11- why does your head do that?

Ok I think I'm done with the drawings, I've been doing some random doodles in some papers that I had here in the room, I'm curious about that thing faraday does where there's a....letter? on top of her head, now that I think about it, why it's only question marks and exclamation marks? I've never seen a normal letter or other drawings.

hmmm. this just makes me want to learn more about it.

alright, all set and done, let's start the experiment.

I tap on the window to get faraday's attention.

-faraday, I'm done, I'm coming in.


she says while quickly finishing what she was writing in her book to close it and coming to the door as fast as she can.....well, not really, she just ran.

when the door opens I'm greeted by a big smile and a blueish light that surely can't be good for the eye...

I need to investigate that too

-so what are we testing today miss Cecile?

-i need to show you some images and I need to see what do you think about them

-i didn't knew you were an artist miss Cecile

says faraday surprised

- well I'm.... yeah, anyway. here, take a seat


-now, look at this drawing and tell me what do you see.

- I.... uh.....

the thing I'm looking for appears right in front of my eyes, lasting exactly 1.5 seconds



-oh it's nothing, what do you see?

- I really.... don't see anything miss Cecile.

-correct, that was a test.

- did I pass?

-of course you did


-right, next one, what do you see in this picture?


no response, even when i made sure to make this one even more nonsensical, does she perhaps build a resistance for "surprises"?.


-nope, I still don't see Anything.... I guess I kinda see a baseball?

-well yeah I suppose there's one, anyway. next one.

the past two pictures were designed to be just random scribbles on a paper, I basically just did random motions with a pencil, now the next ones are quite.... the same actually....

I don't know how to draw...

but I TRIED to make some birds in the next one.

-how about this one

an exclamation point appears on top of faraday, fading in the same amount of time as the last one.


- settle down faraday, right, what do you see?


says faraday with a smile.


-what? it's not what they are?

the question mark appears again.

-... no

-oh, then wha-

-anyway, next one

I drew a couple of flowers in a bed of grass


-flowers, I think

-that's... right actually, nice job faraday.

my body decides that the best way to compensate faraday for her efforts is a smile directly to her eyes, she blushes

a heart appears on top of her


-what happened?! is something wrong?

a question mark replaces the heart, followed by a worried look from the blue girl.

-ok you really don't know what happens on top of you right?

-on to-... no? is something in my hair? I've seen you staring at my head this whole time and I was getting worried I had something in my hair.

faraday rubs her hair as if trying to get rid of the nonexistent thing on top of it

-no no, it's not your hair, I mean literally on top of your head.

-what is wrong with my head?

says faraday, worried again, this time with both hands on the sides of her head.

- ok I guess not.

-miss Cecile please tell me, I'm getting really nervous.

- there are times where symbols appear on top of your head.


-yes, symbols, literally.

I notice the question mark doesn't appear again. I think I've figured out.

faraday turns her head upwards and tries to see what I mean, but there's nothing there.

- for real?

-yes, when you're suprised, mostly, as far as I have seen, I've seen question marks and exclamation points... among other things.

-whaaat? I didn't know I could do that!.

the exclamation again, this confirms it.

-and as far as I have seen there seems that you can only make one until you swap to another one those symbols, in other words you can't make 2 of the same one after the other.

- I- uh... what?.

question mark


-what? where?!.

she turns again, it fades away when she turns once again

- they don't last long that is for sure.

-aww come on miss Cecile you don't have to mess with me like that...

-i'm not messing with you, I swear!, here, let me see if I can take a picture.

- is that a ph-




-oh god sorry I forgot I had the flash on. I'm really sorry faraday.

- aw aw aw I can't see... miss Cecile I can't seeeee, I think I'm blind oh no oh god.

tears start pilling up in her eyes.

-oh faraday you're not blind, not permanently at least, it will fade out in a moment.

-my eyes hurt.

she says while rubbing them.

despite the fact that we are "friends" now, there's still a possibility that bad things start pilling up and someday she will snap out of the sudden, so better to leave things all nice and easy.

- I'm really sorry I swear it's not going to happen again, look, if you forgive me I'll give you something special, how about that?

- you don't need to give me something miss Cecile, I know it was an accident, I forgive you.

-aw come on it's just a.... signal(?) of our friendship, wait here, I'll go and get it.

- okaaay, aw it still hurts.

I rush inside the office without even thinking about what the hell I'm even giving to her, I made up a present.

ok let me see what I can find here, there must be something worth of a gift, there are books, books....books.

I doubt she could use a lamp, I doubt even more a use for a desk, I don't even know If I can move the desk.

so.... book, book there is.

I have a chemistry one right here, Alan told me that they teached her just the basics of almost everything so I suppose she could learn a thing or two from this book.

who gifts a book?

oh right, me.

I come back to the cell, seeing faraday slowly moving a finger in front of her eyes while trying to follow it, does she really believe that she is blind for life? a flash lasts like 15 seconds at best.

- do you still have trouble with your eyes?

- a little bit, I see blurry where the finger was, but it's getting less and less noticeable, I think it's getting better.

-huh... that is lasting way longer than usual, are your eyes more sensitive? I wonder...

- I usually don't have problems seeing things, but this is the first time I get a flash of light right in front of my eyes.

-i'll study that another day, on the meantime, here, the gift I promised.

-miss Cecile I swear I don't need a present or anything, I'm already really happy due to the dress.

she says while swinging her arms to signal me that she can't accept it.

- I really want you t have it ok?

-i uh... ok I get it... thanks a lot miss Cecile.

with her smile our eyes meet for a second, a really long one, the tension gets high and I give up, I rush to look to literally any other thing in the room.

-ehm *clears troath* anyway, let me see if the picture I took captured what I meant...

oh look at that, a picture of faraday all dazed out, clearly displaying the symbol on top of her head, huh, I got a good hand for photos.

- look, there it is.

faraday looks at the photo while holding the book with her arms.

she giggles a bit.

- hehe, I look funny.

-ha, yeah you do, and look, here is what I told you.

- oooooh - faraday looks again on top of her, with her mouth still making that sound- so they are real.

- you didn't know for real?

-nope, this is the first time I've heard about it, I didn't knew that my head could do that.

-so you don't feel anything when that happens? like a little bit of pain or something?

- nope.

-huh, it is subconscious then, well I don't really see how that can be a problem so I don't think I need to do more experiments with that.

- are we done then?

- I guess so, I need to ask for more materials for future experiments because right now I have... paper, basically.

- are you leaving for today miss Cecile?

- I uh.... nah, I think I'm gonna stay for a bit, I need to write what I got from this tests. I'll be on the other room, if you need something be sure to call me out, ok?

-okay miss Cecile.


today miss Cecile did a experiment with me, it was quite fun, she showed me some drawings and asked me to tell her what I saw in them, I didn't saw anything in like 3 of them and for some reason she got a little mad when I saw her drawing of moustaches.

today miss Cecile took a picture of me and the flash hurt my eyes a lot, nonetheless it was my first time getting a photo, I don't know if it was fun or no, mostly not.

but thanks to that I discovered that my head does weird things even if I didn't knew about them, apparently symbols appear on top of it depending in what my reaction is, the picture I saw had a question mark, but I think other feelings get represented too, one of them almost scared miss Cecile.

I wonder if it had something to do with me being happy.