Chapter 7

Sorry guys but im gonna move ahead of my plans so this chapter will seem very rushed or whatnot. I couldn't think of anything else after the slaughterhouse except for him changing dimensions obviously since i hinted at it. So i decided to change the dimension this chapter, to bring in more inspiration and get the juices flowing so to speak. Sorry if this annoys you but i always had planned for him to get to this dimension eventually to help him regain some emotions. I just couldn't think of a decent way to do it so i just said screw it and you'll see what i mean. Thank you for your patience and i'll try not to make another rushed chapter like this one.




What Xeos didn't know was that a trap to get rid of him was waiting for him on the inside of the slaughterhouse.

As soon as he entered the area, the dimension began shaking. Xeos didn't know what was going on. This hasn't ever occurred before as long as he was here which was a very, very, long time. The realm kept shaking and all of a sudden a tear was ripped from the dimension in front of Xeos. He gritted his teeth and was trying to resist the suction the tear was releasing. He was about to remove the restrictions on him when he suddenly lost consciousness. The last thing he saw was a man dressed in a cape and hood with what looked like ancient armor with a smirk on his face.

"You wanted to leave this realm and frankly your becoming an nuisance so why not fulfill your wish. Though i doubt you'll survive hehe" The mysterious being said.

Xeos's body was instantly sucked through the portal. His body entered into a different dimension and was being slowly destroyed. Luckily, his regeneration was saving his life but he was still slowly dying.

The dimension he ended up in is the Gap between Dimensions. This is where all dimensions from every reality exists. Including anime and fanfictions. His body was just drifting quickly through the area when he suddenly entered into a random dimension and was thrust inside.

Xeos's body started to fall thanks to the gravity. He managed to open his eyes and saw two gigantic dragons clashing together, with what looks like multiple people surrounded them. The last thing he saw was a person with 12 golden wings and white robes facing the dragons alone before he crashed into the ground.






After a long time, Xeos finally managed to regain consciousness and was trying to open his eyes but he couldn't. He tried moving his arms and legs but found they had some resistance. He finally managed to open his eyes and all he saw was dirt and darkness. He immediately realized he was buried and decided to use a mini shock wave to get himself free.

After successfully managing to get free, he checked his surroundings and saw he was in the middle of a forest inside a large crater. He tried remembering what happened but couldn't. He remembered going towards the slaughter house but after that nothing.

He suddenly had a massive headache and then he remembered the strange mans last words and was both royally pissed off but also excited for obvious reasons. (Azumi, You There?) he thought. (Yes Xeos, I'm here). Xeos was relieved to hear her voice. (What happened and how long was i asleep for). He knew he was out for quite a bit of time considering how weak and numb his body was for not moving for so long. (Several Centuries, at the least) she replied.

Xeos nodded his head after hearing her. He decided to do some exercising to get his body back in shape. He spent the next three days exercising and running nonstop the whole time and was finally back in working condition. At first it wasn't easy but it got progressively easier as time passed.

After finishing working out and stretching, he decided to figure out his surroundings. The last thing he saw before crashing was a bunch of people fighting and two gigantic dragons and a man in white with 12 golden wings. He felt his blood boil in excitement after seeing the dragons. Even though he was far away, he still felt their strength and knew that they were stronger than him but not by much.

To put it into simpler terms the dragons are level 100 while Xeos was level 80. So yea weaker but that doesn't deter him at all. He doesn't care if he was slaughtered by someone stronger. He takes it as a learning experience.

He suddenly heard voices from behind and decided to hide himself just in case. He doesn't know where he is so some caution is advise. He saw three "People" flying above him. The first thing he noticed was the black feathered wings on their backs which confused Xeos for a second but decided not to care. He heard one of the black winged guys talking and decided to listen.

"Are you sure that you felt a magical aura around here Ralph". The guy name Ralph just sneered and said "Yea you dumb ass otherwise i wouldn't waste my time". The other guy who was silent till now said "You better be right or it's your head we'll be chopping". Ralph just look at him and said "Go f*ck yourself Kilo". Kilo gritted his teeth and was about to make a spear of light but was interrupted by their leader. "Shut up, both of you. The devils and angels are interested in this strange magic as well and we need to make sure us fallen angels get our hands on it first. So stop arguing and more looking". Ralph and Kilo both grunted but decided to follow his orders.

"By the way Aki, Do we have any other mission after this one or are we finally going back to HQ" Kilo asked their leader. Aki looked at Kilo "No after this we are going back to HQ to report to our leader. Kilo and Ralph just nodded their heads and started to look for the strange magical source.

Xeos decided to stay hidden and follow them secretly. He learned that there are also demons here along with angels and fallen angels just like his previous world he was in. Though he never seen an angel or fallen before since each race had their own area and we never interacted with other races.

He was looking forward to seeing just how powerful these guys are at a later date and once he saw them enter an abandon building nearby, he decided to head back and try to navigate the area more and figure out a plan.

All Xeos knew was that he was finally gonna have some fun hehehe.