So, what does everyting mean?

yeah so apparently people are actually reading this so if I want to do it all the way (and I do) I need to explain some mayor things in the story.

you see, this story is happening inside of an even bigger story, and when I mean big I mean this whole book is just 1 chapter of 9 (could be more or less, it depends how much I divide it ) so there are some factors you are "supposed" to know by know and won't be stablish again by the characters because.... well it would be weird for them to say things again in universe so let's get going here

How does this universe work?

this universe lost its god, literally, I call it "kami" for now, kami suddenly appeared in the void at the same time the big bang occurred, kami could only control matter and energy (kinda like Cecile but Cecile is locked at matter) but didn't have "god" powers. he used that to make the universe and made a universe size being that I call it "the drafter" the drafter unlike kami has reality bending powers and uses those to get rid of kami. how? the drafter's powers work via contracts he makes with souls. he uses those contracts on the (at the time) only living humans in the universe, 8 in total,

the contract said that if they accepted that kami would disappear those 8 human would get a "whatever you want" contract without disadvantages, 7 of those 8 ended up becoming the high council of the universe, being all powerful and ruling everything in sight. and the drafter ended up outside the universe, watching as everything crumbles and eventually reaches its end

once I do the full story I'll expand on the characters and motivations of everyone, but in a nutshell that is why there is a high council that rules everything.

Cecile explains that "sometimes people are born with powers" but in reality it's a little less random than you think. outside the universe and near the drafter there exists something that at the moment I call "the matrix" a universal size orb of energy that has inside an infinite amount of souls and energy, when someone dies their soul gets sended to the matrix to be one day reborn under a new life. but when multiple people die in a short period of time there is a chance their soul will combine with another soul trying to be reborn, making that way an "awakened" soul, and those souls are the ones that will be born with powers. the more people die, the more combined souls and the more powerful the awakened soul will be. and remember this because it will be important.

as of chapter 4: Alan and Cecile mention madame Gustave. and she is important, not only because she is part of the seven idiots running the universe, but she also is the mother of one of the protagonists of protect Juno (name of the full history of this universe) she is quite a bitch if I say so myself, her daughter is the one responsible for the production of that camera Cecile uses to record faraday, and that was made almost 26 years ago from where this history happens.

I'll be adding extra content to this chapter as more is revealed in the story so come back everytime a new chapter releases