Chapter <63>

Standing in a circle around the table these ten argonian men were all dressed in the same brown armour. They all also looked quite similar to each other, making it difficult to differentiate between them if not for the different lengths and colours of their hair.

They all had serious expressions and most were frowning whilst looking down at the map that had groups of figurines at different locations. The figurines were all different colours and looked different. Some looked like humans, others looked like elves, orcs, dwarves an even horses. It was a strategic layout of Terramis.

"With the way things are going, we may not be able to prevent a war from happening this time around."

Said one of them.

"It's been four thousand six hundred and ninety cycles. There's only three hundred and ten cycles to go before Venox looses his power. We've held this land peaceful for so long only to fail near the end?" Exclaimed another in bitterness and frustration.