27- End of the picnic

I helped Mildred pick up everything we put in the floor for the picnic, I ate so much lasagna that I had a lot of trouble even kneeling to pick up stuff from the ground, I ate like 3/4 of the whole thing, meanwhile, Mildred just ate that part and ate one of my sandwiches, she said it was more delicious than the lasagna but I know for a fact she was lying, even I knew those were "meh" at best.

In fact, I only brought 2 of them because that is why I thought would be enough to feed 2 adults, it didn't.

We sat down in the tree while throwing rocks at the pond while my stomach stopped aching and being 3 times as large.

-So, I really wanted to ask yesterday...


-Why are you so... tired?.

-I told you already.

-But I mean... for real, that is keeping you awake at night, you told me this was happening even before you were fired.

-Talking about that, apparently I'm no longer fired, I never was in the first place.

-Oh that is wonderful, then when are you going back?.

-Best case scenario is at the end of the week.

-And worst?.

- I never come back.


-Yep. Guess all I need to do is just wait around until I get some news regarding when I go back.

-I really hope you can get your work back!


But you didn't answer my question.

-Oh, that... well, I have no idea, I think it's something genetic.

-I thought it was stress.

-It's getting worse with stress but I used to have periods of insomnia even before working there.

-But like... that strong?.

-No, I'm actually talking about not sleeping for 2-3 hours after I was supposed to be asleep.

-But that's not how insomnia works.

-Are you sure?.

-...Not really, but I'm pretty sure what's happening to you now doesn't have to do with those previous instances.

- How can you be so sure?.

- A problem like that doesn't start with little bits and starts growing up with you, it's starts strong and keeps being strong, if anything, the difference from when you started having those and now should be of 1 or 2 hours, but would still be entire nights of insomnia.

-You... seem to know about these.

-That is how happened to me with my panic attacks.

She says while launching a pebble to the lake, still having a little smile on her face, just acting as if nothing is wrong with what she said. Just... looking like what she said was just as normal as telling me how nice the weather is.

-... How long have you been having those?.

-Ever since my brain had a consciousness.

- Why did a kid develop such a horrible condition?.


Her arms are now resting on her knees, her heads gets down but even at this moment, she doesn't look sad, just.... slightly disappointed.

Like if I told her something she just wanted to forget, not something traumatic or horrible, just... something she didn't want to remember.

But I know well at this point that even getting her to look like that means something horrible must have happened in her past. I won't continue scratching her mind, even if it's just today, I'm pretty sure she had enough.

-Anyway, I think my stomach doesn't ache as much now, we can get going now.

- Oh we're leaving now?. What hour is it?.

- I think it's about 5 pm. we... wow we took our time.

- 4 hours just eating and watching ducks on a pond sounds like we had a really good afternoon!.

-Time passed really quick, yeah.


She is waiting for me to stand up while she already is up and steady, even stretching her back to prepare for the walk back home.

As she notices me not standing up, she looks to me.

-What's wrong?.

-.... Can you help me stand up?.

I say as I extend my arm to her.

-Oh, haha, sure.

She pulls me upwards with both her arms and using all of her weight.

She is either too weak or...

Am I to heavy?.... *critical hit to self esteem*

-nggh-Ah, thanks, appreciate it.

-You're welcome :D.

-Now, let's go, I don't think they'll let the park open for much longer.

-Actually I'm pretty sure they do.

-For real?.

-I saw it open once at like 10 pm, they have lights for when people want to come at night to spend time with each other, you should see it some day, the colors are really pretty when it's night time :D.

-Guess I'll come and visit when I can't sleep, hopefully I'll get so bored that I'll sleep on one of the benches.

-Oh don't say that, you can have a lot of fun with someone at night, this is a really good place to hangout with a friend, specially for when you invite someone who doesn't go out often. I was like that actually Hehe.

-And somebody dragged you out of your house to hang out on this park.

-Yep :D

-Huh... Deja vu.

-What do you mean? :C.

-Nothing, let's go.

I walked outside the park with Mildred up to the cross section of the street.

She walked away looking all happy and waving her hand to me while still looking in this direction while walking, I was half expecting her to strike something with her body not gonna lie.

the sun was still not coming out, the sky was full of clouds still, I got to thank whatever superior force is making this day more endurable.

I walked to my house without anything remarkable happening. Once I reached home and finally could change clothes I felt so relieved. Although, I was half expecting Mildred to call me in 5 minutes to tell me how much she misses me.

She didn't, but I did receive a call.

🎵Everybody wants to be my~🎵


-Hi Cecile, I hope I'm not wasting your vacations but I wanted to talk to you.

The way he said that made me worry about it being something important, I was scared that something happened to Faraday, but he said it so calmly that I managed to not succumb to panic.

-N-no Alan, go ahead. What happened?.

-Well actually nothing... it's just that....

"Tell her..."

I hear barely in the audio as if someone... a certain voice I know was with Alan at that moment.

-Well... I think it's better if she tells you herself.

"Wha-?! wait noo".

I hear the cellphone clashing with the bars of a cage, along sounds of "someone" trying to not grab the phone.

The "battle" stopped and the phone call is dead silent, so silent, that I can hear the breath of someone on the other side trying really hard not no make a sound.

-Faraday, I know it's you, come on, talk to me.

-... nnnngh


-I-I... I.... *sniff* m-m-m...

-Faraday are you okay?, you sound distressed.

I hear the phone being taken away from her. I expected that to be a work of Gustave that is torturing her as we speak, fortunately... sorta, it's not the case.

-Oh hi, it's me again, sorry it's just that... well she misses you a lot so when she heard your voice she... started crying.

- O-oh...

-And well, I wanted to call you because I told her I called you before and wanted me to tell you that she misses you a lot, and... I think you noticed that she really means that.

- I..I see... I miss her too, and... please be sure she calms down.

-I'll try to comfort her, don't worry. I think I know a recipe of pancakes that will dry those tears.

And between you and me Cecile, I would expect a really large hug when you come back to her you know?.

-Well at this point I'm kinda looking forward to it.

-Hehe, surely, I'm sorry to disturb you for nothing, please enjoy the rest of your day.

-Oh no you didn't, trust me I wanted to hear about you guys, I'm grateful you are both okay.

-We are, surprisingly, I hope it stays that way.

Anyway, I gotta go make something sweet for the little crying baby over here, I'll call you again when something else happens, see ya C', take care.

-Bye bye!.

*phone beep*

I stay still in my couch, looking at the black screen of my phone while my television barely illuminates the room. I grip the phone with force and impulsively hug it.

I guess...

I really miss her too...