Ch 19- Reunion

Aki had arrived on Moren star and met up with Sitka three days ago, they've kept their presence hidden while searching for Casey. The only other dragons they Brought to help search was the Richie family who have an engagement covenant with Casey.

The two families split up to search and cover more ground; unlike some of the other dragons who had arrived, they stayed in human form to hide as they searched. Making their search several times slower; after Aki and Sitka had been searching for three days they suddenly felt a wave of spiritual power that was steadily beating. Both their faces sank and they grew wings out of their backs and took off flying in that direction as fast as they could.

Mac and Ryien had been on high alert since Casey started emitting spiritual fluctuations.

"This means he's about to complete his growth phase, however with his power being emitted like this he's like a homing beacon, leading those nearby right to us. No doubt some dragons will feel it and find us soon, let's get camp packed up so we can flee as soon as possible". Ryien stared at the barrier apprehensively as he explained to Mac, who nodded in understanding and got to work.

As it turned to night Ryien could hear footsteps near their cave and wearily looked out. He saw a shadow fly down and yelled to Mac to prepare to fight.

They stood at the edge of the cave and raised a light to see their visitors; laying in front of the cave was a young golden dragon and two people popped out of the woods behind him. Each side stared at the other watching closely. The next moment the good dragon disappeared and a handsome youth with platinum blonde hair and gold eyes jumped around excitedly.

"Hey hey! He must be here! Are you two friends of my fiancé? Or are you, enemies?".

Hearing the dragon youth Mac and Ryien stared at him not sure how to respond, eventually, Mac raised his hand to his mouth and coughed. "Um. This may seem odd to ask but who is your fiancé?".

"Ahh, Casey of course! Our families have an engagement covenant that's still active! So he's my future wife". Mac and Ryien looked at each and Ryien rushed to speak next.

"Casey doesn't know and he probably wouldn't accept such a thing, we're not comfortable leaving him with someone who isn't family so please go and get them if you're so close".

The youth was mad hearing Ryiens insolent words and blew out a hot breath. "I sent them our coordinates; they are already on their way here. But I think it'd be boring to just sit in wait, so how bout a fight?".

Although he hadn't spoken to Mac and Ryien for long he felt their attitudes toward Casey weren't pure and felt threatened. But he didn't want to make a bad impression when he and Casey meet. So rather than killing them now, he figured he could give them a beating as a warning instead.

After finishing his words he darted toward Ryien and attacked; Ryien is very strong both physically and spiritually but he was barely a match for a young dragon. After fighting for a while, everyone stopped and saw three more dragons descending from the sky. The three members of the Richie family saw them and their faces sank.

"Alec, stop fighting that Nova and come here, the real fight is about to start". Alec's dad, the patriarch of the Richie family yelled to his young son. Alec turned back to Ryien (who had been thoroughly beaten) and Mac who sat motionless watching the fight (trying to hold back his grin).

"Listen up you two, these people are here to harm Casey. We could use some extra hands to help, if you still have any energy left that is". Alec sneered at the two of them and turned to help his parents.

The fight between the two sides dragged on until late into the night without either side conceding. Then Alec yelled out "father-in-law, mother-in-law we need help here!".

Mac and Ryien turned their heads to see who he was yelling at, then they saw two men with dragon wings land down. The two whispered to each other for a brief moment and then Aki transformed to join the fight while Sitka walked toward the cave Casey was in.

Ryien and Mac rushed over to intercept the unknown dragon. Sitka smiled lightly seeing their actions "you must be the trusted friends Casey mentioned. Thank you for protecting him for us during all this time, I'm his mother Sitka, it's a pleasure to meet you both".

Ryien saw the dragon in front of him speak gently and smiled lightly as he grabbed his hand; Ryien couldn't help but blush. Ryien had an obsession for dragons in general, seeing the beautiful man in front of him he could help wondering what Casey would look like and grinned like a fool.

Mac looked at him as if he was mentally retarded and spoke back to Sitka. "Hello Sitka I'm the one who took Casey in and has been raising him, my name is Mac. And this fool here is Ryien he's Mac's teacher on spiritual power and has been helping him train".

Sitka nodded in understanding, "can I see him?".

"Of course, you can, but you won't see much, he's surrounded by a silver barrier that can't be seen through". So the three of them went and sat by the barrier and waited. As the sky lightened and morning arrived the fight ended and now Mac, Ryien, and the Amos and Richie families gathered around the barrier in the cave watching it intently. As morning completely dawned the energy fluctuations stopped and the barrier fell to reveal a beautiful teenager lying inside.

