he was forced to kneel before the leader. The leader was a beautiful woman with long silky black hair and cold light blue colored eyes that would freeze anyone in place if they pissed her off. Her lips were red and she had several jewelry around her neck and a few rings on her hands. She had this sexy tanned body that was to die for. She wore black high heels and has this domineering aura around her. She basically offered him to join her or she would kill him. Xeos actually laughed at that but decided not to anger her since it's not like he teleport to somewhere safe. His dead body stays where he dies.

She was obviously upset and asked whats funny. He told her since he didn't really care anyway that he couldn't die. He would come back alive after 24 hours and be back as new. The leader obviously not believing him killed him on the spot and decided to see if what he says is true.

They dragged his body into the dungeon and locked him in. Sure enough 24 hours later he was awake and alive and was doing stretches when the guards came to remove his corpse and to their surprised he was alive. They knew it wasn't a trick because the queen decapitated him and here he was with a head and stretching.

After that, they proceeded to experiment on him to get better results and see if anything could kill him. They proceeded to experiment/torture him for years and killing him a total amount of 935 times. That's the number of times total he died according to Azumi who's one of her function was to keep count of how many times he died.

After that they completely broke him and made him an emotionless person and due to all the experiments, he became way, way stronger by about 100 times then before the experiments. He was still weaker than the leader but beside her, he was the strongest one in her army. She recruited him and made him prove himself worthy of her mercy. She wanted to keep experimenting on him but decided she needed a super soldier on her side.

He served her for several countless years and thus brings us to the current situation with him fighting on the battlefield.

Xeos sensed an attack from behind and slice the worthless trash head clean off. He spun around really fast becoming a tornado of some sorts with 2 blades poking through the tornado and sliced counts of demons into pieces without any wasted movement.

Multiple demons recognized him and couldn't contain their fear of facing "The blood Wolf" since Xeos took the appearance of a demonic wolf with fangs, claws, ears, and tail of a wolf. His sense of smell was superior and his other senses were beyond the advance wolf demons due to the experiments.

Xeos after finishing spinning was completely covered in blood and simply spun around really quick and whip the blood off him. Their was still some blood but not that bad. He still had some blood spatter on his face which just makes him look that much scarier. He grabbed his two swords and ran towards the fleeing demons and cutting them in pieces without mercy.

Xeos is not one to let his prey escaped willingly. He saw someone swing his sword in his direction and blocked it with his left sword and with his right he shoved it through the mans stomach and disemboweled him and then crushed his head when he fell into a bloody goo.

The battle continued for several hours and yet Xeos hasn't shown the slightest bit of fatigue and was still basically as well as off before the fight even happened. The battle was over and he emerged victorious. That's right i said he and not they. Meaning it was just Xeos vs an army of 20,000 and he emerged victorious. Any injury he had was healed due to his regeneration.

He decided to loot whatever he could off the enemy since Azumi now has an infinite storage system due to once again the experiments. Apparently one of the conditions to unlock the storage was extremely high pain without dying and the other was just a kill count.

Xeos after looting and storing anything useful proceeded to head to the next battlefield but not before leaving a flag behind indicating that he won and the flag was the leaders symbol on one side which was a flower with a knife through it and the backside of a bloody wolf indicating Xeos. So if anyone happens to be come across this place they'll know who was responsible since everyone knows "The Blood Wolf" Works alone for the Stinging Rose which is the army his leader runs.