18- Gustave

the big lady screamed at miss Cecile, she yelled her to get out of the room, after that Alan rushed to the panel and turned down the mic, so I can't actually hear anything going on on the room anymore, all I can see is the big lady arguing with Alan, he is mostly just shaking and nodding when she apparently asks something. after a while they finally stop arguing and Alan is leaning his head so much he practically looks like a big L. they stopped doing that after he made that reverence, now the big lady is looking at me from the other side of the window, she says a word without turning around and Alan pushes a button on the panel, the door to my room opens and she come inside, she looks annoyed but also calm at the same time, it almost looks like she wants to scold me, I'm actually scared of her, I was since she came inside the control room, almost like I know her from before, but I swear I've never seen her in my life.


she says seriously at me, I feel like she is really mad at me.

-you... you've done nothing but cause me trouble time after time again...

-b-but I've-

-you just can't give me a brake can you?. listen, I need you to do something, again, to my disgrace.

you've done nothing but waste the time of the doctor I brought.

-miss ceci-

-S I L E N C E


I feel a heavy weight all around my body, a great pressure builds around my chest and I feel extremely tired all of the sudden.

she walks towards me and stops right in front of me.

-you're not allowed to talk to me do you understand?

I try to say yes but my jaw is locked in place and even barely moving my lips feels like I'm moving tons of weight, all I can do is barely make a sound and nod slowly my head.


the pressure stops and I feel a really big relief in my body.

-you're only allowed to say yes when I ask you to do something and nothing else, any other mean of communication is extremely prohibited from this point on, you're not allowed to talk to me or any other person in this facility unless I ask you precisely to do so.

do you understand?

-of cou- AAAAAAGH

my chest hurts a lot, I feel as if my lung is being crushed down. I start crying from the pain.



- that is not the answer I'm asking for, am I?.

the pain increases much more now, I can feel liquid coming from my nose but I'm so focused on the pain that I can't even think of anything else.

- now, answer me, are you a stupid animal?!



I fall to the ground, my head hits the floor sideways and I feel the liquid gushing out of my nose, my bluried vision is enough to see the red paddle forming in front of me. I feel my lung being repaired by my body, and the blurriness starts fading away quickly. I try to stand up but I feel really tired so I just sit down on the floor.

- from now on I am in charge of dealing with you.

I see that they've done nothing but spoil you like you're some kind of kid.

a room, a bathroom band even *she holds faraday's music player* toys... this facility was made for dealing with beasts and mutants who believe they have a place in society. you're not different from any of them, you deserve nothing but the same treatment that the others have. from now on everything here will be removed and confiscated until further notice. and services like food are to be extremely reduced according to the regulations of the facility, no.... you don't deserve such right, unfortunately to me the other 6 idiots demand me to keep you alive for some reason I cannot comprehend so I can't just kill you by starvation, I'll only feed you once every 2 days.

do you understand what is going to happen?


-good, now stay on the corner of the room while I dispose of all of this, you're to only be able to walk inside the perimeter of the cage you were given, anything else will result in punishment. do I need to remind you what punishment is?


I stop from saying anything because I really don't know what to do, she wants me to say yes but that will just make her hurt me more and I don't want to... I do-....I...i..


faraday started crying, my fist were clenched in anger but I couldn't do anything but watch from afar, cowardly hiding from the demon herself that was hunting us all, my little girls was crying in a corner of a room and I couldn't go inside to even try to make her feel safe.

-such a pathetic excuse for a human being.

Gustave said with disgust on her face, my anger grew bigger and bigger because of those words.


I scream unintentionally.

she turns around and stops her walk directly to faraday, now she is facing my way with a face someone would see a psychopath doing. her head leaning my way but her eyes fixed to mine. she walks towards the glass separating the rooms.

- you are one of my best men Alan, but even you know when you should shut up and restrain yourself, I expect you to behave yourself from now on.

I avoid a bullet only by my reputation. she ceases her stare and walks inside the room, she stands by my side and gets close to my face, I freeze in place due to the sheer stress I feel at the moment.

-and something else. please be sure to understand the difference between an experiment and your offspring, this is not your daughter Alan, it's a failure, learn the difference or we'll have to deal with it like I did with my daughter. do I make myself clear?

-.... yes madame gustave...

-perfect, you wasted that safe zone Alan, one more of those and you're officially out of this, I'll let it slide for now... and make that THING shut up, their crying is giving me a headache.

-yes, madame gustave.

she walks away from the room. leaving me to the almost silence of the room, the only thing stopping this moment from being a void of silence is the muffled sobbing coming from the room right in front of me, I gather all the strength I have in my body to take steps towards the room, when I open the door I see faraday sitting in the corner crying, hugging her knees and trying to hide her face in her legs.

I approach her slowly and I put my hand on her shoulder, I pull her just enough so she can rest on my shoulder and I tightly hug her head to my chest, her crying gets more intense and she hugs my torso.

-don't worry honey, I swear it's just temporary, it'll be over soon I swear.