Everyone around quietly stared and observed Casey's human form Casey had waist-length silvery white hair and fair skin. Everyone stared and Casey could subconsciously feel their gazes due to his raised spiritual awareness; his eyelashes started to flutter and tremble. He slowly opened his eyes and sat up Casey's eyes shined like a shiny jewel that reflected light, dark ruby red with gold flecks hiding inside. His eyes paired with the white of his skin and hair were particularly striking and Alec in the corner couldn't help but take a breath.

Casey slowly came out of his daze and realized he was surrounded by people he tried to stand up to move. However he was caught off guard and was not used to using two legs anymore so he lost balance and stumbled immediately, thankfully Mac reacted fast and caught him.

Casey then noticed something about him was wrong, he looked down and saw silky flawless white skin and hands. He noticed something blocking his Perifials and grabbed his long white hair. Casey looked up at Mac and his face flushed in excitement "I'm human now!!". Mac was glad he was the first one Casey wanted to speak to. He looked at him gently and patted his head "Mm, that's right you made it through the growth phase. You look very beautiful".

Casey's eyes curved into crescent hearing Mac's words and he showed a dazzling smile. "Thump thump".

Mac saw Casey's first smile as a human and felt his heart go bad, Casey was too much of a stunner and he stared at his smile in a daze. Mac looked down and then recalled that Casey was naked, he turned his head back. "Does anyone have spare clothes? It's not appropriate to leave him like this".

Alec sped over and took a set of clothes out of his space button and eagerly stared at Casey.

"Thank you" Casey didn't know this handsome young man but Mac and Ryien approved of him so he must be good and his attitude was very welcoming so Casey shyly thanked him.

Alec felt his heart trembling "ahhhhh why is my wife so cute!" He was squealing to himself internally and gave Casey the warmest smile he could muster.

After Casey was dressed he turned around and finally took a close look at the people in the cave. Then his eyes stopped and widened as tears started to grow in his eyes. He patted Mac's hand and gently walked towards Aki and Sitka; Casey fiddled with his hands as he stood in front of them. Before he could say anything Sitka reached out and held him tightly in his arms and started sobbing. Everyone else backed away to give the separated family space for their reunion.

After a short minute Aki spoke up "everyone although this is an exciting moment, we should leave now. The energy fluctuations of Casey probably spread a quarter the distance of this planet. If we don't leave soon we'll definitely have more visitors than last night showing up".

Sitka looked toward Ryien and Mac "if you don't mind, would you come with us? You can ride on my back". Ryien nodded like a fool and Mac glanced over at Casey, Casey met his eyes and spoke up. "Mac can ride on me, I'm definitely big enough to carry him".

Aki scolded him "you would stand out too much if you change forms, you are the one who needs to be hidden the most right now. You ride with them on your mother, change to your dragon form, and make yourself small enough to hide in one of their arms".

Casey listened obediently and transformed into a large silver dragon; Mac and Ryien were shocked by how big Casey became after his growth phase. He also looked a bit different; next to his two blue horns, two small silver horns loomed, looking quite majestic.

Casey looked at his fathers "umm how do I make myself smaller?". Meanwhile, while Casey was looking at his parents Alec stared at him and gold scales started to appear on his neck and arms; he thought he may go into estrus on the spot. Casey was beautiful in human form and his dragon form was even more so to Alec. He had to dig his nails in his hands to calm himself down.

After a few minutes of instruction Casey finally shrank into the small dragon Mac and Ryien were used to. He gently lifted his wings and glided into mac arms and nuzzled against him as usual. Mac smiled and rubbed his head, Aki and Sitka watched this scene and felt a bit jealous that their son didn't act spoiled towards them.

After everyone was ready the group set off to head towards the area where they hid their spaceships, adult dragons fly several times faster than adolescents. So what would have been a five-day flight for Casey the adults of the two families finished in two days.

The two families talked with each other and decided they can't just leave the planet yet so they turned on stealth shielding and drove their spacecraft to the opposite side of the planet and camouflaged them. After feeling assured Aki and Sitka called everyone to sit in a conference room on their spaceship. Casey stayed in Mac's arms as they sat down and several eyes in the room were looking at Mac with envy.

"Casey let me introduce you, these are our close family friends, the Richie family. Alec here is the same age as you technically, you were laid the same year". Aki decided to withhold the fact of the engagement covenant for the moment.

Aki then started to talk about everything that transpired that year he was born, from the oracle to him getting taken. He also told him that one of his grandmothers disappeared searching for him that year and never returned. Casey listened intently and felt like his heart had been stabbed, his eyes were downcast and teary.

He raised his head to Sitka and Aki "it must have been very hard for you". The two fathers teared up and walked over then held their child tightly, "it was worth it to be able to meet you now Casey, sorry we were late". Casey shook his head and the two continued the story and told him all the information they knew about his disappearance and how they searched for him. It took a long time to finish explaining and everyone listened to Sitka and Aki intently.